Chapter 30 Chapter 30
Shen Qingqing asked which hospital Ning Moli was from, Ning Moli still had that unpredictable smile on his face, and then said to her: "Check it out yourself."

Ning Moli does things as he pleases, Shen Qingqing knows his bad personality too well, so she went directly to Director Li the next day, and then Director Li told her that the shooting location was the new building of the First Hospital.

It is not easy to shoot a TV drama script in a hospital, because there are so many people that it is inconvenient to shoot, and the shooting process can easily cause troubles for the hospital. Immediately borrow the venue.

Everything else is fine, but when the word No. [-] Hospital breaks into the brain, it can be converted into the word Ji Yan immediately.

"I'm very happy that you can take this drama. When I contacted Ted earlier, she said that you don't have a schedule. It seems that there are several movies chasing you, and Mr. Ning doesn't seem to want you to take it. No matter what, I always think that You are the perfect choice for the heroine"

When Li Zhiyun was talking on the phone, Shen Qingqing was still wandering, she came back to her senses, and said with a smile: "I have already told him, how can Director Li not give face."

Although Li Zhiyun is an outstanding director of TV dramas, he is very stubborn and strives for perfection in filming. Sometimes he is not very popular in the industry, and his recent development has not been smooth. It takes painstaking efforts to write the script, raise funds, and find actors. The script is good and the funds are in place, but the right actors are missing.Shen Qingqing's answer undoubtedly gave him a shot in the arm.

"I've already read the script. I want to ask you why you chose me as the heroine. After all, I haven't even auditioned."

Li Zhiyun chuckled twice: "Since I have read the script, don't you know the reason?"

Shen Qingqing tried to ask: "Because it's like me?"

"Qingqing, we have known each other for a long time, no matter what the outside world says, I knew exactly what kind of person you are five years ago."

Shen Qingqing immediately continued: "Selfishness, hypocrisy, elegance, paranoia, insidiousness, perfectionism, what else?"

"Hehe, these are all accurate." Li Zhiyun joked, "However, you missed kindness."

Shen Qingqing said in surprise: "Oh, I have such a beautiful thing on my body, why didn't I know it."

"If you were not kind, why would you push director Zeng's play to take over my TV series. This role is very complicated. I thought of you the first time I saw this role, and only you can grasp it."

"The not-so-kind heroine, um, is quite brilliant, I'm looking forward to it."

"You won't change your mind again?"

Shen Qingqing was drawing a circle around two characters on the paper with a pen. Those two characters were "hospital". Ning Moli didn't want her to take over the show because the filming location was in Ji Yun's hospital?Shen Qingqing is narcissistic, but she is not narcissistic enough to really think that Ning Moli issued the ban because of "jealousy".As for Ji Yan... Shen Qingqing rubbed her brows, she wouldn't want to keep him from breaking his promise, right?In addition, "Peerless Wind and Dust" is the fourth drama she has taken on in a row, so she is inevitably a little tired, and she has experienced so many news bombardments during the period, returning to the screen for a while may not be the right choice.

"Don't worry, everything is on me." Shen Qingqing crumpled the piece of paper into a ball.

Li Zhiyun's voice sounded very happy: "Okay, let's make an appointment the day after tomorrow, and see if there is a suitable male lead."

"As for the male lead, I do have someone to choose." Shen Qingqing's eyes glanced at the magazine in front of him, and on the cover was a black and white blockbuster of a handsome man, with an imposing manner.

"Really, who?"

Shen Qingqing couldn't help laughing, and said softly: "Fang Shun."

Director Li thought that Shen Qingqing was joking about finding Fang Shun as the male lead, but Shen Qingqing didn't make such jokes casually.She knew that Fang Shun was another three-living superstar since Ning Moli, especially with countless film awards, which was close to Ning Moli's glory in the past.It's just that the reason why he became famous at the beginning was his face. His appearance was half like Ning Moli's, and his behavior was seventy percent like Ning Moli's. It seemed that it would not be difficult for him to become famous immediately.He is also a smart person. After becoming famous, Ning Moli's shadow gradually diminished on him, and he added his own style, forming a school of his own.

Shen Qingqing also knew that Fang Shun had gone solo two years ago and set up his own company. Apart from looking alike, his development path seemed to follow Ning Moli's pace.At present, Fang Shun is starting again after half a year of poor investment. He and An Qian are very close. He initially plans to star in a spy movie with An Qian, but it is still under negotiation.Most people think that this should be a certainty, and even director Li Zhiyun thinks so.What's more, find an actor to make a TV series?If it comes true, this TV series only needs to worry about how high the ratings will be created, but this is simply an impossible task, and it was rejected without putting it on the agenda.But Shen Qingqing doesn't think so, she can act, so why is it impossible for Fang Shun?
It's up to people to plan things, and with Fang Shun joining her, she will be like a tiger with wings added.

Shen Qingqing doesn't fight unprepared battles, since she has an idea, she naturally has countermeasures.It's just that I need to ask Ning Moli for a little help in this matter... The problem is that this Emperor Ning played with her and disappeared.

After he knew that Shen Qingqing was determined to take the filming of "The Queen in White", he just smiled eccentrically on the spot, and then there was no news for several days, and it seemed as if the world had evaporated. He told everyone that he was not happy.

Shen Qingqing sent Ted to find someone, Ted was exhausted, and finally found Ning Moli from Tibet.

"Actually, acting doesn't need to be so fussy, it's enough to achieve the effect. Don't you see that Ji Yan has shown signs of turning around? Once the filming started, they must have had a lot of contact. As long as Qingqing is willing to soften, it is only a matter of time before they get back together. You You can also retire immediately."

Ted tried to persuade the man he had served half his life on the return plane, and it was really unbearable that his bad temper was still so selfish.

Ning Moli took off the blindfold and turned his head. The light in the phoenix eyes was flowing, black as a deep pool, and he hummed coldly: "Who said I was acting."

A lightning struck, Ted's eyes widened, his mouth was big enough to fit a dinosaur egg, and he was too dumb to say a word.

That night, Shen Qingqing met Ning Moli. This person was enjoying good food and wine, and he didn't feel guilty about leaving the company behind.

Shen Qingqing sat down opposite him, and said bluntly: "Help."

Ning Mo didn't lift his head: "I won't help."

"Honey." Shen Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly like a lover: "I will give you a chance to pursue me now."

Ning Moli became a little interested: "Oh?"

"I want you to deal with Fang Shun."

Ning Moli immediately frowned, and pulled his handsome face: "I don't like him."

Ning Moli was quite displeased with this fake version that looked somewhat similar to himself.

Shen Qingqing wants to say that you don't like too many people, but you can tell me who you like.

She rolled her eyes, knocked on the table, and expressed her toughness: "I want him to play the male lead of "The Queen in White."

After a while, Ning Moli put down his fork thoughtfully, and chuckled, "Are you going to steal An Qian's role?"

"Reluctant? That's right, at least it's an ex-girlfriend..." Shen Qingqing teased deliberately.

Ning Moli wasn't angry this time, but smiled slyly: "Is this jealousy?"

Shen Qingqing was taken aback for a moment, her stunned expression was cute, Ning Moli couldn't help but feel better: "I'll think about what you said."

Shen Qingqing was stunned for a long time before she came to her senses. She cleared her throat, feeling a little embarrassed, but also annoyed. She fidgeted for a while, and said half-squeamishly and half-irritatedly: "What are you thinking about, can you help me?" Don’t help, just a word. Don’t forget, you owe me Zhang Xianzheng’s affairs.”

"I haven't seen you for a few days, and I've learned to use strong words." Ning Moli said generously, "Okay, I agree. However, there is a condition."

Shen Qingqing knew that he was not that straightforward: "Is there any condition?"

"After the exam, there will be an autumn vacation. I want to take her on a trip, but she wants you to go too."

"Just the three of us?" Why did it feel weird, Shen Qingqing hesitated, "...I will try my best to spare time."

"To go or not to go, a word."

This is called an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Shen Qingqing squeezed out a word from between his teeth: "Go."

Ning Moli narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

Three days later, a piece of news appeared overwhelmingly on the front pages of all media.

Best actor Fang Shun has confirmed to join "The Queen in White", and the contract has been signed.A few days ago, he was still saying that he would join hands with An Qian to create a dream combination. In a blink of an eye, although it was still a combination of actor and actress, the heroine became Shen Qingqing, the actress of Xinke.

The two big screen stars moved to the small screen, how interesting it sounds, what attracts both the actor and actress to throw olive branches, the circle can not help but strengthen the attention to "The Queen in White", this drama suddenly from It became hot in the lukewarm state.

As soon as Fang Shun's news came out, director Li Zhiyun's call was the first to catch up. He was overjoyed and laughed from ear to ear. He really wanted to know what method Shen Qingqing used to abduct Fang Shun. Vaguely told Director Li not to worry too much, everything went smoothly.

Ning Moli was very quiet over there, Shen Qingqing was attending a fashion ceremony in another place, and he called to thank her in his spare time, but the guy felt that she was doing it perfunctorily, so he hung up the phone casually, making it clear that he wanted Shen Qing Qing personally went to him and solemnly thanked him.Shen Qingqing endured and endured, and helplessly asked Ted to prepare Ning Moli's favorite red wine, and when her work here was over, she immediately flew back to Ning Moli's home.

Unexpectedly, she was stopped as soon as she got off the plane.

Obediently, look who this is.

Shen Qingqing looked ignorant: "Rare guest, what do you need from me?"

"What do you think?" An Damei raised her chin coldly and stared at Shen Qingqing.

(End of this chapter)

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