The Republic is so violent

Chapter 66 Fighting Great Wuchang

Chapter 66 Fighting Great Wuchang (2)
Now you know what a revolution is, right?Revolution means that those who can't work, can't work, and don't want to work, all come to force those of us who are able to work... If you want to make a revolution, go for the revolution, can't I just find a hole to get in?
But this life, if you don't change it for them, it won't work.Because people who shout for revolution can't revolutionize their lives at all-if they really have the ability to revolutionize, they don't need revolution. Why don't they make a fortune and have a fat belly?It is precisely because they can't do anything, and there is nothing left to eat, so they came up with a reason for the revolution.

After the revolution, they can use the bowls and chopsticks to eat your meal, and then let you go to the revolution for them.If you don’t tan them, they will slap you, and if you bite the bullet and do it for them, you’ll either be like He Xifan who doesn’t know what to do, or you’ll be shot like Zhang Jingliang.But I didn't want to be half dead, and I didn't want to be killed by them for some reason, so I had to hide.

Jiang Mingjing cried while talking: Don't force me, if you force me again, I will kill you - then you will regret it!

(5) Sun Wen’s younger brother is called Sun Wu
Jiang Jingming would rather get into a mouse hole than come out to make a revolution.

Due to the lack of experienced commanders and experts, the bloody battle in Hankou is becoming more and more uncertain. At present, there is no one on the entire front for unified dispatch, and the soldiers are fighting on their own. They can only hold the existing positions. Thousands of people have died.Dazhi Gate, Liujia Garden, Outer Yan Railway, Huayang Street, Shuitan, Qiaokou and other places were all lost.

In the three towns of Wuchang, there were many rumors that the Qing government wanted to call Yuan Shikai out of the mountain to come to Wuhan to suppress the revolution.Yuan Shikai is a man with extraordinary military talents, and his subordinates are even more talented... When the news came out, the three towns of Wuhan suddenly fell into despair and panic.

If Xiangcheng goes out, who will fight for it?
In the panic, Wuchang's "Da Han Bao" published a message:
News report: Mr. Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the revolution, is handling diplomatic affairs abroad.

As this news came out, a four-person sedan chair appeared on the streets of Wuchang, and several gunmen surrounded the people in the sedan chair. Wherever they passed, the people in the sedan chair stretched out their hands to greet the curious pedestrians on the road. :
Hello folks, I am Sun Wuye, Sun Wen’s younger brother, I am ordered by my brother Nai to greet you...

When I looked carefully, the person in the sedan chair had a white bandage on his head and a tanned face. Someone recognized him and exclaimed: "Is there any mistake? Aren't you Sun Wu, the leader of the Gongjin Association? Injured by the did he become Sun Wen's younger brother again?

Sun Wu sternly said: I am Sun Wen's younger brother, how about he is called Sun Wen and I am Sun Wu?Really, I don't lie to you, it's a puppy.

A passer-by asked: Then why did you get into the sedan chair and not go to Hankou to fight?

Sun Wu couldn't tell the embarrassment: Look at you, it's true that which pot can't be opened and which pot can't be lifted. Is my ass blown up by a bomb? I have no choice but to sit in a sedan chair.

In short, in order to inspire the enthusiasm of the soldiers and civilians in the three towns of Wuhan to continue the revolution, the revolutionaries have resorted to various tricks and tricks, which has reached an unbelievable level.

Seeing that the tide of the Great Revolution was about to ebb, a team wearing white coats and flying the Red Cross flag, led by Ms. Zhang Zhujun from the Shanghai Lions Club, boarded a ship from Shanghai and went to Wuchang for humanitarian assistance.The Lions Club is a neutral group recognized in Europe and the United States. It does not care about political goals, but only saves lives and heals the wounded. In the midst of war, no one is allowed to attack this team.

When the river boat arrived in Hankou, several doctors and nurses took off their white coats, set foot on the land of Hankou, and said loudly: Comrades in Wuchang, you have worked hard.

A group of guards fired guns at the ferry port to welcome them. Four other soldiers each rode tall horses, each holding a banner, and ran towards the four directions of Wuchang City. On the banner were written three large characters:

Huang Xing is here!
Who is Huang Xingdao?
Coming is the soul of the Revolutionary Party, Huang Xing of the Tongmenghui, and his companion, his wife Xu Zonghan, and the Japanese Black Dragon Association Miaofeng Envoy Kayano Changzhi.

Huang Xing came at this time.

He will start a duel with Feng Guozhang, the titan under Yuan Shikai's account, and with his own defeat, he will achieve the prestige of Feng Guozhang I.

(6) All revolutionary expenses shall be borne by oneself

Huang Xing arrived in Wuhan and served as the commander-in-chief of the Hankou People's Army, which greatly boosted the hearts of the Wuchang army and people.

Because Li Yuanhong lied to the people of Wuhan with his eyes wide open: Huang Xing came here and brought ten thousand fresh troops, so that the students who are fighting bloody battles on the front line can breathe a sigh of relief.But in fact Huang Xing only brought thousands of people.

However, it cannot be said that Li Yuanhong lied. In his life, Lao Li suffered only because he could not lie.Later generations commented that he was an honest man with mediocre abilities. Whether he was honest or mediocre, his characteristic was that he would only tell the truth regardless of time and occasion.A clever politician is able to shake his lips and tongue, turn his hands into clouds, turn his hands into rain, change from time to time, change orders from time to time, change orders from day to day, pick flowers from day to day... These skills, such as the honest man Li Yuanhong, cannot do.

Since Li Yuanhong can't lie, where are the ten thousand fresh troops he mentioned?

On the way to Wuchang during the starry night.

It is said that the sound of revolutionary gunfire in the three towns of Wuchang came out, especially after the establishment of the military government, revolutionary parties from all over China and even overseas rushed to Wuchang in groups carrying guns and dragging cannons.

Ma Chaojun, an old revolutionary, was the first to respond.

Who is Ma Chaojun?

Ma Chaojun, male, from a poor family, went to Yokohama, Japan to find a way of life by taking the ferry "喼德" of Citigroup Company in order to make a living. After getting off the ship, the foreman took him to meet Sun Yat-sen first.Sun Yat-sen said: "Little Ma, it's just for food, which made you travel across the sea to Japan. This imperial court treats you really shamelessly."But what is the way out for Japan?If there is a way to survive, they would have left by themselves, how could they keep it for you?The reason why you can’t eat and wear clothes is only because of the scourge of the Manchu Qing. If you want to eat and wear clothes, you must rise up for revolution. Only when the revolution overthrows the corrupt rule of the Manchu Qing can you have food and food.

So Ma Chaojun asked: Mr. Sun, when do you think the revolution will succeed?

Sun Yat-sen smiled and replied: Quick, but only 100 years.

100 years?Ma Chaojun was shocked: Then...Mr. Sun, how many people will die in the revolution?

Sun Yat-sen said with a smile: Not too many, not too many, 2 million deaths is enough...

... I often go to see Mr. Sun and listen to him talk about revolutionary theory and the principles of saving the country and the people.I asked him, "When will the revolution succeed? He said: It will take 100 years. Ask him again: How many people will be sacrificed to engage in the revolution? He said: [-] million...

If it takes 100 years, 2 million people will die!Ma Chaojun was stunned by Sun Yat-sen's prediction about the prospect of the Chinese revolution.While he was in shock, Sun Yat-sen said in a leisurely manner: "Little Ma, let me tell you this, ordinary people don't have the courage to participate in such a tragic revolution."However, we must realize that only by sacrificing ourselves can we save the country.

Ma Chaojun's blood was surging when he heard it: Well Mr. Sun, if you want to sacrifice [-] million people anyway, then count me in as one.From then on, Ma Chaojun joined Mr. Sun's Revolutionary Party and followed Sun Wen to fight in all directions. He fought in Zhennanguan and Guangxi Lu Rongting, and in Huanghuagang, Guangzhou, he fought with the subordinates of Li Zhun, the admiral of the Navy, with short guns.After these two bloody battles, Ma Chaojun has become an iron-blooded veteran. When he received a call from Huang Xing this time, Ma Chaojun immediately boarded a ferry at the port and shouted to the sailors: Come here, all of you, come here, Have you heard?The Wuhan Revolutionary Army has launched an uprising and succeeded. Even the revolutionary government has been established, and the revolution has succeeded... However, the Qing government will inevitably mobilize a large army to wipe out the Wuchang Revolutionary Government. If you are not busy with work, why not join my Overseas Chinese Death Squad, follow me to Wuchang, defend the revolutionary government, and fight bloody battles with the Qing soldiers.

The sailors on the ferry, most of whom were members of the League, were inexplicably excited when they heard the news, and immediately shouted: Let’s go together, we are going to Wuchang to participate in the revolution... By the way, resign before leaving, boss, you Let's pay the wages first.

The owner of the ship was in a hurry, and grabbed Ma Chaojun: who are you, did you make such trouble?Is it easy for me, a small boss, to find a few employees? I'll let you take half of them away at once.

Ma Chaojun pushed the boss away: Don’t make trouble, here is the business, the business is... I declare that this time the Overseas Chinese Death Squad will take care of their own board and lodging, pay for their own expenses, guns and ammunition have to be bought with their own money... that brother’s family money Many, by the way help me also buy a bullet.

More than 70 overseas Chinese who were committed to revolution were recruited on the spot, many of whom were from wealthy families and rich in actual combat capabilities. More than 20 people were quickly recruited, and they were divided into three squadrons. He served as the general captain, and three old overseas Chinese who had participated in the war served as sub-captains. Ben Hankou.After disembarking, the Cantonese detained in Hankou came one after another, and more than 100 people were taken away. The number of Cantonese death squads continued to increase.

When Huang Xingfu arrived in Hankou, he immediately spotted Ma Chaojun, a group of Cantonese daredevils carrying banners. At that time, Huang Xing was so excited that he personally lectured everyone: Comrades from Guangdong, who are not far away thousands of miles away, comrades from other provinces will surely follow. And finally, the victory of the revolution is just around the corner.

A large number of party members went to Wuchang, and the revolutionary situation was obviously optimistic. At this time, Zhu Fuhuang, an old member of the alliance, traveled a long distance to Zhangde with his luggage and straw sandals on his shoulders.

Zhangde, Huanshang Village.

The place where Yuan Shikai lived in seclusion.

(7) Ge Laozi's ancestors were strict
Huanshang Village, morning fog.

Yuan Shikai, who lives in seclusion here, is the same as in the past, wearing cloth and straw hats, and going out with a fishing rod in his hand. He arrives at the lake, under the old willow tree he is used to fishing, and was about to sit down when he suddenly froze.

In Yuan Shikai's old seat, there was actually a person sitting in a commoner coat, a straw hat, and a pair of sandals, with his back turned to Yuan Shikai, concentrating on fishing.Yuan Shikai's entourage wanted to drive the man away, but Yuan Shikai stared at him: Damn, you want the villagers to kill my backbone?

The entourage retreated sullenly, armed with guns, and fixed their eyes on the man, fearing that the man would be unfavorable to Yuan Shikai.

The man turned a deaf ear to it and just focused on fishing.With steady hands and a calm mind, he caught a big carp and threw it into the basket with a bang.Yuan Shikai rubbed his big nose resentfully, his eyes were fixed on the water, and he said in his heart that he could not let this strange person compare himself in fishing, otherwise, he would definitely lose in a fight later... Just thinking Seeing the fish biting the hook, Yuan Shikai was delighted, but when he heard a clatter, the man had already caught a big fish, and scared away the fish that was about to bite Yuan Shikai's hook.

Yuan Shikai was finally annoyed, so he cheered up and kept an eye on the water, but that man was too badass. Whenever there was a fish to bite Yuan Shikai's hook, he always caught a big fat fish by chance, and Yuan Shikai's fish was caught. The son ran away in a fright, causing Yuan Shikai to squat by the lake all morning, but he couldn't catch a single fish.

Who is this person, why is he so troublesome?

Yuan Shikai got angry, threw away his fishing rod and stopped fishing, and sat there with his arms around his knees, just watching the man fishing.A morning passed in the blink of an eye, and the person saw one left and one right, and the small fishing basket was quickly filled.The man stood up, picked up the fishing basket, pointed his mouth at the lake, and poured all the fish he caught into the lake with a bang.

Yuan Shikai was dumbfounded: Hey, why did you throw away the fish you caught?

The man laughed loudly: You are so ignorant, the biggest fish has already been hooked, and you still have to hook it.

Yuan Shikai frowned: He spoke Sichuan dialect...Did Zhang Baixiang from the Xiaoyou Association send you here?Paoge Pu Junchen sent you here?Did Long Jianming, the revolutionary party, send you here?Governor Zhao Erfeng sent you here?

The man shook his head: neither.

Yuan Shikai: Who sent you here?
Man: I sent me myself.

Yuan Shikai: You actually dared to send yourself out. You must have come here for something. Tell me.

The man laughed loudly: You are so strict, everyone said that Xiang Cheng is a straightforward person, why is your baby talking so hesitantly today?

Yuan Shikai's eyes lit up: Zhu Peihuang!In vain you still studied in Japan, didn't your parents teach you to speak human language?You are a young little Leaguer, you dare to call this old man your baby, your baby is the size of your mother!

The man was called out by Yuan Shikai's name, and he immediately burst out laughing: "Look, Xiang Cheng, who doesn't know that your baby is in Huanshang Village, but in his heart he always thinks about swallowing the sun and the moon, smashing the mountains and rivers."Jufan’s trip to Zhangde was just for you, Yuan Xiangcheng, so the details of the people who came, before they stayed in the inn, they had already been inquired clearly by the people sent by your son.But since your child knows that I am Zhu Peihuang from the League, you should know that although I am much younger than your child, I am qualified to stand up in front of you and call you your child.Ge Laozi is a strict person, I came here today to give you boundless wealth, if your child is still ignorant...

Come on!Yuan Shikai was furious: Come with me... lock this guy up first, and I will personally send him him the next day!
The entourage rushed up, twisted Zhu Peihuang's arm, dragged him to a small dark room in Yuan Shikai's mansion, and locked him up.

In the middle of the night, the door of the small black room opened, and Yuan Shikai stood respectfully in front of the door: Mr. Zhu, Mr. Yuan is not talented, so he dares not to pretend to be shallow, and he respectfully listens to his teachings.

(8) Yuan Datou, a retired cadre
Later, members of the Tongmenghui checked each other and found out that Zhu Peihuang was indeed an old member of the Tongmenghui in Sichuan. However, this person's trip to Huanshang Village to meet Yuan Shikai was his personal action and had nothing to do with the Tongmenghui.

From then on, Zhu Peihuang was locked up by Yuan Shikai in a big sunny room, and four maidservants with fair skin, big eyes and gentleness took care of his daily life.He became Yuan Shikai's secret staff, but if the four maidservants did not serve well enough, Zhu Peihuang would lose his temper. Not only would he refuse to plan for Yuan Shikai, but he would also call Yuan Shikai that you are a bad boy. Yuan Shikai's house was full of chickens and dogs.

From then on, Zhu Peihuang will give advice to Yuan Shikai on how to end the chaotic chaos in Great China as soon as possible and restore order.

When Zhu Peihuang yelled at Yuan Shikai in Huanshang Village, Huanshang Village suddenly came to visit.

Beiyang Titans: Feng Guozhang.

This time Feng Guozhang received a telegram from the imperial court, urging him to move to Wuchang immediately to put down the rebellion of the revolutionary army and eliminate the Wuchang revolutionary government.The first thing Feng Guozhang did after receiving the order was to rush to Huanshang Village to report to the retired old leader Yuan Shikai.

Yuan Shikai was overjoyed when Feng Guozhang came here: How do you see the situation in Wuchang?

Feng Guozhang laughed and said: Don't worry, old Enshuai, Wuchang is just a gang of gangsters, and it is really unbearable to be hit by me from Beiyang.

Yuan Shikai suddenly changed color: Li Yuanhong is in Wuchang, so what is nobody?

The old leader got angry, Feng Guozhang was terrified, and hurriedly lowered his head: Guozhang is ignorant, please be admonished by Enshuai.

Yuan Shikai was delighted: Well, Guozhang, you are as fierce as fire, ah, you are brave and brave to fight, ah, I have told you before, ah, if your temper does not change, the two armies will inevitably suffer losses before the battle, ah, take it easy , ah, take a look, ah, don't be impatient, ah?
Feng Guozhang thought for a while, and then said: Guozhang understands, this trip must be cautious, and live up to the expectations of the commander-in-chief.

Yuan Shikai nodded in satisfaction: Is that right... By the way, Guozhang, I am not talking about you. I used to teach you that the grace of the king is like the sea, and the order of the army is like a mountain. Since there is an imperial edict, you have to go to Wuchang as soon as possible Ah, why did you come to this retired veteran cadre?Don't come here in the future, lest people gossip.

After Feng Guozhang came out, he pondered Yuan Shikai's words for a long time, and finally figured out that what Yuan Shikai meant was to prevent him from entering lightly, lest... lest what?

God knows, let's take a look at the place.

So Feng Guozhang urged the troops to advance. Three days after the Wuchang Shouyi, this fellow had already set off. On the 3th day of the Shouyi, he had arrived at Huangpi, Xiaogan, and formed a swooping trend against the rebels in Wuchang.Then Feng Guozhang ordered the standard battalions to find a place to set up camp by themselves, and not to move lightly.

But I never thought that there were two battalion commanders under Feng Guozhang's subordinates, and these two guys would never leave the flagon wherever they went. After setting up the camp, the two drank desperately, and after a while they got drunk, and after getting drunk, the two made a bet , See who of the two can shoot accurately.

Boom, boom, two shells flew over Hankou, and the garrisoned rebels were in a mess.

Why are you so irresistible?
Speaking of the current rebel army, it is a miserable one.Gein was good at fighting, and experienced veterans would have fled long ago, leaving behind a lot of bullets. Since Li Yuanhong became the governor, he ordered each battalion to send troops to chase deserters. If you can recover a squad, you will be the squad leader.If you can recover a battalion, you will be the battalion commander... but for those who are capable of recovering a battalion, why wait until this time to take action?
All in all, the veterans who could fight were all gone, and no one could chase them back.

Fortunately, there are still teenage students from various military academies, who are young, ignorant, and like revolution.If you like revolution, then come, because Wuchang packed all the students into the barracks, and they didn’t get military uniforms in a hurry, so they distributed two white cloth strips to each person, one wrapped around his right arm and one hung on his chest , write your name on it.Most of these students have never touched a gun. It doesn't matter if they haven't touched it. The party members taught them how to load and unload bullets. They were about to teach them how to shoot.

In other words, the rebels in Wuchang now only have infantry with spears.As for the artillery for coordinated operations, the engineers have not yet been organized, and even the infantry can't even shoot.With such a military appearance, when encountering cold-blooded Beiyang soldiers, there are divisions: the bloody battle of the Dahankou rebels, and the corpses of the students floated in the Yangtze River.This guy Feng Guozhang beat the students badly.

(9) The dead body of a student in the Yangtze River
It is said that as soon as Feng Guozhang arrived in Huangpi, he couldn't help but shoot cannons at the students on the opposite side. When the gunfire started, the students were in a mess. Shooting black guns in the back?

Also a student.

Speaking of military tactics, it is not complicated, but it is also extremely professional.Just talking about the frontline combat, the skirmisher line should be divided into the first line, the second line, the third line and the supervisory team. Either rush forward to replace the front line, or wait for the front line soldiers to retreat as cover.In short, there is a sequence in front-of-fire operations, and once this sequence is messed up, it will be a big trouble.

But no one talks about this to the students!
(End of this chapter)

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