Chapter 13 Chapter 13
The filming of "Peerless Wind and Dust" basically went smoothly, although Zhang Xianzheng still put on small shoes for Shen Qingqing from time to time, on the surface he also made a pair of Shen Qingqing, which is the biggest brand of the crew, to take good care of her, it is obviously not easy to trap her.In addition, although Liao Ke'er tried her best to cover it up, she already knew the calculations in her heart very well, and this girl hated her very much. Kelly seems to be the same as the outside rumors, a sweet girl.As for the two male protagonists, Lan Xiang belongs to the same company. Although he pretends to be a neutral and handsome man, he is actually a very bold man. As for Yang Fan, he seems to be a shy person. Although he has acted in several rival scenes, Still very unfamiliar.

Immediately afterward, rumors broke out on the Internet that Shen Qingqing played a big role in the film crew, did not share the dressing room with other actors, and refused to eat the boxed lunches ordered by the film crew.

Shen Qingqing just snorted coldly, and threw the laptop back to Ted.

Ted sighed and began to comfort: "Don't worry about these things. Those reporters are afraid that the world will not be chaotic. They don't care if you are on a diet to lose weight, and they don't care if you have written in the contract that you have to spare time for commercials. Even if they know, they will still pretend not to know. You are popular, and there will inevitably be many disputes."

"I understand all this."

Naturally, Shen Qingqing didn't dislike those paparazzi, she rarely saw such reports?She is disgusting Zhang Xianzheng, he obviously wanted to use this opportunity to trouble her, he inexplicably deleted and deleted the role of the heroine, but Liao Ke'er's roles increased.Strange to say, Kelly belongs to the era, so she should be closer to Zhang Xianzheng, but it was Liao Ke'er who added the show... Shen Qingqing didn't want to ask Ning Moli to come forward, and this time it was Qiao Hanshen who made the most of the investment, and Qiao Hanshen and Zhang Xianzheng has something to do with it, and it's really difficult to move Zhang Xianzheng.

"For a while..." Ted swallowed, "I see Mo Li later, can you stop talking loudly to him?"

"What do you mean?" Shen Qingqing frowned unhappily, "Why tell me, you should tell him."

Ted looked helpless, unable to express his suffering: "Qingqing, actually... Moli treats you very well."

Shen Qingqing said coolly: "Why can't I see it? He is good to me, but let that pig Zhang Xianzheng trouble me. I don't want to act in a passionate scene, but he wants to push me into a dead end? Then he treats me badly." That's good enough."

"He also has his own considerations, don't always feel like he's trying to harm you..." Ted caught Shen Qingqing's cannibalistic gaze before he finished speaking, and immediately rotted the second half of the sentence in his stomach, "Anyway, it's still Speak well, everything is negotiable."

Today, Shen Qingqing was here to accompany her, and Ning Moli wanted to explain to her about the passionate scene by the way.The filming is underway, and this part is a focus of attention from many parties. Because it was not specified in the previous contract, Zhang Xianzheng added this clause in the subsidiary contract. After deliberation, he came to the final conclusion. The bottom line of Qing is that you must not be explicit.

Arriving at the appointed restaurant, the manager here was familiar with Ning Moli, and immediately took Shen Qingqing to the box on the third floor, where Ning Moli had already made up and was waiting.

As soon as Liao saw Shen Qingqing, her eyes lit up, and she didn't care that her own father was helping her tie the napkin, she immediately jumped in front of Shen Qingqing, hugged Shen Qingqing's thigh and rubbed it, her big eyes were full of tears. Xinxi: "Aunt Qingqing, you haven't come to see me for two days." After speaking, she pursed her mouth in aggrieved manner.

Shen Qingqing couldn't stand her like this the most, her originally stern face couldn't help but relax, she knelt down and hugged her, kissed her on the face, pretending to be pitiful: "Baby, I'm sorry, I was wrong , you punish me."

Ning Moli looked at the intimacy of one big and one small, turned his head slightly, and smiled lightly from an angle that they couldn't see.

Liao rolled his eyes, put his arms around Shen Qingqing's neck and said: "You will sleep with me tonight."

Shen Qingqing asked maliciously: "You don't want to sleep with Dad anymore?"

Liao decisively abandoned her handsome father: "No. I want to sleep with you."

Shen Qingqing provocatively said to Ning Moli: "What should I do, do you want me to go there tonight?"

"It's over, let's do what she wants." Ning Moli took a sip of tea unhurriedly, "Sit down, I'm hungry."

Shen Qingqing chose a seat facing Ning Moli, with three chairs separated in the middle, and she leaned next to Shen Qingqing unconscionably. Ted was not right and left, so he simply chose a moderate seat and sat down.

"eat first."

This hotel specializes in Cantonese dishes, because Liao Li likes sweet food, so Ning Moli often takes her to eat here.

Shen Qingqing didn't eat much. In order to maintain her best figure for filming, she paid great attention to controlling her diet and only drank a bowl of porridge.She was already feeding at other times, it's not that this little ancestor is difficult to take care of, of course she can eat by herself at such a big age, but she just likes Shen Qingqing feeding her, she feels very happy.

After eating for a while, Ning Moli started the conversation: "The scene has been finalized, did Zhang Xianzheng mention it to you?"

"No, I don't bother to ask him."

"Well, basically it's definitely the scene after you and Yang Fan confirmed your relationship."

It doesn't matter who she is with, she only cares about one question: "Scale?"

Because of his presence, Ning Moli just pointed at his back, then at his legs: "That's all."

Although this level of nudity is acceptable, Shen Qingqing still had an expression of eating a fly: "That fat pig, I don't know what will happen on the set."

Ning Moli remained silent, but Ted hurriedly reassured her: "Don't worry, the venue will be cleared, and there will be protection measures during the performance, so you won't lose everything. That's how Moli was at the beginning, it's very safe."

Shen Qingqing was taken aback, looking at Ning Moli's calm face, she suddenly realized how Ning Moli didn't come across this kind of movie when he was the best actor, but she couldn't remember which one it was for a while.

Ning Moli seemed to be able to see through what Shen Qingqing was thinking, and casually reminded: "If you want to learn from "Shut Up Your Throat with an Arrow", you can read it."

She couldn't imagine what kind of passionate scenes Ning Moli would perform, because he always looked ascetic, and she was really worried that the acting would not be realistic enough, but at this time, she couldn't admit it even if she really had this idea.

"It's just a passion scene, I just don't want to act, I didn't say I wouldn't act."

Ning Moli smiled lazily, and narrowed his phoenix eyes in a daze: "Really."

Ted began to sweat silently, observing Shen Qingqing's face nervously, saying that Shen Qingqing was fine with everything, as long as there was no reason to question her acting skills, she would never give up.Speaking of it, in the eyes of outsiders, Shen Qingqing seems to be on the rise, but only she and the people around her know the bitterness in it.From a young trainee who did not come from a major, in order to hone her acting skills, others put in a lot of hard work, and Shen Qingqing had to put in thirty minutes of hard work.People like Ning Moli who are born to act are really rare treasures. Shen Qingqing relies on constant speculation, observation, thinking, and practice.Only they know that Shen Qingqing will stand in front of the mirror and practice repeatedly for days and nights for a certain expression of a character in a play, and will also try to use different voices and tones in order to practice a line of dialogue, in order to achieve the best good effect.Film critics in the industry believe that the characters played by Shen Qingqing have a sense of layering that others do not have, and that different characters will not have repeated deja vu expressions, and the eyes and movements are very delicate, which is worthy of scrutiny.

But this kind of thing is better than she won't tell outsiders, especially there is An Qian in front of her. Many directors have praised her for her spirituality and talent in acting.

However, before Shen Qingqing could speak, the little girl rushed to speak: "Aunt Qingqing can do any passionate drama well!" After speaking, she made a face at her father.

Shen Qingqing couldn't help laughing, this little baby can talk a lot when her mouth is big, but she probably can't figure out what a passionate scene is.But no matter what, Shen Qingqing's original anger was gone after being interrupted by her like this.

Ning Moli didn't mind her daughter's scrambling, but started teasing her daughter: "Okay, do you know what a passion scene is?"

He stared at Ning Moli's smiling face with a pair of dark eyes, as if he was thinking about this question seriously, but he couldn't answer after hesitating for a long time.

"Okay, okay." Shen Qingqing distracted her attention by feeding her a piece of durian cake, then frowned at Ning Moli, "Don't teach the children badly."

Ning Moli leaned comfortably on the back of the chair with disapproval on his face.

Ted looked left and right, and couldn't help sighing: "You are really like a family."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he regretted it, and the two people who heard his words were stunned.

Before Shen Qingqing could react, she opened her small mouth and began to chatter endlessly: "Aunt Qingqing is her family. Isn't that right, Dad?"

Shen Qingqing is embarrassing. At this time, if she is asked to say yes or no, no and no, it's okay, it's Ning Moli who asked... Then, how will Ning Moli answer?For some reason, Shen Qingqing looked towards the opposite side nervously.

Ning Moli still had a smile on the corner of his mouth, but Shen Qingqing couldn't tell the warmth from that smile.He seemed to be looking at her, but on closer inspection it turned out that he wasn't actually looking at anyone.

After a while, he got it right and said, "It's almost time, you have to go back to practice." Then he said to Ted, "You send Shen Qingqing back."

Liao hugged Shen Qingqing's arm, and protested softly: "But, I'm going to sleep with Aunt Qingqing today..."

Ning Moli moved forward and waved: "Aunt Qingqing will be filming tomorrow, good boy, dad will take you out to play on weekends."

Ning Moli is very spoiled, but his majesty with his daughter is unmatched, usually nothing, but as long as he says "be good", it is a hint that he is right - he must be obedient.

As expected, she immediately hesitated, she didn't dare to say "Father clearly agreed", then she looked at Shen Qingqing reluctantly, her black eyes flickered, her white face was struggling, and then she seemed to make up her mind. She ran to hold Ning Moli's hand, turned her head and said goodbye to Shen Qingqing aggrievedly: "Goodbye, Aunt Qingqing."

Shen Qingqing smiled, and waved her hand: "Listen to Dad, Auntie will come and play with you when she is free."

Ning Moli took it away and Shen Qingqing's smile disappeared immediately.She glanced at Ted. The latter knew that because of his words, the atmosphere was frozen, and he stood there like a mourning concubine. He also had a cerebral palsy for some reason at the time, so he spoke out, guilty and guilty.

Shen Qingqing didn't intend to leave, she picked up the teacup and drank it slowly, and then thought of the scene just now, she couldn't help but want to laugh.How could she become her family, her family, that is, Ning Moli's family.But she is Ning Moli's threat, holding Ning Moli's secret in her hand. Although there is a contract binding her now, Ning Moli will never let her guard down. The complicated relationship between them is definitely not what outsiders think. The rules are that simple.

"Ahem..." Ted pretended to have an itchy throat, trying to get Shen Qingqing's attention.

Shen Qingqing put down the teacup, and suddenly thought of a question: "Do you know who the biological mother is?"

She looks a lot like Ning Moli, and inherited her father's stunning looks at a young age, but it's also because she and Ning Moli are almost carved out of the same mold, so it doesn't look too good from her face. The shadow of her mother was seen, which is why the outside world has never been able to guess who her mother will be.

Ted was startled, choked on his own saliva, and started coughing wildly, this time it was a real cough.

"Why are you so scared?" Shen Qingqing frowned dissatisfiedly, and then said with a smirk, "Could it be that you know?"

Ted has followed Ning Moli since his debut, and the relationship between the two is quite good, even if he finds out who his biological mother is, it wouldn't be surprising.

Ted took a sip of water and calmed down: "Grandma, I beg you, you can't ask this question casually. Mo Li has already issued a banning order to the outside world. Anyone who mentions it will be killed."

"He's not here. There's only you and me here. Why are you so nervous?"

"You ask me, and I don't know." Ted shook his head, his handsome white face was very cautious, "Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

"It's nothing." Shen Qingqing twirled the teacup and said lazily, "I'm just curious, for a picky man like Ning Moli, what kind of woman can fall into his eyes and let her give birth to his child. Are you really I don’t know, weren’t you his agent before?”

Ted thought for a while, and begged for mercy with a bitter face: "Auntie, it's not that he's pregnant, how could I find out."

Shen Qingqing continued her speculation: "Could it be a surrogate mother? Could it be that Ning Moli is also gay?"

Ted's face twitched, speechless.

"Forget it, I don't care about my business anyway, it's not good for me to know too many of his secrets. Let's go." Shen Qingqing waved her hand and stopped thinking about this question.


In the back seat of the car, Liao leaned on Ning Moli's body, clutching Ning Moli's cuffs tightly with his small hands, raised his small face and nervously looked at Ning Moli who was in deep thought.

Ning Moli came back to his senses: "Huh?"

He was half sobbing and half aggrieved: "Are you angry? I knew I was wrong, but I didn't say that Aunt Qingqing became a mother. Dad, don't be angry."

"I'm not angry." Ning Moli gently stroked his little head.

Liao poked Ning Moli's cheek with his small hand: "Then why are you so sad?"

Ning Moli was taken aback, and said with a smile, "No, Dad is fine."

He hugged her in his arms, kissed her forehead, and said in a low voice, "It's enough for Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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