Chapter 10 Chapter 10
Director Zhao Yong of "Peerless Wind and Dust" suffered a heart attack and temporarily changed directors. The turmoil arose and the media reported that director Zhang Xianzheng's temporary succession was not favored by outsiders. After all, the styles of the two were quite different.After Zhao was introduced into the hospital, many stars in the entertainment industry visited him one after another, and many guns and short cannons were set up outside the hospital.During the reporter's capture, most of the main creators of "Peerless Wind and Dust" have come to visit, but they didn't see the female lead Shen Qingqing, and there were different opinions for a while. Elegant and gentle, but actually a cold and ruthless person.What's more, a photo of Shen Qingqing and Zhang Xianzheng coming out of the restaurant together was taken, sharply pointing out that Shen Qingqing is a snobbish person who would try to curry favor with the new director as soon as he heard the news.

Insiders such as Xiaoyu and Wenwen suddenly became angry. They came to see the doctor in a hurry that night, but now they are framed and smeared. I have to say that if the entertainment circle is not right or wrong, it will be covered by these distorted reports. It confuses the audiovisual, there is no blackest, only darker.

In any case, "Peerless Wind and Dust" started as scheduled.

This film is jointly funded by Huanyi and Times. The background is strong. The heroine is Shen Qingqing, who is in the limelight. Liao Keer, the popular newcomer under Environmental Arts, Kelly, the leader of Tianmei under Times, and the supporting actor is Lan Xiang, who became famous overnight with his neutral beauty under Environmental Arts. Despite the turmoil, the opening ceremony attracted many reporters, and the scene was even more popular than expected.

In order to maintain a sense of mystery, at the opening ceremony, the actors did not appear in the image of the fixed makeup in the play, and the reporters naturally would not be willing to take two photos with no hype, and started to ask questions when they found an opportunity.Although the organizer had said hello in advance that they were not allowed to ask questions other than the movie, the reporters always had a way to play the ball, and these balls were all directed towards Shen Qingqing. The other leading actors were inevitably a little bleak. In the corner, I was quite dissatisfied but I couldn't vent it. I could only pretend to be intimate with Kelly and whispered to each other. The two leading actors were quite generous.

"I wonder if Miss Shen Qingqing has visited Director Zhao Yong?"

Shen Qingqing glanced at it, it was a reporter from "Star Entertainment Weekly", this magazine didn't quite match her, and it always liked to hype her affairs.

Shen Qingqing concealed her dissatisfaction, showed an impeccable smile, and said unhurriedly: "I went to visit Zhao the night he was introduced to the hospital. At that time, his condition had stabilized. Director Zhao was very good and took good care of the actors. , so auspicious people have their own appearance. The reason why I didn't clarify to the outside world is that I don't think there is anything to say about this kind of thing. healthy."

Some of the reporters in the audience believed it, some were still doubtful, Shen Qingqing didn't say any more.

The reporter asked again: "Director Zhang and Director Zhao have different styles. This is Director Zhang's first time filming a costume drama. So what do you think of Director Zhang directing "Peerless Wind and Dust"?"

Shen Qingqing said without hesitation: "Of course I am very confident. I have communicated with Director Zhang before, and I believe that Director Zhang will shoot a unique "Peerless Wind and Dust"."

After speaking, he smiled slightly at Director Zhang on the right, and took the microphone to joke at the right time: "You dare to ask this question in front of me, you are very brave, but you can just ask me this question, although my answer is not the same as It’s like a chime, hahaha.”

The reporter sat down with a smile, and then there were countless hands scrambling to ask questions.A newspaper reporter seized the opportunity and immediately stood up and dropped a blockbuster: "I would like to ask Ms. Shen Qingqing, you said before that there is a bottom line in accepting dramas, so is it right for you to accept the passion drama in "Peerless Fengchen"?" It has reached your bottom line, can you tell me how far it is?"

As soon as this remark came out, the scene exploded. As we all know, Shen Qingqing has long stated to the outside world that there is a bottom line for accepting dramas, nudity and passion dramas will not be accepted, and if the script really needs to be approved by the company and family before making a decision. "Peerless Wind and Dust" turned out to be a passionate drama again! ?Everyone had never heard of it, and it was so well kept secret. The reporters were all excited, and countless laser beams shot towards Shen Qingqing from their eyes.

Shen Qingqing stood in the main seat and was stunned for a moment. She was indeed shocked. She had never heard of a passionate drama. The goal is to be beautiful without vulgarity, affection without sex, when will there be a passionate scene?Shen Qingqing quickly looked at Ted in the backstage on the left, Ted was also stunned, and he hurriedly whispered to the host to ask for this question to be resolved.

"This passion scene, if there is such a thing, it will definitely be a bright spot, but it is still a secret, and we are still discussing it, so everyone may as well wait patiently, and you will know when the film is released. "

At this moment, Zhang Xianzheng opened his mouth on the ground, one sentence left and one right, he admitted that there was such a thing, but he kept the mystery, and raised the curiosity of the reporters to his throat.Zhang Xianzheng, this beast, Shen Qingqing was calm on the surface, still smiling, but his heart was already raging with anger. Ted knew Shen Qingqing's personality well, and he was so scared that his heart trembled.

There was also a reporter who refused to give up, grabbed the microphone and said directly: "If there is a passionate scene in the film, I wonder if Ms. Shen Qingqing's boyfriend will be jealous?"

boyfriend?It's strange, she didn't know when she had a boyfriend, she only had a husband and no boyfriend, if it was those rumored boyfriends who were blocked by the media, sorry she didn't know which one he was referring to.

Gossip queen Shen Qingqing has her own way of dealing with the media. She will not blindly flatter the stars like those second- and third-rate stars, nor will she snub the media like some first-line stars who think they are big names. She always smiles gently, No one knew what emotion was behind that smile.But there are rumors that she has Ning Moli's backing. Although they don't know the truth or falsehood, the media are very smart to make some fuss about her scandal behind the scenes, and they dare not be presumptuous in person. However, today's problems are getting more and more exaggerated. Someone gave them permission to do so.

This question was obviously too much, before Shen Qingqing could answer, the host on the side cut off the topic, reasoning that time was limited, and helped a group of creative personnel to leave.

As soon as she left the camera, dark clouds immediately covered Shen Qingqing's face, and Ted walked beside her, not daring to vent his anger.Behind Zhang Xian was calling her to stop, Shen Qingqing took a deep breath, put out a smile and turned around: "Director Zhang, is there anything else? I'm rushing back to the meeting."

Zhang Xianzheng said with a relaxed smile, "Qingqing, don't be angry, you won't be pretty when you are angry."

"Director Zhang joked, I'm not angry." Shen Qingqing covered her lips and gritted her teeth.

Zhang Xianzheng leaned over and said in a low voice: "Let's discuss that part of the scene again. After all, it's all about making a good movie. Director Zhao is too conservative, and some emotional scenes are necessary..."

"Director Zhang, I'm really in a hurry, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Shen Qingqing didn't wait for Zhang Xianzheng's expression, turned her head and left, followed by Ted: "Where are you going now?" She had nothing to rush, and should have gone directly to the crew to start filming, but according to the situation just now, Ted understood her fake.

Shen Qingqing said harshly: "Look for Ning Moli."

Ted swallowed, praying for a while that no sparks hit the earth.

The car raced all the way to the Vientiane Tiancheng where Ning Moli lived, and there was a dead silence inside the car. When he arrived at the destination, Shen Qingqing rushed upstairs aggressively, and Ted hurriedly followed.Shen Qingqing opened the door directly and went in, just in time to bump into the scene where Ning Moli was coaxing him to eat, and he couldn't help being taken aback.

Ning Moli rarely showed a gentle and doting expression, but when he was right, he was different. After all, they were father and daughter, so the status in his heart was naturally unmatched.It was not the first time for Shen Qingqing to see him like this, but she still couldn't help being dazed.

"Aunt Qingqing!" When Liao saw Shen Qingqing, his eyes lit up, and with a kick of his short legs, he jumped to the ground and ran over to hug Shen Qingqing's thigh, "Why are you here?"

As if he didn't see anyone, Ning Moli squatted down beside him, held up the spoon and handed it to his mouth: "Okay, good boy, eat this meal, it will be fine when you're done."

She ate it with displeasure, then raised her head with her food in her mouth and acted like a spoiled child to Shen Qingqing: "Auntie, will you play with me?"

Shen Qingqing hesitated for a while, but Ning Moli picked her up and coaxed: "Be good, baby, Aunt Qingqing has something to talk to Dad, take a good nap, and Dad will send you to school later."

Liao was lying on Ning Moli's body, a pair of jet-black eyes were reluctantly looking at Shen Qingqing, Shen Qingqing smiled and waved at her.Ning Moli settled down and walked up to them, with a dissatisfied expression on his face: "Is there anything you can't talk about until I go back to the company?"

Shen Qingqing also put away her smiling face, and said with a low voice, "You know that, right?"

Ning Moli frowned: "Just tell me clearly."

Ted leaned forward to ease the atmosphere: "Let me tell."

"You leave me."

Ning Moli and Shen Qingqing turned their heads to stare at him at the same time, poor Ted silently backed away with a bitter face.

Ning Moli sat down on the sofa, stretched his long arms on the back of the sofa, squinted his eyes and said to Shen Qingqing: "Seeing that you have a temper, let's hear it."

Shen Qingqing let out a breath, and put her hands on her hips: "When did "Peerless Feng Chen" add a passion scene? You should explain it to me. I told you very clearly before, I will definitely not accept passion scenes."

Ning Moli's eyes froze for a moment, and then said lightly, "Passionate drama?"

Shen Qingqing snorted and laughed: "Don't tell me you don't know, Boss Ning."

Ning Moli raised his eyebrows, and said disapprovingly: "What I thought was, what's wrong with the passion scene, as an excellent actor, he must be able to control any scene."

Shen Qingqing completely lowered her face: "I won't answer."

"It's up to you whether you take it or not." Ning Mo lifted his chin slightly, speaking forcefully.

"Ning Moli!"

Ning Moli got up and stepped in front of Shen Qingqing, and leaned condescendingly into her ear to warn: "Be quiet, I'm sleeping."

Shen Qingqing pushed him away, and said in a low voice: "I request to quit "Peerless Fengchen"."

Ning Mo smiled tentatively, and this smile made his handsome face a bit more chillingly soft: "You think quitting is that easy? The filming has officially started, and the director has just changed, and you have to do it again." If there is a scene where the heroine is changed, I don't think we need to shoot it at all."

"Written in black and white, don't lie to your debt."

Ning Moli's tall body leaned gracefully on the sofa, and slowly said: "Okay, you pay the liquidated damages yourself, not only that, you also have to deal with the media yourself, Ted is not allowed to intervene. Even with the contract between you and me, you have to pay compensation."

Shen Qingqing was startled: "Why?"

Ning Moli smiled slightly and said, "Because it is written in black and white that my decision takes priority in emergencies."

Shen Qingqing thought about it carefully, it was indeed the case, when she signed the contract, she was at a disadvantage, basically she could only agree to whatever Ning Moli asked.

Shen Qingqing sneered after being extremely angry: "I didn't expect you to be so despicable."

Ning Moli's expression didn't change, he pointed at the door and said, "If you know, get out and go back to filming!"

Ted was so shocked that his face turned pale, he just begged Shen Qingqing to leave quickly, and stop talking nonsense to make Ning Moli angry.But Shen Qingqing didn't move, she looked straight at Ning Moli with a stubborn face: "You know, I can't take passionate scenes."

Ted rubbed his forehead, it's over, why does she insist on which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

As expected, Ning Moli narrowed his phoenix eyes, his smile widened, and he was so handsome that it was suffocating. Every word he spoke was like an ice pick piercing the ground: "Don't mention your ridiculous marriage in front of me, get out of here immediately."

Shen Qingqing's lips kept trembling, she turned around abruptly, rushed to the dining table and tore off the entire tablecloth, the vases and water cups were scattered all over the floor, the loud noise was deafening, the water in the cups seeped into the cracks in the floor, Shards of glass splattered everywhere.

Ted was dumbfounded, Ning Mo left his face unchanged.

"Dad... what's wrong?"

Liao rubbed his eyes and came out of the room.

Ning Moli stared at Shen Qingqing, and gave the order in a warm voice: "That's it, go back and close the door."

Liao glanced at them timidly, feeling that the atmosphere was not right, he mustered up his courage and said to Ning Moli: "Father, don't be angry with Aunt Qingqing."

Ning Moli said it again, with a more serious tone: "That's it, be good, go back to your room."

After this time, he obediently hid in the room.

Shen Qingqing breathed a heavy sigh of relief, straightened her messy long hair again, and didn't look at Ning Moli, as if she was talking to herself: "Zhang Xianzheng wants to take this opportunity to punish me, it's okay, everyone will wait and see. "

After finishing speaking, he left angrily.

Ning Moli stared at the water marks on the ground for a long time, his eyes couldn't feel the warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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