The Republic is so violent

Chapter 97 The Wonderful Puppet Show

Chapter 97 The Wonderful Puppet Show (6)
Wu Jinglian, representative of the three eastern provinces, said that Wu Jinglian voted for Sun Yat-sen as interim president because Sun Yat-sen himself said that he brought back a large sum of money in the United States.But Wu Jinglian was once frightened by Zhang Zuolin and slipped from the chair to the ground, which was rather embarrassing, so we think his words are just isolated evidence and not credible.

Let's see what others say.

Zhang Zhonghe, Deputy Envoy of the Court of Legal Affairs, went to Shanghai with Tang Shaoyi, the representative of the North, and served as the representative of Zhejiang Province.When he explained why Sun Yat-sen was elected as the interim president, he said:

…But Sun Yat-sen returned from overseas. It was rumored that he received aid from overseas Chinese and brought a large amount of military expenditure.

Zhang Zhonghe said here that he did not hear Sun Yat-sen himself say how much money he brought back, but he knew some rumors that Sun Yat-sen brought back money...

But there are rumors in the market about such things, no wonder he is Sun Yat-sen, right?Some people say what they catch, and some people believe what they hear. Does this have anything to do with Sun Yat-sen?
So Sun Yat-sen lived up to expectations and took office in Nanjing.Ji Yiqiao, who graduated from the Japanese Non-commissioned Officer Academy and was the chief of staff of the Vanguard of the Shanghai Army at the time, personally experienced the grand occasion when the interim president took office. He recalled:
...November 11 (January 13, 1912 in the Gregorian calendar) Mr. Sun Yat-sen went to Nanjing to take office from Shanghai. Wu Zhongxin and I went to Xiaguan to meet him at around 1:1 p.m. Which stop to get off, we had to go home.Not long after we got home, we received a notice asking us to go to Zhitai Yamen at 8 o'clock in the evening.When I arrived on time, I realized that Mr. Zhongshan was about to take office that night.I saw Mr. Zhongshan and Hu Hanmin walking in together. Both of them were wearing dresses and top hats. Hu Hanmin was standing next to Mr. Zhongshan with a proclamation in his hand.After taking the oath of office, Mr. Zhongshan gave a speech in Cantonese, which I couldn't understand at all.The ceremony ended quickly, the lights were dim, and no commemorative photos were taken.We wondered why we were so hasty, and only realized the next day that the yuan was changed on this day, and the new calendar was used...

This is the actual scene of the inauguration of the interim President Sun Yat-sen.Obviously, the number of people participating in this ceremony is very small - if there are so many people and representatives from [-] provinces attend the meeting, it is absolutely impossible to end it soon, and only one squeak and squeak can gather people together , it takes time.

No matter how angry Yuan Shikai was, the interim president had already taken office, and it was a done deal. At this time, Yuan Shikai would cry and make trouble again, but it would be in vain.

Sun Yat-sen became president, so Huang Xing and Huang Keqiang, the No. [-] figure in the Revolutionary Party, brought his middle school classmate Li Shucheng to the presidential palace to ask Sun Yat-sen for money—revolutionary work is a kind of energy-intensive social activity that requires A lot, a lot, a lot of money.So Li Shucheng recorded in detail the process of taking the money:

...One night, Mr. Huang asked me to meet with Mr. Sun and asked if there was any clue about borrowing money from Britain and the United States.Mr. Sun was reading a foreign newspaper at the time.He put down the newspaper and replied: Foreigners once told me that as long as the Chinese Revolutionary Party gains power and organizes a government, they can negotiate with the Chinese Revolutionary Party government for loans.After I took office, I asked them for a loan, and I called them several times, and yesterday I sent a reminder to ask them to keep their promise.But today is Saturday, and tomorrow is Sunday. Foreigners do not work as usual during their holidays. There will be no reply call tomorrow, but there may be a reply call the day after tomorrow. I will tell you later.After Mr. Huang came out, he was silent and seemed very anxious.After that, he never asked Mr. Sun about the loan again, but turned to Shanghai capitalist Zhang Jian and others to temporarily meet his urgent needs.A few weeks later, until the presidential palace was cancelled, there was still no response from foreign borrowing...

This old revolutionary, Li Shucheng, is not good enough. Look at his description, it is full of pictures and dynamics.In the scene, Sun Yat-sen looked at a foreign-language newspaper and said to Huang Xing: Today is Saturday, tomorrow is Sunday, and I will not work for these days. I have no money to take. I will talk about this matter on Monday if I have money to take. Huang Xing, a revolutionist who was born and died, is so embarrassing.

As if he didn't think this paragraph was cruel enough, Li Shucheng revealed Sun Yat-sen's scars later, and explained clearly the reason for Sun Dapao's nickname:
... On the issue of borrowing from foreign countries, Mr. Sun is more optimistic, while Mr. Huang believes that if foreign governments cannot obtain China's privileges, they will not lend to us.The comrades in Shanghai and Nanjing at that time had great hopes for recognition and loans from foreign governments, but the results were all in vain. Therefore, they did not understand Mr. Sun, saying that Mr. Sun was just blowing a cannon...

Obviously, the interim president had taken office, but Sun Yat-sen had no money to give everyone, which surprised everyone a little.The most important thing is that Li Shucheng said "how unforgiving they are to Mr. Sun"--he already understood everything when he got here.Regardless of whether Sun Yat-sen said that he returned to the country with US dollar bills, everyone thought so, so they voted for him.This vote is for tens of millions of dollars and for warships.After casting the votes, it was discovered that Sun Yat-sen had a high moral character and a clean sleeve, and everyone refused to "forgive".

If this vote is for Mr. Sun's strength of character and personality, what reason do you not understand?

All in all, big trouble.

(21) Do not marry a wife and do not eat meat

Sun Yat-sen's first thing after taking office as interim president was his attitude towards the current situation.

The so-called current situation refers to whether to continue peace talks with Beiyang Yuan Shikai, or to send troops to start a fight?
If there was a fight, it was obvious that Sun Yat-sen could not go to Beijing alone to face Yuan Shikai one-on-one. To do this, the provinces had to provide food and guns to form a coalition.

But will the representatives of the provinces agree to this condition?

Even if they promised, they couldn't do it.

At this time, Ma Chaojun, an overseas Chinese death squad who had defended the Hanyang Arsenal for three days and three nights on the front line in Wuchang, rushed to Nanjing and met with the interim President Sun Yat-sen:
...While talking freely, Huang Keqiang, as the Minister of the Army, came to visit the Prime Minister in the uniform of an army general and a sword.After I saw him, I thought of the painful memory of guarding the Hanyang Arsenal, and I felt angry. I scolded him and said: You have become a high-ranking official, and you have risen so fast. You want us to guard the Hanyang Arsenal. But slipped to Shanghai.Thinking of the heavy sacrifices of comrades in Guangdong, I wanted to use my old fists, but I gave up after the Prime Minister resolved it.

Ma Chaojun first went to Huang Xing to settle the old score, and then got back to business:
... It was time for peace negotiations between the North and the South, and representatives of the two sides were discussing in Shanghai.I asked the Prime Minister: Why not take advantage of the new vigor of the revolutionary army to completely wipe out the corrupt and evil forces in the north, so as to get it done once and for all?Talking about peace today will inevitably cause trouble.The Prime Minister said: I agree with you exactly.But now the governors of the provinces mostly refuse to allow military force and advocate peace talks. The senators elected by the provinces also think that it is not appropriate to use troops and plead for the people.If I insist on using troops, I am quite suspected of being greedy for salary.Since everyone thinks so, what else can I say?

Looking at this record, it turns out that everyone really didn't want to fight at that time.

But Sun Yat-sen said that if he had to fight, he would be "suspected of being greedy for salary and position". Where did he start with this?
This matter, the old revolutionary Wu Yuzhang, mentioned it in his memoirs:

...Although British imperialism also had some relations with Mr. Sun Yat-sen, this shows its treachery even more.Precisely because the Chinese and foreign reactionaries succeeded in collusion and unanimously oppressed to make peace, Mr. Sun Yat-sen opposed the idea of ​​peace negotiation, which was criticized by most powerful figures in the Nanjing Provisional Government at that time.Wang Jingwei even said to Mr. Sun Yat-sen: You do not agree with the peace talks, is it because you are reluctant to bear the president?Surrounded by all sides, Mr. Sun Yat-sen no longer insisted on seeing each other...

It turned out that this was the case. If the peace talks continued, Sun Yat-sen would have to step down and let Yuan Shikai be the president.And if Yuan Shikai's ass is not allowed to touch the president's chair, it will be easy to handle, just continue beating.But even the party member Wang Jingwei was not happy about this situation. Mr. Sun Yat-sen wanted to fight, but no one could fight.

People die in war, and many, many people die.So the ancients said, one will succeed and ten thousand bones will dry up.But at this time, the myriad bones don't want to wither.

So what do you guys want to do?

Ma Chaojun recalled:

At that time, Li Shizeng, Cai Yuanpei, Wu Zhihui and others initiated the "Six Meetings" organization in Tianjin. Its creed was: (1) Don't be an official. (2) Not to be an MP. (3) Improper military police. (4) Do not believe in religion. (5) Do not eat meat. (6) No marriage.Zhang Taiyan organized the Federation of the Republic of China separately, and he also firmly opposed the war. The Prime Minister was very indignant.But due to the situation, in order to take the overall situation into consideration, he had to give way to Yuan Shikai...

Regarding this six meeting, it is really incomprehensible, they actually advertise that they don't get together with their wives.Boys don't marry wives anymore, so what should girls do?It's nothing more than self-promotion, but it has even gone to the point of "the Prime Minister is very indignant".What is going on here?
The old man Wu Yuzhang also mentioned this mysterious organization, saying:

… Li Shizeng, Cai Yuanpei, Wang Jingwei and other special envoys on the ship returning to Nanjing from Beijing once organized the "Six Meetings", with the purpose of not being an official, not being a member of parliament, not whoring, not gambling, not taking concubines, and not smoking opium Phase advertised.Some people even add not to drink alcohol and not to eat meat, which is called the eight no-isms...

This makes it clear. It turns out that Liu Hui did not say that he would not marry a wife, but that he would not have mistresses.Wang Jingwei is a member of the Six Clubs, if he dares not to marry a wife, Chen Bijun can't beat him to death.

This six will not, to put it bluntly, it is just one sentence: stop making trouble, go home and live your own life.This runs counter to what Mr. Sun Yat-sen hoped.The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades will stop whoring, gambling, and mistresses. Does this make sense?

(22) One life fights one life

In order to quickly end the state of war, Huang Xing, chief of the Army of the Provisional Government, wrote to Wang Jingwei, saying:
...Xiang Cheng (Yuan Shikai) is a man of great talent and strategy, who has always been expected by the whole country. He can take the overall situation into consideration. He acted in unison with the militia and quickly overthrew the Manchu Qing government. People look up to.There is a leader of the Republic of China, and there is no doubt that Xiangcheng will be elected... But Xiangcheng must be moved quickly, and China must be a complete republic, and orphans and widows must not be allowed to have vacancies...

Huang Xing was optimistic about Yuan Shikai, so Yuan Shikai reciprocated. On January 1912, 1, Tang Shaoyi sent a telegram to Wu Tingfang, stating that the Qing court was discussing the matter of abdication.The attitude of the north is very clear, the republic is ours, and your Nanjing provisional government, don't you mean it?

So Sun Yat-sen replied:
If the Qing emperor abdicates and declares a republic, the provisional government will never break his promise, and Wen can officially announce his dismissal, and Yuan will be the first to be promoted based on merit.

That being the case, let's move on.

Just as they were about to start a conversation, unexpectedly the situation suddenly changed. Liang Bi, a member of the royal family, suddenly walked out. He went straight to the stage of history, grabbed the most conspicuous spotlight, and delivered an important speech.

Liang Bi said: Now some people are ignorant of the foreign, devouring raw meat, confusing the public, and demagoguery. Regardless of China's national conditions.China has China's special circumstances. History has chosen Aixinjueluo. Only Aixinjueluo's family can save China. Let the handful of people with ulterior motives go to hell!
Then he formed the Socialist Party, attacked the Junxian faction, and killed the Revolutionary Party.

As soon as Liangbi came out, the royal family of Aixinjueluo immediately saw hope again, and they all said: Yes, yes, the situation in China is too special, with a large population and a weak foundation. How can there be any constitutional government?If there is a constitutional government, it will inevitably fall into a state of fragmentation. At that time, it will be the common people who will suffer and suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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