The Republic is so violent

Chapter 34 The Glorious Generation of the Green Forest

Chapter 34 The Glorious Generation of the Green Forest (7)
Hirayama Zhou, Kita Ikki and Wada Saburo were reprimanded, saying that they "disregarded justice", "undermined the group", and "invaded the interior, almost causing the overall situation to collapse".

Sun Wen announced: In the future, all the affairs of the Tongmenghui will be handed over to Tozo Miyazaki alone. No matter whether it is the Tongmenghui or Hirayama Zhou and others, they will not be allowed to know:
Not only Pingshan, Bei, and Hetian count sons, but they must not be heard.

This is good, Sun Wen is so angry that he will play without the League, and Miyazaki Tozo will be alone.

From the perspective of Zhang Binglin, Song Jiaoren, Tao Chengzhang, and Zhang Ji, the anti-Sun factions, it is just fine if you, Sun Wen, don't take us to play, and we don't take you to play, so let Huang Xing be elected prime minister.

However, the supporters of the Sun faction in the League were dumbfounded, such as Liu Kuiyi, who hurriedly wrote to Hu Hanmin, reminding Hu Hanmin that "all parties are guilty, and I am guilty"-Sun Wen was also at fault, so he suggested that Sun Wen Everyone takes the blame and apologizes, so as to maintain the unity of the Tongmenghui.

Sun Wen said: Let me admit my mistake?Easy, let Song Jiaoren and the others admit their mistakes in front of me first!

Inner-party disputes can only be resolved by facts, and there is no reason to blame them.

Look at Sun Wen's stubborn temper, there is no room for compromise or relaxation.

Zhang Binglin was so desperate that he made a weird decision-go to India and become a monk!
But how to get to India?Sun Wen took all the money.

Then borrow money!
Who can I borrow from?

Look for Zhang Zhidong first, if you can’t get in touch, then find Duanfang, the most perverted weirdo in the Qing Dynasty—look at these weirdos Zhang Binglin found, but Zhang Binglin also has his own reasons. Revolution is justice, and borrowing money is personal friendship. You can beat me, but I'm going to become a monk, so you should pay some money—write five letters in a row, entrusting Liu Shipei and his young daughter-in-law He Zhen to contact Duanfang, the governor of Hunan.

After receiving five letters from Zhang Binglin, Liu Shipei and his wife acted immediately, photocopied all five letters, and sent them to Huang Xing and others.Moreover, He Zhen also wrote an exposing letter, exposing Zhang Binglin as a traitor in the League.

The letter said:
... Zhang Binglin, named Jiang, styled Taiyan, also styled Meishu, nicknamed Modi, Xishou, and Zaijiao, was born in Yuhang, Zhejiang.The baby sheep is crazy, and it still lacks two front teeth...

Good guy, this little girl He Zhen insisted on getting it, and she even revealed that Zhang Binglin had goat horns and lost two front teeth when he was a child.

Isn't Liu Shipei an ideological mentor?Didn't their young couple have a particularly good relationship with Zhang Binglin, and they even lived together?How could there be such an incompatibility all of a sudden?
This matter... Speaking of it, it is probably the real reason why Liu Shipei, the ideological teacher, was lost in the depths of history.

(26) Who is the murderer?
Historians explained: Liu Shipei struggled for a long time, but he did not become the prime minister of the Tongmenghui. Said that in the future, he will change his mind, start a new life, and work hard for the court...

Liu Shipei had indeed taken refuge in Duanfang, but that alone was not enough to explain why the husband and wife insisted on getting along with Zhang Binglin. After all, they lived under the same roof and ate in the same pot. How could they expose Zhang Binglin's lack of front teeth? to what extent?
To say that Zhang Binglin has no front teeth means to imply that Zhang Binglin is a shameless (tooth) person.

What kind of shameless act did Zhang Binglin do?


The great suspense in the depths of history!

Kobe's "Nihua Xinbao" published the conclusion of Zhang Binglin's personality evaluation: Zhang's daily morality, but his personal morality is the same!Alas!The Zhang family is over!
Zhang Binglin and Liu Shipei had a falling out after the "socialism seminar", and the fight was extremely fierce. He Zhen's cousin Wang Gongquan joined the battle and threatened to "go in with a white knife and come out with a red knife" with Zhang Binglin, so Zhang Binglin hid If you go out, you are afraid that you will really get stabbed, that is no joke.

Brothers from the Tongmenghui came to try to persuade Zhang Binglin to fight, and asked Zhang Binglin why he fell out with Liu Shipei and his wife.

Zhang Binglin kept silent and did not utter a single word.

Ask Liu Shipei and his wife again, but they also refuse to say.

Friends turn against each other, even to the point where a white knife goes in and a red knife comes out, but they just refuse to tell the reason. This incident is really curious.

Such a mysterious incident occurred in the revolutionary party, and colleagues in the Chinese theater circle could not sit still any longer. In Guangzhou, there was a "live drama" scene called "Zhang Binglin's Monk":
(Comrades sweep the board and sing)

Zhang Binglin gave up,

Lifetime ambition.

Seeing that among the Han people, there are few helpers.

Wear cassock, sit on a futon, regardless of ancestors.

Even if you don't read it, all compatriots, you should read your wives and children.

What's more, I'm in that country, and I've wasted my time in the country.

Look at comrades, be enthusiastic, and stop being a pagoda.

(Zhang Binglin singing in the middle)

Therefore, I got rid of three thousand troubles and forced me to invite an eminent monk to come to Tokyo to have my hair shaved.

I am not right, presiding over the world-weary escape into the Buddhist gate and loving the pure land of love, the Chinese Mo Yukengu so escaped from Zen, from now on I will manage the chaos and ignore the rise and fall, enter the monks, and participate in the Buddha's beiye kung fu.


Looking at the quarrel in the Tongmenghui, which actually promoted the development of Chinese theater, it really makes people wonder what is good about them.

This matter is not over yet, Liu Shipei's family and the Tongmenghui have become enmity. First, Liu Shipei and his wife He Zhen left Tokyo angrily and returned to China, leaving his brother-in-law Wang Gongquan in Tokyo to continue to trouble Zhang Binglin.

Since then, there have been many suspicious cases in the Tongmenghui. First, there was an arson case. Someone secretly set a fire to burn down the "Minbao" newspaper office where Zhang Binglin was the editor-in-chief.Afterwards, when everyone was still in shock, another case of poisoned tea occurred. Someone secretly poisoned the tea in an attempt to poison Zhang Binglin.

The principal culprits in these two criminal cases are both Liu Shipei's brother-in-law Wang Gongquan!
From this we can conclude that the problem between Zhang Binglin and Liu Shipei must be a personal grievance, not a public enmity.

If it was a public enmity and a difference in political views between the two parties, then Wang Gongquan had no reason to go in with Zhang Binglin and come out with a red knife.

The fault was not being able to tell others about the personal grievances, and the personal grievances were due to He Zhen, not Liu Shipei - if the brother-in-law had an enmity with someone, it would not be the turn of the brother-in-law to set fire and poison, and if this matter When it comes to his sister, Wang Gongquan's behavior can find a reasonable explanation.

Liu Shipei and his wife betrayed the revolution, but Cai Yuanpei spoke for him:

Uncle Liu Shen, my younger brother is very close to Jiao Qi, he is indeed a teacher and a bookworm.

So what happened between Zhang Binglin and He Zhen?
do not know!
The person involved refused to explain it during his lifetime, so we can't make wild guesses. Anyway, we only know that the alliance is a bit too chaotic, and it is no longer enough to support the uprising soldiers such as Wang Heshun who are fighting in the bloody battle in Qinzhou.

(27) Lost Revolutionary Army

The Tokyo League will fight together, rebels rebel, monks become monks, no one cares about Wang Heshun.As a result, Wang Heshun wandered around the outskirts of Qinzhou every day, turning around and around, and he suddenly thought of a genius idea.

Instead of going to Guangxi, just take Qinzhou here.

The leader of the Qing army in Qinzhou City is Guo Renzhang, and Huang Xing... Get rid of them!
If you want to seize Qinzhou, you must first go to the defense city. This is the essence of military strategists.So Wang Heshun led his brothers to rush to Fangcheng, and saw a Qing army coming to kill the general. Liu Yongde, the left sentry chief of the Hengzi Battalion of the Qing army, was leading the team. He Shun rushed over: dear friends, I have found an organization, and I will follow you from now on...

Wang Heshun was overjoyed, and ordered Liu Yongde to be the pioneer, and continued to run forward.

The first young general in the front was Li Zhikun, the right sentry officer of the Hengzi Battalion of the Qing Army. Li Zhikun saw that the sentry commander Liu Yongde had jumped over and was immediately promoted to the vanguard. Take the vanguard first, run into Fangcheng, if you win Song Zheyuan, the county magistrate, then do more calculations.

There is no bloodshed.

This is the first time in history that the revolutionary army has captured the county seat.

I have worked so hard many times before, but I have never left the village, but this time is different.

Song Zheyuan, the county magistrate, was escorted up. As soon as he saw Wang Heshun, he opened his arms warmly: My dear ones, I see you all day long today...

Song Zheyuan strongly demanded to join the ranks of the revolutionary army, and took the initiative to offer advice to take Qinzhou for the revolutionary army.

His plan was as follows: Wang Heshun led some soldiers to ambush outside the city of Qinzhou in advance, assigned some soldiers to Song Zheyuan, and then disguised some soldiers as prisoners. Song Zheyuan rode on a horse and took the soldiers to escort the prisoners to Qinzhou, he is the magistrate of Fangcheng County, Qinzhou will definitely let him enter the city, and when he enters the gate of the city, he will suddenly take down the soldiers guarding the gate and send a signal.

Wang Heshun was elated when he heard it, but he was a little worried. Could it be that this Fangcheng is full of revolutionaries?Why didn't these revolutionary parties come out to help?

Uneasy, Wang Heshun discussed with Liang Shaoting, the assistant Sun Wen sent to him.

Liang Shaoting did not like Song Zheyuan, because he had followed Sun Wen's order to persuade Song Zheyuan to start a revolution, but Song Zheyuan not only refused to follow, but detained him instead.Therefore, Liang Shaoting must take revenge for being detained.

So Liang Shaoting suggested that regardless of whether Song Zheyuan was sincerely revolutionary, he should kill all his family members first.

If Song Zheyuan pretended to be a revolution and killed his whole family, he would have nothing to say.

But what if Song Zheyuan really wanted revolution?
A revolution means bloodshed. If Song Zheyuan really wants to participate in the revolution, is he still afraid of bloodshed?
Song Zheyuan has been murdered all over his family. Whether this person is a double-headed person or really supports the revolution has become an eternal mystery since then.

Killing Song, Zheyuan, old and young, Wang Heshun couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do about it, the people who were killed would not survive.

Depressed, Wang Heshun gave the order to dispatch all of them to attack Qinzhou with me starry night!
At this time, the revolutionary army had thousands of people, and they were running in starry nights, running and running, running and running... After running for most of the night, everyone discovered one thing:

be lost!
So where the hell is Qinzhou City?

(28) Brothers turn their faces like flipping books
(End of this chapter)

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