Chapter 85
As early as when Li Zhun captured the revolutionaries of the Guangzhou uprising and interrogated them, he was surprised to find that these young people were all elites, some from noble families, and some from famous families.At that time, Li Zhun realized that something was wrong, knowing that he might have caused a catastrophe by killing the revolutionaries—if he was offended by the best young students in China, he might end up dead land.

Immediately afterwards, the assassination of Lin Guanci and Chen Jingyue, and the bombing of Fengshan as soon as he landed, made Li Zhun so terrified that he no longer dared to hold grudges against the party members.So he first pleaded for pardon for Chen Jingyue, but failed.After Chen Jingyue's death, Li Zhun was even more frightened, so he quietly released the captured party member Dan Maoxin and escorted him back to his hometown.Unexpectedly, this matter was discovered by Zhang Mingqi who was watching him closely.

Zhang Mingqi was suspicious that Li Zhun might have been persuaded by the party members to prepare for the revolution, so he felt a sense of crisis, so he secretly asked the imperial court to send Xialong Jiguang, his old subordinate when he was the governor of Guangxi in his early years, to Guangdong.

When Long Jiguang arrived with his army, he was immediately appointed as the commander of the Guangdong New Army, and his position was higher than that of Li Zhun.All right, the sudden appearance of an immediate boss made Li Zhun feel endlessly awkward.

Afterwards, Zhang Mingqi seized Li Zhun's right to command the troops, collected all the [-] battalions in the middle road, and sent people to dig out all the firing pins on the cannons of the Humen Fortress where Li Zhun was stationed, making sure that Li Zhun would never again Now that there is a way to shoot, Zhang Mingqi heaved a sigh of relief.

In this way, just as Gao Yanei in "Water Margin" successfully forced Lin Chong, the leopard head, to the road of revolution, Zhang Mingqi, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, finally succeeded in pushing Li Zhun, the admiral of the Navy, to the end of the revolution.

Just when Li Zhun, the admiral of the Navy, was forced by Zhang Mingqi, with tears in his eyes, full of grievances, and unwillingness, he raised his legs and was about to step on the road of revolution. Zhang Mingqi did another thing to make Li Zhun start He was dumbfounded, and then howled and cried.

Zhang Mingqi telegraphed the whole country, saying: Three thousand fans are forced to sleep with Jie slaves.Therefore, Guangdong Province declared a revolution from now on and broke away from the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Before Li Zhun, Admiral of the Navy, Zhang Mingqi, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, took the lead.

Take your revolutionary road, so that you have nowhere to go, no life to change.

This is probably Zhang Mingqi's life creed, right?

Li Zhun was devastated, crying like a little daughter-in-law who had been raped by a hundred thousand men:
Zhang Mingqi, don't be too shameless!
(21) Revolutions are all within the system
Zhang Mingqi, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, sent a telegram to the whole country after he became independent: The people of Guangdong and Guangxi have always been consistent with the imperial court, and only God can show their sincerity to the Holy Majesty.Therefore, we must resolutely oppose the liberal trend of thought in the West, cancel the previous independent power supply, and continue to follow the road of feudalism with the characteristics of the Qing Empire.

The former Zhang Mingqi declared independence because the members of the Guangdong Consultative Council were noisy and worried that all the southern provinces had revolutionized. If Guangdong did not follow suit, it would inevitably be isolated.In order to delay the army, Zhang Mingqi pretended to be independent by electrifying.After the trusted general Long Jiguang took control of the situation, Zhang Mingqi was determined, and immediately backtracked and canceled his independence.

Zhang Mingqi took his foot back from the road of revolution, and Li Zhunchang heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly put his foot on it.

You finally gave way, this life, if you don't change it, I will change it.

So he sent his staff, Xie Yiqian, to come to Hong Kong secretly, and asked Hu Hanmin, "A man like Li Zhun, Admiral of the Navy, has killed many revolutionaries. If he also revolutionizes, will the revolutionaries tolerate him?"
Hu Hanmin thought to himself: The Revolutionary Party will eat him, chewing up his bones and swallowing them.On the lips, he said righteously: "Mr., you are sorry. You must know that the Revolutionary Party is not for personal enmity, but only for the nation and the country, and only for the Han people. Therefore, they sacrificed their lives and forgot to die, and moved the world with righteousness."Don't talk about others, just talk about Wang Jingwei and Wang Zhaoming. He used to be a tutor hired by Li Zhun with a high salary. Doesn't Li Zhun know how he is?Speaking of Wang Jingwei's character, it is called a bright and aboveboard, and that is called a bright and high-spirited.In our revolutionary party, everyone is like Wang Jingwei, who only knows justice and does not know personal enmity.If Li Zhun wants to revolutionize anyway, we welcome him with all hands raised.

Xie Yiqian was overjoyed and brought the news back.A few days later, Li Zhun sent another telegram officer, Li Fengchi, to Hong Kong, saying: Li Zhun has made up his mind to change his mind from now on, and he will revolutionize with you to make up for his past mistakes of hurting the revolutionaries.Even so, what kind of reform is this life? I have never reformed it before and have no experience. Please advise.

Hu Hanmin was overjoyed, and issued instructions saying: Revolution is easy, there are only four: First, Li Zhun must write a letter of surrender with his own hand, remove the blue dragon flag of the navy, and change it to the blue sky and white sun flag.Second, get rid of Zhang Mingqi, that guy is too annoying, let Long Jiguang go anyway.Third, welcome the militia.Fourth, the fortresses, warships, and troops under Li Zhun's jurisdiction were all handed over to the Revolutionary Party, which was under the command of the Revolutionary Party.Such a simple four, can it be done?
Li Fengchi took the message back, and Hu Hanmin received a call from Li Zhun, saying that his life was over, let's see if it was correct:

Zhang Mingqi has left, and the Advisory Bureau is in a meeting, and the public has been elected as the governor, and he looks forward to calling.

After receiving this telegram, all the party members in Hong Kong exploded and shouted: It is fake, it must be fake. This is Li Zhun's trap to lure us to Guangzhou and then catch us all.It's not like we haven't had a revolution before. How difficult is a revolution? How could it be so easy?
Yet it is true.

The revolution of the revolutionary party is extremely difficult, but the revolution of Zhang Mingqi and the revolution of Li Zhun are easy.

Because the Revolutionary Party is outside the system, while Zhang Mingqi and Li Zhun are inside the system.

People outside the system want to shake the system, even if it is just a little bit, it is like ants shaking a mountain, there is no possibility at all.However, when people within the system move, there is no obstacle at all.This is because the reason why a system becomes a system is a social mechanism in which the whole body is affected by the connection and combination of interpersonal relationships.Shaking it from the outside can't affect the social relationship nodes that make up the system, so it won't have the slightest effect.However, due to internal shaking, a change in a social relationship node within the system will form a diffusion effect, leading to changes in the entire system.Whether the revolution is difficult or easy depends entirely on whether the people in the system have the will.

If people within the system want to revolutionize, success is only a moment away.

Revolutionary parties outside the system can only shoot and drop bombs if they want to make a revolution, while Lee Joon’s revolution inside the system only needs to call members of the Advisory Council, hold a small meeting and have morning tea, and then quickly revolutionize .

(22) See you again in 200 years

Hearing that Li Zhun, the admiral of the navy, was also going to make a revolution, Zhang Mingqi laughed: Is there a mistake?I am the only one who is responsible for the life of Lao Zhang. If I want to, I will. If I don’t want to, I won’t. When will it be your turn, Li Zhun?
So he called for his trusted general Long Jiguang: Guangzi, have you heard?Li Zhun's street servant has gone crazy, he wants to make a revolution, this is really beyond his control, he deserves it?

Long Jiguang nodded: What Mr. Zhang said is very true, very true.

Zhang Mingqi nodded in satisfaction: "Guangzi, you immediately dispatch troops to arrest that guy Li Zhun for me."

Long Jiguang shook his head: ... This, this, we have to make a long-term plan, a long-term plan.

Zhang Mingqi was shocked: No way, Guangzi, you are also a revolutionist?
Long Jiguang: No, what I mean is that we are alone, and we are afraid that we will not be the opponent of Li Zhun.

Zhang Mingqi: ... Guangzi, what nonsense are you talking about?Li Zhun's military power has been seized, and his soldiers are now under your command, and the artillery and breech bolts on his ship and fortress have been removed one step ahead of time, so we can't fire the cannon. How can we say it wasn't him? opponent?
That's how it is, Long Jiguang explained: Li Zhun's soldiers are indeed under my command, but those soldiers are all revolutionaries.Not only his soldiers are revolutionaries, but also my soldiers. Do you think we are their opponents?

Zhang Mingqi was stunned, he knew the seriousness of the situation.If I had known earlier, why would I cancel my independence again?Originally this leather was made by me, but I didn’t want to change it myself, but I let Li Zhun change it instead. If I knew it, I would have continued to change it. I am so stupid. I only know that fate can only let me do it. Will I think that others can also gang up on me?
Zhang Mingqi lost his chance, so he took his family and carried his luggage to the consulates of the big powers, throwing himself into the embrace of imperialism.

Hu Hanmin, on the other hand, led a large number of revolutionaries gathered in Hong Kong to Guangzhou in a mighty manner. He first cooperated sincerely with Li Zhun and promoted all the revolutionaries lurking in the army to important positions. Shout out, swear to kill Li Zhun, take the deep revenge of the Battle of Bloody Yellow Granite.

Li Zhun was terrified, so he asked Hu Hanmin: Didn't you say that all of you revolutionaries are like Wang Jingwei, who only know justice and don't know personal hatred?

Hu Hanmin: ... This, this, that’s right, our revolutionary party really knows no personal hatred, but now that the party members want to kill you, it’s not because of personal hatred. Isn’t this going to continue the revolution? Revolution is not a revolution It’s over, and you have to continue with the leather, first you bully others, and then others will tease you, just like this, leather, leather, leather, like watermelon peels to wipe your butt, endless leather, until the end Everyone is dead, until the revolution can no longer be found.

Li Zhun was dumbfounded when he heard that, only then did he know that the revolution has a beginning but never an end.From then on, he gave up his heart for the revolution, and led his relatives and guards to board the warship and hid.But the party members vowed to kill Li Zhun's blood feud, and refused to give up. At night, they approached the warship with canoes and dropped mines and bombs, making the warship wobble.Li Zhun had no choice but to send someone to talk to Hu Hanmin on board.

Hu Hanmin went, and as soon as he got on the boat, he was pointed at by Li Zhun's guards.Li Zhun said: "Old Hu, you keep saying that the Revolutionary Party has no personal grudges, but I gave you the position of governor of Guangdong Province, and you send people to throw mine bombs. How do you explain this?"

Hu Hanmin said: The matter of throwing the mine bomb is definitely a misunderstanding. Don't you know me, old Hu?Just a bright and aboveboard, bright and honest.If you don't believe me, I'll stay with you tonight and see if someone actually dropped the bomb.

Hu Hanmin stayed on the warship all night, but the party members did not come to drop bombs.After dawn, Li Zhun sighed and said, "Old Hu, you are on the warship, of course the party members will not come to drop bombs."We are all adults, so stop playing child's games.That's all right, you get off the boat and go back to the revolution, and I, now set off for Hong Kong, from now on we will return to the bridge, and the road will return to the road, you kill your life, I will live my life, wait 200 years, our future generations will see you again Let's see if you can make a name for the revolution, or I can make a name for my life.

After setting anchor and sailing far away, Li Zhun disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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