Chapter 41
(1) Men are afraid of their wives
When Ni Yingdian was fighting the bloody battle alone, the Tongmenghui was secretly negotiating with Manqing. This time, there were also black dragons who would stir up trouble inside and fight again.

The earliest contact person was Cheng Jiatun—the Cheng Jiatun who wrote articles to recruit all the students studying in Japan to return to China to start a revolution. His articles were beautifully written and he liked social activities, which aroused the secret love of a beautiful sister.

This beautiful younger sister is a member of a high-ranking cadre family, and she is the daughter of Rongkai, the in-law of Shanqi, Prince Lusu, an important minister in the court.

So the revolutionary party and the Manchu relatives tied the knot.

After getting married, Cheng Jiatong went to Liu Kuiyi, a brother of the Tongmenghui, and handed over 1 yuan to Liu Kuiyi for Tieliang, on the condition that:
——Don’t kill the Manchurians, let’s reunite the five races.

——If the Revolutionary Party cannot agree to this condition, then the next best thing is to kill ordinary Manchurians, not officials.

——If the Revolutionary Party does not agree to the second condition, then take another step back and let the Revolutionary Party kill other officials, but don’t kill Tieliang, Tieliang is not easy...

Cheng Jiatun was only interested in negotiating conditions with Liu Kui, but he didn't want his brother to be targeted.

The person who was following him was named Liu Guanghan.

Who is this Liu Guanghan?
To put it bluntly, it is really boring, Liu Guanghan is Liu Shipei, a master of thought.Since he used the pseudonym Liu Guanghan to write articles, as time went by, Liu Guanghan gradually became a brand name, and no one knew who Liu Shipei was, so he possessed the name Liu Guanghan for a long time.

Since Liu Shipei is the only one among the party members who has his own thoughts, it is because his brain is really not simple.As early as Cheng's family was happy to form a happy relationship with the Manchu relatives, Liu Shipei knew that Lao Cheng and his wife would stand in the same camp sooner or later, this was no suspense for Liu Shipei.

Because Liu Shipei is notoriously afraid of his wife, a man who is not afraid of his wife, what kind of man is he?
But whether Cheng Jiatan was afraid of his wife, it seemed that this matter had nothing to do with him, Liu Shipei, right?


It is related, and it is greatly related!

What's the matter?

Business competition relationship - At this time, Liu Shipei has already won the attention of leaders at all levels of the court, and the one who pays the most attention to this young man is Duan Fang, Governor of Liangjiang.Long before Duanfang secretly photographed the little widow of Longyu and was caught on the spot, Duanfang had already ordered Liu Shipei: See what difficulties the revolutionaries have, whether they are short of money or not?If you need money, just talk.

Duan Fang is willing to pay the Revolutionary Party, just like Tie Liang, with three conditions:
The first one: Can the party members give up violence, don't kill the Manchus, how about the republic of the five races?
If it doesn't work, then only kill the Manchu people, not the leaders, after all, it is not easy to train a cadre...

If it doesn't work... just kill other leaders, don't kill me Duanfang, this should be fine, right?

Tie Liang, the most powerful figure in the Manchu court, showed weakness to the revolutionaries and asked for favors, because they were the most knowledgeable in the Manchu camp, and they knew that the building would collapse, so they wanted to protect themselves.

But in this way, Tieliang's personal representative Cheng Jiatong and Duanfang's personal representative Liu Shipei formed a competition in the business field.

According to Liu Shipei, Cheng Jiatam's intelligence was obviously a little bit worse.Liu Shipei discovered Cheng Jiatuo as a competitor, but Cheng Jiatuo did not find Liu Shipei.

That would be the Cheng family's fate.

So two Japanese, Kita Ikki and Kiyoshi Koshiro from the Black Dragon Society, went to the hotel to look for Cheng Jiatuo. It is said that the three brothers are all brothers and members of the same gang, but now they are talking, and the two sides are hesitating. It wasn't until the end that they figured it out. The two Japanese just wanted to figure out one thing. How much was the imperial court's reward for Sun Wen's head? , the brothers of the Black Dragon Society are also poor ghosts, and they have long been thinking about making a fortune...

After we chatted, the two Japanese friends left. Cheng Jiatong hurriedly breathed with Liu Kuiyi, Song Jiaoren and others. Just after the breath was finished, the two Japanese came back and invited Old Cheng to go out for a sit-down, and the old Cheng followed. In a secluded place, while walking, he was accidentally kicked by two Japanese, threw him to the ground, and then took off the pull board on his feet, just smashed him facelessly.

Cheng Jiatun was beaten terribly, desperately screaming for help. After shouting for a long time, he saw several policemen running over. The two Japanese ran away with bare feet. Cheng Jiatun suffered a head injury and was hospitalized for treatment.

Liu Shipei's means of vicious competition aroused the disgust of the Tokyo League, and the balance of the party members quickly tilted towards Tieliang and opposed Duanfang. Liu Shipei was bored, so he went to Duanfang's place for dinner with his wife.

(2) Seeking medical treatment in a hurry
Since then, the Red Dragon Project of the Tongmenghui has suffered setbacks in the United States.

Since then, the restoration society's brothel plan has been frustrated in China.

The Red Dragon Project of the League was initiated by the American Homer?Lee and Charles?Booth proposed that Sun Wen suspend the military operations in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China, accumulate strength, reserve talents, borrow from the New York consortium, give the loaned money to the Americans, and let the Americans help the League to train military personnel. Then wait for the last ten or eight years before plotting a big move.

According to this plan, the Americans had to raise 17 million yuan within 350 months and pay it to Sun Wen in four installments. For this reason, the three also set up a "syndicate", according to Qilei?Mr. Jiang's "Aborted US-China Plan for the Chinese Revolution" records that 17 months later, Sun Wen urgently called Charles?Booth asked the other party to pay the first payment quickly.

Charles?With the optimism unique to Americans, Booth wrote back to Sun Wen:
So far we have had very satisfying encouragement.

This is definitely good news.

It's just that Sun Wen didn't see a penny.

Telegram again, Charles?Booth's side is more optimistic, but still has no money.

Received Charles in a row?After many optimistic telegrams from Booth, Sun Wen asked the Yankee if he could tell the truth.
On September 1910, 9, Sun Wen's Syndicate held a meeting. At this meeting, Charles?Mr. Booth wanted Sun Wen to understand that he had "spared no effort or expense to obtain the desired result".But in the end, he didn't get a cent of the money, so how could he be blamed?

Sun Wen had no choice but to give up the Red Dragon Project.

On the side of the Restoration Society, Tao Chengzhang, the second in command, has a great plan. He is thinking about opening the world's largest brothel in Beijing.

According to the project book, the girls in this brothel should be the most beautiful in the world, even if they are even a little bit less beautiful, that's not acceptable.

Also, the most important thing is that all the girls in this brothel must have diseases... venereal diseases!

It's not enough if the disease is mild, but it's too serious, such as the late stage of AIDS, it's not appropriate...

According to Mr. Wei Lan's "Mr. Tao Huanchao's Statement" records: Lao Tao's plan is that this world's largest brothel is dedicated to serving leaders at all levels of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Severe venereal diseases, such as this... there are divisions, the leaders of big brothels all fall ill, and the small trick party members succeed lightly... then the success of the revolution is just around the corner.

Guess, how is the big brothel run by Tao Chengzhang doing now?

...The brothel failed to open in the end because the feasibility was too poor. Where can we find so many beautiful girls?If you have the ability to get so many beautiful girls, why are you still making revolution?It is precisely because they can't get a beautiful girl that everyone is angry and revolutionized...

He even thought of such a trick as a big brothel, which shows how desperate and embarrassing the recovery will be at this time.

In short, it is urgent to go to the doctor!

Like the above two things, everyone can talk about it behind closed doors. Don’t shout out, otherwise it will affect the heroic image of the party members...

But no matter what, the leaders of the two organizations couldn't get money, and they both thought that the reason why they couldn't get money was because of the other party's tricks...

So continue to attack each other.

In the new round of attacks, Sun Wen's Alliance will fall into a situation of being beaten passively, probably because many members of the Alliance are indeed a bit outrageous, there are some who eat and drink, and some who gamble and prostitute. As for these people Who is it, because of face, try not to mention the name when everyone quarrels...

The most terrible thing is that the Restoration Society has been engaged in round after round in China, and each round has aroused fierce social repercussions, but the Tongmenghui is silent. Finally, there is a Ni Yingdian who sacrificed his life for righteousness. Ni Yingdian was also killed by Tong Changbiao, who was also from the Tongmenghui, which made it difficult for the Tongmenghui to speak clearly, which was extremely embarrassing.

When the anti-Sun frenzy surged again, the Tongmenghui was almost silent, and everyone lay in ambush, listening to Tao Chengzhang scolding Sun Wen.Scold it, scold it, it won't kill anyone anyway...

Just cursing and cursing like this, finally one person couldn't stand it anymore.

Wang Jingwei!
He said: I want to return home to assassinate.

Someone from the League finally stood up.

Hu Hanmin was terrified. He tried his best to dissuade Wang Jingwei from giving up this idea, but Wang Jingwei had already spoken, and he vowed to never return.

In desperation, Hu Hanmin hurried to find Sun Wen, and said to Sun Wen: Wang Jingwei is not a talent for assassination, but a talent for propaganda. It is not appropriate to send him back to China to carry out assassinations.

Sun Wen said nothing.

Why doesn't he speak?

It's very simple, you said Wang Jingwei is not suitable, so can you please find a suitable one?
Whoever goes is right, this world has always been like this.

(3) Undirected assassination
Why does the League have thousands of people, but only one Wang Jingwei comes out when it comes to formal occasions?
This rationale is clearly explained, and it may be very disappointing.

Because Wang Jingwei is a relatively pure person, and to put it bluntly, he is a bit precious.When other people join the League, they position themselves as doing logistics work well. Front-line work, such as assassination or uprising, is handed over to other brothers. If Tao Chengzhang likes to scold them, let him scold them, just ignore him— —I will take the blame and sacrifice you.Only this Wang Jingwei was more serious and thin-skinned, and Tao Chengzhang couldn't stand it after scolding a few words.

If you can't bear the scolding, then take on the important task of saving the country!

Wang Jingwei was ready to act when he received a wonderful gift.

Chen Bijun, the daughter of Chen Gengji, a wealthy overseas Chinese businessman in Nanyang, presented herself as a gift to Wang Jingwei.

Chen Bijun is a young girl in the League, known as "Fat Ring", she is slightly fat, but beautiful and cute. She has been obsessed with Wang Jingwei for more than a day, but Wang Jingwei, a weirdo, claimed that the revolution was unsuccessful, and he did not talk about the relationship between men and women , but he is now going to engage in assassination, which is life and death, so the matter of children's affair is out of his control.

The love affair between Wang Jingwei and Chen Bijun dilutes the bloody smell of the revolutionary era and brings people endless associations. It is also because of the unparalleled demeanor of the man and the amazing beauty of the woman. Both are talented and full of ideals. The romantic color of doctrine is tantamount to making a big advertisement for the revolutionary party invisibly, so that the League will appear in front of the world with an image of infinite glory.

So Wang Jingwei began to form a small-scale assassination group, planning four members:

Wang Jingwei and Huang Fusheng were responsible for the assassination.

Yu Peilun, who was in charge of researching the bomb, was alone.

It should be Li Zhongshi who is in charge of Tokyo's outreach affairs - because he was one of the assassins when the assassination group was established in Tokyo, and when the assassination group started to operate, this guy kept a low profile.

But this small assassination group expanded rapidly. First, Chen Bijun took the initiative to join in, and she was willing to die together with Wang Jingwei.

Then two bloody women Zeng Xing and Fang Junying joined in, bringing the number of assassination groups to seven.

The first step of the assassination plan: research the bomb.

When the assassination decision was made, the research on the bomb was started. It can be seen that there is a big problem with the organizational setup of the Tongmenghui. Then why didn't Sun Wen say that an ordnance research department should be established as soon as possible?

Probably because there is no money, but if there is money, what advanced bombs can't be bought?Who would bother to start research from scratch?

In any case, at the end of the toss, Yu Peilun's bomb finally became famous.

Then came the second step of the plan: who can get some travel expenses?

Shouldn't the travel expenses be given by the League?
Where did the League get the money? All your revolutionary actions are at your own expense. This is the most difficult thing for revolutionaries.

Fortunately, there is also Chen Bijun, the daughter of a wealthy businessman here, so I will trouble this girl when it comes to money.

When Chen Bijun returned home, he lied to his parents and got out a sum of money, so that the expenses for the activities of the assassination group would be settled. You can't find a revolutionary partner who is as beautiful as Chen Bijun and is willing to pay for you.

Revolution is also hard work that costs money. Only revolutionaries know this best.

Once the funds are available, it is the third step of the plan: write letters to relatives and friends to say goodbye.This puts a very high requirement on the quality of revolutionaries. Your writing skills are better, but your writing skills are too poor. You have lost your life for a long time, and everyone thinks you are an ordinary criminal.

After the letter is written, it is the fourth step of the plan: choosing the target.

Who to choose?

Of course, he is the most powerful figure in the imperial court nowadays.

Who is this guy?
Admiral Li Zhun of the Guangdong Navy.This guy just sent someone to settle Ni Yingdian's uprising, he is the most hated figure in the League, and there is another advantage in bombing Wang Jingwei - long before Wang Jingwei went to Japan, he was hired by Li Zhun as a tutor because of his outstanding talent, so It should be very easy for Wang Jingwei to kill Li Zhun.

But Li Zhun was quickly ruled out, because it was said that Duan Fang had come, so everyone changed their minds and planned to assassinate Duan Fang.

But the target, Duanfang, was soon abandoned because Hu Hanmin came, and Hu Hanmin strongly demanded that Wang Jingwei stay in Hong Kong or return to Tokyo. With such a request, time was delayed again, and Duanfang's whereabouts had long since disappeared, so he was assassinated The regiment changed its target again.

Let's go to Beijing, whoever gets caught is bad luck.

Finally, the assassination made such a decision.

(4) Do not engage in terrorism

Wang Jingwei, Chen Bijun, Huang Fusheng and Yu Peilun, the four members of the assassination group entered Beijing.

Open a photo studio first, and get a legitimate job as a cover.

It just so happened that Zai Tao and Zai Xun, the two princes, had just returned from inspecting the navy in Europe. This is considered a major event in the country, so the assassination team stopped picking and picking, and just bombed these two brothers.

When the day came, Wang Jingwei and Huang Fusheng rushed to Qianmen Railway Station with bombs in their hands.When I got to the place, I saw, my good fellow, I saw densely packed black people with flower feathers all over the world, and yellow robes and jackets. They turned out to be leading officials at all levels who came to pick up the station. With so many Qing court officials, which two are the ones who are carrying them? What about Tao and Zaixun?
Wang Jingwei didn't know him, and neither did Huang Fusheng.

What if I don’t know each other?
There are so many senior leaders here, how about throwing a bomb casually and receiving earth-shattering effects?
No, no, no, the revolutionaries only bomb clear targets, and bomb whoever is caught, that is terrorism, it is wrong, and it is extremely inappropriate.

So Wang Jingwei and Huang Fusheng returned disappointed, they didn't want to bomb Zai Tao Zai Xun anymore, they didn't have much reputation, so why not bomb Qing Prince Lao Qing, this guy is very famous.

Wang Jingwei and Huang Fusheng excitedly went to Lao Qing's house again, but the guards in front of Lao Qing's house were heavily guarded and they couldn't get close to them. The two were annoyed and said: "Then don't bomb Lao Qing, instead bomb the Regent Prince Zaifeng!"
This time it's for real!
Wang Jingwei went back and said to Chen Bijun: "Xiao Chen, I don't plan to live any longer. You have to think carefully about your plan. You are still young...

Chen Bijun said: I am not here to assassinate the regent, I am here to love you, and I am willing to share life and death with you. If both of us survive, I am willing to dedicate everything to you and be yours. Wife, I hope you can promise me.

Wang Jingwei was moved by Chen Bijun's true feelings, and nodded in agreement.

start to act!
Dianmen ambush!
After a day of ambushes, the regent returned home from court, and Wang Jingwei and Huang Fusheng did not see him either.Even seeing a shadow is useless, there are so many guards that you can't rely on yourself at all.

It was changed to Ganshui bridge to set up an ambush.

Ganshui Bridge, the only way for Prince Regent Zaifeng to go home, a bomb was set under the bridge, which was detonated with a fuse, and then let him fly into the air with a bang.

Wang Jingwei and Yu Peilun went to dig a hole under the Ganshui Bridge in the middle of the night and planted the bomb. Everything went well... But the lead wire was too short, so they had to dig out the bomb again and wait until dawn to buy the lead wire.

The next day, the fuse was long enough. This time it was Huang Fusheng who was in charge of digging the hole and planting the bomb. Old Huang was busy when he unexpectedly walked across the bridge.

Who is this person?Why did he stay up in the middle of the night and come to such a secluded place in a panic?

It turned out that the person who came was an ordinary citizen in Beijing. This brother had a hard life. His wife had eloped with an adulterer. The brother was very angry, so he went out to look for it. Suddenly he saw a figure swaying under the bridge. Could it be the adulterer who kidnapped my wife?Otherwise, why did he crawl under the bridge in the middle of the night and move around?Just go up and check it out.

Seeing someone coming to check, Huang Fusheng dropped the bomb and fled in a hurry.

Seeing that Huang Fusheng had escaped, the old man didn't chase after him, but just jumped off the bridge to see what was buried.This guy was a bit knowledgeable, he recognized the bomb at a glance, and he was extremely vigilant, without any hesitation, leaving his wife and adulterer behind, and went straight to the patrol station.


The vigilance of the people in the capital is simply high.

(5) Revolutionary PARTY
The assassination group held their breath and hid for a long time, but there was no movement, so they moved again.

Yu Peilun returned to Japan to buy explosives.

Chen Bijun and Li Zhongshi—Isn’t he here? Why do you say that he is low-key—go to Hong Kong to see if he can get some more money. The five of them live and eat in Beijing. The consumption is too expensive. The cost of this assassination is really high. is too high.

Only Wang Jingwei and Huang Fusheng stayed.

Find newspapers.

(End of this chapter)

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