The Republic is so violent

Chapter 8 The art of saving the country in the red light district

Chapter 8 The art of saving the country in the red light district (3)
Kang Youwei, who is known as the sage of the South China Sea, is outspoken in discussing politics, not secretive like Su Manshu and Chen Duxiu, and he is not like Zhou Yucai who has the ability to make simple things extremely complicated. The poem written by the Volunteer Army is still debated by historians after a hundred years. What does this sentence mean?How can I recommend Xuanyuan with my own blood?
Literature complicates politics, and politics simplifies literature.

This was the case at that time. While Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao were making a public letter, calling on the imperial court to immediately promote political reform and implement reforms, they were translating the Japanese novel "The Adventures of a Beautiful Woman", hoping to awaken the Chinese people from their slumber with oriental beauties...

Be it Lu Xun, Su Manshu, Chen Duxiu, or Liang Qichao, why is everyone rushing to translate novels?How come no one translates science or philosophy?
This matter... Wei Yuan created "Hai Tu Tu Zhi", and clearly put forward the idea of ​​learning from the barbarians to control the barbarians. This book sold out of stock in Japan. It was reprinted more than 20 times in a few years, and the total sales volume reached Millions of volumes.Basically, as long as the Japanese are literate, they have read this book.

But this book sold badly in the Qing Dynasty. Several bookstores resolutely published it successively, but readers refused to buy it.

So in the end, everyone had to translate novels, such as Lin Shu, whose retranslation of the famous French novel "La Traviata in Paris" was published, causing a sensation all over the country. Yan Fu once commented:
Poor one volume of "La Traviata", broke the heart of that prodigal son.

In short, the mentality of the Qing people is that firstly they love to watch love stories, and secondly they hope that a saint will come out and take care of everything for them.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Kang Shengren to be born out of nowhere.

Yuan Shikai was naturally indispensable in this excitement. According to the records in "The Disciples of Rong'an", when Yuan Shikai first saw Kang Youwei, he extended his hand to greet Kang Youwei affectionately, and called him "big brother..." Kang Youwei kept muttering in his heart, wondering when his mother would come back again. I gave birth to such a big brother... Then Yuan Shikai rushed forward, touched Liang Qichao's head affectionately, and said: "Young man is not bad, do a good job... I love him as a handsome young man, and he is a genius."

Since Yuan Shikai met Kang Youwei and called him "big brother" by himself, this only shows one thing:

Nanhai Kangsheng has come to the capital.

Kang Youwei, with little ambition, was smart, eager to learn, diligent in thinking, ambitious, and had a high self-esteem. "A man who thinks he is a sage laughs with joy, but suddenly thinks about the hardships of the common people and then cries in boredom." "Since the people's livelihood is difficult, God and I can save it with wisdom. It is mourning the world and governing the world"... In short, it is the earth If you leave him, you won't turn around anymore, which means that China is finished if you leave him.

The saint has come, and the Chinese finally have hope.

(11) Wizards of the World is not available
For this reason, Kang You came to the capital for the purpose of saving the country and striving for prosperity.

If you want to save the country and strive for strength, you must first become an official. If you have a big handle in your hand, the breeze will be all over the world. If you don't become an official, there is no way to save the country.

So Kang Shengren went to beg Emperor Guangxu's teacher, Da Si Nong Weng Tonghe.

Kang Youwei followed Weng Tonghe's path for two reasons:

One reason: According to Mr. Yun Yuding's "Songling Biography Records", Weng Tonghe took care of the little emperor when he was young, and the little emperor had one of his biggest hobbies, which was to pinch Weng Tonghe's nipples. Emperor Guangxu couldn't even sleep well. Once, Weng Tonghe asked for leave to go back to his hometown to visit the tomb for a month. As a result, little Guangxu, who had no nipples to pinch, suffered severe insomnia.

Another reason: What Weng Tonghe hated the most in his life was the Westernization School like Li Hongzhang. Teacher Weng thought that everything in China was fine and there was no need to engage in Westernization. During the First Sino-Japanese War, Weng Tonghe resolutely cut off the financial appropriation to the Beiyang Navy. As a result, the Beiyang Navy fought the Japanese with bare hands... But anyway, Li Hongzhang's Beiyang Navy never fought Japan. People, so Lao Li's traitor has been confirmed. Kang Youwei also hated Li Hongzhang's signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki with the Japanese, and he and Weng Tonghe had a common language.

It is said that Weng Tonghe was overjoyed when he received Kang Youwei's letter, and immediately ordered to invite him.

Excitedly, Kang Youwei rushed to Weng Tonghe's house, and when he asked, he heard that Weng Tonghe had just gone out...

Then this matter is hard to explain. Since Weng Tonghe avoided seeing him, why bother to fool Kang Youwei?

So someone asked Weng Tonghe about it.

Weng Tonghe replied:

This person is a genius in the world, I can't accommodate him, so I dare not meet him.

Although Weng Tonghe didn't dare to see Kang Youwei, but the imperial court was employing people at this time. Regardless of whether Weng Tonghe dared to meet or not, the prime minister's office called Kang Youwei to ask him about his reform strategy.Kang Youwei talked eloquently, and the officials in the Prime Minister's Office were dumbfounded and dared not make a decision, so he reported Kang Youwei's documents to the Empress Dowager Cixi.

The Empress Dowager Cixi read Kang Youwei's report, was overjoyed, and ordered: "Let's discuss this matter again."

That's all.

Just when Kang Youwei fell into despair, three small figures suddenly jumped out of history. When these three people raised their hands and feet, they easily sent Kang Youwei to the peak of history.

The names of these three people are Lei Xieshen, Huier Dumb and Zhu Defa.

(12) Little people affect history
It is said that in Juye County, Shandong Province, there is a small mountain village 25 miles away from the city. This village deviates from the main road of merchants and merchants, and the residents are few and poor.There is only one street in the village. At the east end of the street, there is a foreign missionary’s house. This house is in the traditional Chinese architectural style. The door opens to the west. There are three north houses inside. The German missionary Xue Tianzi lived in it. Stenz) and Han Li (Henle).

On the 23th day of October in the [-]rd year of Guangxu, the priest Neng Francis (Nies), a fellow teacher, got up from Hejiatang, Wenshang, and went to Cao County. When he passed by, he lived in Han Li's room. There were two beds in the room, and each of them slept in one.

At about eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, suddenly a few figures jumped over the wall and entered the courtyard to steal. This group of nocturnal thieves were the giant wild scum Lei Xieshen, Hui Er dumb, Zhu Defa and others.

There is an old saying in China, "Don't be surprised when a thief enters the house", which means that if a thief enters the door at night, don't make a sound, because the thief's nerves are in a state of high tension, and you will scare the thief when you scream. Don't kill you with one knife or two.

The situation at that time was exactly like this. Lei Xieshen, Hui Erduba and others just wanted to make some money. Your foreign devil's family has a big business. Are you short of that money?However, after the foreign priests Han Li and Neng Fangji were woken up, instead of continuing to pretend to be asleep, they screamed loudly, held their pistols in front of the window, and fired bang bang.

Still shooting, these two foreign devils, are they missionaries or adventurers?

Lei Xieshen and Hui Er, who were carrying things outside, heard the gunshots and became furious. The crowd rushed in, arrested Han Li and Neng Fangji, and stabbed them with javelins indiscriminately. It was Ku Longyan who was killed on the spot.

After killing two missionaries, Lei Xieshen, Hui Er Mute and others found 210 taels of Wenyin in the room, and everyone divided them up and went home.

But there is another Xue Tianzi over there, this guy is hard-hearted, he watched the two church members being killed, but he didn't say a word, after the thief escaped, his brother ran to the Yamen to report to the official.

After the incident, the local officials acted vigorously, and in less than a month, all the criminals Lei Xieshen and Hui Er Mute were arrested and brought to justice. The imperial court reported the matter to Germany and promised that the Qing Dynasty would pay all compensation for it.

After the German government expressed its gratitude to the Qing court, a warship sailed to sea, bypassed the Strait of Malacca, and headed straight for Qingdao, China.

At this time, Qingdao’s defender was Zhang Gaoyuan, and the old Zhang had never had any hobbies in his life. He just liked playing mahjong and was having fun. A soldier reported that a foreigner’s warship was approaching the sea. Zhang Gaoyuan was upset and scolded. Said: "The sea doesn't belong to your family. Why don't you let foreign devils' warships pass by?"

After a while, another soldier came to report. The foreign devil's warship docked, bought some brushes, and left a letter behind. Zhang Gaoyuan was anxious to touch himself, and threw the letter aside.

Touch yourself, all in one color!
Lao Zhang was very happy.

Everyone keep playing.

I don’t know how long I’ve been playing, but I’m finally a little tired. A screener casually picked up the letter sent by the foreign devil. Zhang Gaoyuan ordered unhappily: “Put it down, put down that piece of waste paper, and let’s continue playing... Who is to blame this time?” Take the seat?

The guest said something: "The letter has been opened, so why not just take a look... Before he finished speaking, the guest's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed: Strange thing, strange thing, isn't this a strange thing?"

Zhang Gaoyuan asked anxiously: How is it a strange method?

The guest handed over the letter, Zhang Gaoyuan picked it up and read it, and couldn't help shouting: strange things, strange things, this is really strange...

Where is the blame?
It turned out that this letter was an ultimatum for the Germans to order the Chinese army to withdraw from Qingdao within 24 hours.

Zhang Gaoyuan hurried out to see for himself, and saw that the streets were full of German soldiers, huddled together with soldiers from the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Gaoyuan was in a hurry, and immediately ordered the troops to gather. The troops did gather, but the soldiers held All of them were empty guns, and there were many German soldiers standing in front of the armory, saying that they were not allowed to go in to get bullets.

Zhang Gaoyuan was furious, and went straight to see the German general, and started an argument with the other party.But that annoying German guy didn't quarrel with Lao Zhang, he just said: We are soldiers, and we are ordered by the Chinese government to take over Qingdao and Jiaozhou Bay. How can there be any reason for this?Hurry up and go, as long as you don't mess with us, we will never hurt you.

Zhang Gaoyuan was furious: I would rather lose thousands of troops than lose an inch of land. If you want our Chinese army to withdraw, don't even think about it!

After saying that, Zhang Gaoyuan returned to the government office, resolutely refusing to give in. The Germans had nothing to do with him, so they surrounded the government office. Believe it or not, you will starve to death!

(13) Saints love to kill

The Germans suddenly came out and occupied Jiaozhou Bay, and the imperial court was helpless, so Weng Tonghe went to the Chief Taxation Secretary Hede, the foreign devil who had mastered China's taxation, and wanted to ask him for advice.

The reason why Weng Tonghe went to find this foreign devil was because Hurd was too restless. Instead of talking about making a fortune and collecting taxes and money, he always gave advice to the imperial court, suggesting that the imperial court should reform as soon as possible.This time Weng Tonghe came, and the foreign devil Hurd replied:

I tell them it all depends on what they can actually do in the future.If they are determined to start reforms in a serious way tomorrow, today's losses are insignificant; but if they have no intention of promoting reforms, today's losses are meaningless, just throwing pieces of meat to the wolves to keep them from chasing Come up until the horse is exhausted to death.

When Hurd said these words, Kang Youwei was already extremely disappointed, packed his bed and rolled up on the road.

Go home, and I won't play with the court anymore.

Kang Youwei announced.

Hearing that Kang Shengren was going back to his hometown, Weng Tonghe hurried to the Nanhai Guild Hall where Kang Shengren was staying, but was surprised to find that Kang Shengren was still lying in bed and had not gotten up... Who said that Kang Shengren was going home?

Kang Shengren just stayed - but then Weng Tonghe fell out of favor.

It just so happened that Prince Gong was critically ill, and the prince left a message on his deathbed, accusing Weng Tonghe of sabotaging Western affairs, which led to the annihilation of the Beiyang Navy. Wait for the fault.

So Weng Tonghe and Kang Youwei took off their robes and changed positions. Kang Youwei ascended to the sky from a commoner and entered the military plane, while Weng Tonghe fell from a first-rank officer to the ground and resumed his civilian status when he was born.

When Kang Youwei first entered the court, he set off a murderous intent.

According to Su Jizu's "Records of the Reform Movement of [-] in the Qing Dynasty":

On the day of the summoning, Kang Youwei met Rong Lu in the imperial court.Rong looked at him casually and said: With a rock-solid talent like Master, will there be a way to remedy the situation?Totally contemptuous and contemptuous.Kang replied that the law must be reformed.Rong Xiangguo said: I already knew that the law should be changed, but the law that has been established for 200 years can be changed in the morning?
Kang replied angrily: Kill a few first-rank officials, and the law can be changed immediately.

Rong was deeply angry at his rebellion, and already wanted to kill him.

Kang Youwei is also a "saint" at any rate, why is he talking so nonsensically, and threatening to kill first-rank officials in front of Ronglu, how many first-rank officials are there in the Qing Dynasty?Isn't this the same as pointing at Rong Lu's nose and saying that he wants to kill him?Is such a thing possible?

Not improbable things, but solid historical facts.

Kang Youwei entered the court for the first time, except that his own transcript did not mention that he threatened to slash and kill, other transcripts and historical materials have proved this point, but there are minor discrepancies in details:
For example, the fourth volume of "The Reform Movement of [-]" mentioned:

Since Rong Xiangguo was appointed as the governor of Zhili, he came to the emperor to listen to the training. It happened that Kang Youwei was summoned by order, so he asked (Kang) what he planned to say, and Youwei replied: Kill one or two ministers above the second rank to obstruct the reform, and the new law will be established. It will work...Rong Xiangguo withdrew immediately, and Kang told people: Rong Lu is old, I am not his opponent!

In short, Saint Kang was very angry, and if he didn't kill a few first-rank officials, the fire in Saint Kang's heart would not be quenched.

But why is Kang Shengren so angry?
Listen to Kang Youwei's own reasons:
... On the morning of the 28th, I entered the imperial court, met Ronglu Xie En, talked together, and talked about the reform.

Ronglu is right, and impeaching me in front of the emperor is to argue against the government.

…At that time, Li Hongzhang thanked me together, his face changed drastically after stepping back, and he sighed and said to me, Rong Xiangguo attacked me in front of the emperor, and told Gangyi that if the emperor wants to reward (me) an official position, don’t give it to me, but give me a small job to suppress me.When the emperor asked the Minister of Military Affairs how to arrange for me, Liao Zhongshan wanted to say that he should be awarded the title of fifth-rank Jingqing, and the fortitude class was the first, and asked for an order (me) to walk on the Zhangjing of the Prime Minister’s Office. In short, he wanted to humiliate me and suppress me.

——"Kang Nanhai's Self-Compiled Chronicle"

I understand, it turned out that Kang Sheng thought the fifth-rank official given by the emperor was too small.

If the official is too young, he will inevitably have a bigger temper. This is common sense and understandable.

(14) Kill the old lady for me

As the saying goes: iron shoulders shoulder morality, tricky hands make fusses.

It is said that Kang Youwei is morally responsible and can write articles, but his brother doesn't know how this country is governed.

It's okay not to know, but the worst thing is that he doesn't know, but he thinks he knows.

Not knowing how to run a country, but thinking you know, is a bad thing at best.But what's worse is: others don't know whether Kang Youwei knows or not, and they all think that Kang Youwei everyone puts high hopes on Kang Youwei, waiting for him to solve the century-old illness all at once.

However, even though Lao Kang was full of enthusiasm, his mind was muddled.

He didn't know anything, but rolled up his arms and sleeves and stepped onto the big stage of history.After the Hundred Days Reform begins, he will know everything.

The first step of the reform: abolish the imperial examination!

The day after the edict was issued, tens of thousands of jurisprudence rioted in the capital.After finally waiting for the opportunity to be named on the gold list, you, Lao Kang, want to abolish the imperial examination. Is this still life-threatening?
The disciples frantically chased and killed Kang Youwei's eldest disciple, Liang Qichao. If Liang Qichao hadn't escaped quickly, he would definitely be beaten to death by these poor disciples.Li Hongzhang sent his aide, Yu Shimei, to rush there, and persuaded Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao to hire ten or eight bodyguards.

Kang Youwei was dumbfounded. No wonder the abolition of the imperial examinations was such a simple matter, and it took a little effort. No one in the promising Qing Dynasty did it. It turned out that the examiners were not happy.

Since all the candidates are opposed to the reform, this order will be ignored for the time being.

The second step of the reform: Abolish monk temples and old Taoist temples, and change all temples and Taoist temples into primary school schools.

The day after the edict was issued, eminent monks and Taoists all over the country lined up to petition, while young monks, nuns and Taoist priests went deep into the masses and mobilized them.Not long after, the common people heard that Kang Youwei had given the emperor ecstasy, and now the emperor only recognized Dongyang and Xiyang, not his own father and mother...

Since all monks and veterans are opposed to the reform, this order is temporarily ignored.

The third step of the reform: Abolish Zhanshifu, Tongzhengsi, Guanglu Temple, Honglu Temple, Taichang Temple, Dali Temple-all institutions with the word "temple" will be abolished, and the laid-off workers will find their own way of life.

Whoever you love, that's all.

Tens of thousands of cadres were laid off, but this group of laid-off civil servants was ruthless enough. They immediately demolished the yamen, moved away the tables and chairs, and even carried the doors and windows home to light the fire.

The laid-off civil servants let out rumors that there is no rice for cooking, no firewood for the fire, burning the government office today, and burning the palace tomorrow-you can figure it out!

Since the civil servants have objections, this order is ignored and will not be implemented for the time being.

The reform is just such a three-step process, and the blink of an eye is all for nothing, so why did Kang Shengren step down?

However, Kang Shengren had a long-term chance of winning, and he was confident.

He said: I still have unique skills that I haven't used yet.

He ordered: Kill that old lady for me!
He ordered this sentence to Liang Qichao, Tan Sitong, Kang Guangren, Lin Xu, Yang Shenxiu, Yang Rui, Liu Guangdi and others.

Among these, Liang Qichao is the most powerful. If Yuan Shikai was the most important figure in the early years of the Republic of China, then Liang Qichao was the second most important figure.

Moreover, Liang Qichao and Yuan Shikai are exactly the opposite:
Yuan Shikai's disadvantage was that he had read too little and had no education.

However, Liang Qichao suffered from too much reading and high cultural content, which hindered his revolutionary actions.

The trouble with Tan Sitong was that his family was not well off, his mother died when he was young, and his stepmother abused him whenever he had something to do, so Tan Sitong, a man of lofty ideals, only knew how to be abused, but he didn't know how to kill an old lady.

The rest of them couldn't compare to Tan Sitong, let alone.

Seeing so many reformers gathered together, but they couldn't even kill anyone, Kang Youwei's face darkened:
If none of you can do it, then you have to wait for Bi Yongnian.

(15) Killing Game

(End of this chapter)

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