Chapter 33 Chapter 33
The interior of the No. [-] Hospital was boiling. During the lunch break, a few nurses chatted endlessly, and some of them took out the photos they secretly took and laughed happily.As early as a month ago, I heard rumors that a crew came here to borrow a venue for filming, but everyone thought it was gossip and didn’t take it seriously. I didn’t expect that in the past few days, crew members brought props to set up the venue one after another. Then today the actor and director They are all here, one emperor and one empress have already dazzled people, but unexpectedly a great god has also come.

Ji Yan didn't say a word after eating, staring at the lunch box in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Doctor Ji, are you feeling well?"

Although Xiao An was chatting, her eyes never left Ji Yan. Since the daytime, she had sensed that something was wrong with Ji Yan. He seemed to be more silent than usual.

Ji Yan raised his head, looked for the focal length, and the fog in his eyes slowly dissipated: "It's nothing."

"Xiao Ji, are you too tired?" The head nurse also came over and said.

Dr. Ji worked overtime day and night, and sometimes slept in the office. Director Xiao joked that he couldn't devote himself to work so much without a girlfriend, and then asked his daughter to take care of the single young doctor.

Dr. Zheng floated in, then set up Ji Yan and walked out, still sarcastically saying: "He's fine, just a little short-circuited."

Mrs. Zheng carried Ji Yan all the way out, but Mrs. Zheng broke away from him with a grimace, and Mrs. Zheng came up to support him again.

It was really ugly for the two male doctors to chatter in the corridor, Ji Yan turned cold and said, "What are you doing?"

Zheng breathed out in his nasal cavity: "What do you think I am doing, Ji Yan, if it weren't for the friendship between you and me for so many years, I would have punched me in the face."

Ji Yun regarded him as crazy, turned his head and left.

"Hello." Mrs. Zheng bent his shoulders and said in a low voice, "She is in that new building now, and Ning Moli is there too. Are you willing? She is your wife. She is in the spouse section of the certificate. The name next to it is you, not Ning Moli!"

In Zheng's words, Ji Yan sullenly said, a little embarrassed: "You forgot that she rejected me."

Zheng simply gritted his teeth: "You deserve it. It's all because Qingqing treated you too well and spoiled you. It's normal for a man to be rejected once or twice when he chases a woman. When I chased my wife, I lost face Is your face so important?"

Ji Yan thought for a long time, looked through the window at the building not far away, and took a deep breath: "I see."

"That's right." Mrs. Zheng patted her chest, "I'll ask her out later, you seize the opportunity."


This is the 8th time that Director Li called a stop. With this sound card, the crew was surrounded by a stronger sense of tension.

Shen Qingqing walked down calmly, and Fang Shun, who was playing with her, was still calm for the time being.Director Li Zhiyun is also known as the double-faced devil director. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you will never imagine that this person who is usually strict and peaceful will suddenly change his personality once he sits behind the monitor.It is common for actors to be scolded and cry by him. No matter what kind of ugly words can come out of his mouth, when Shen Qingqing was filming his scene for the first time, she refrained from crying, but she couldn't control it when she got home up.Therefore, taking director Li's film requires a super strong psychological endurance, and Shen Qingqing has become accustomed to it.

"Fang Shun, great actor, have you thoroughly read the script? You haven't passed this scene 8 times. Are those trophies just for display?" Director Li rolled up the script and fired at Fang Shun. Fang Shun tried his best to maintain his smile Already stiff.

After Director Li finished speaking, he turned his cannon and said to Shen Qingqing, "There is also Qingqing, you don't look like a capable female doctor no matter how you dress up, and you are a stylist, you can't help but eat!"

The stylist rushed over in a panic, and took Shen Qingqing down to do the styling again.

Director Li turned around and yelled at the reporters who were poking their heads and wanting to take pictures of Ning Moli: "What are you doing, let you watch and observe, not to make you mess up, put your feet back for me."

The most leisurely person in the whole venue was Ning Moli. This great god was not in a hurry to leave, and had been sitting next to Director Li watching the play.

On the other side, Shen Qingqing faced the mirror and let the stylist fiddle around on her head. The stylist suddenly stopped, as if she wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

"What's the problem?"

The stylist said in embarrassment: "I just thought that if I cut my hair short, the effect should be the best. But..."

He looked at Shen Qingqing's waist-length curly hair and didn't say any more. Such beautiful long hair should have been raised for a long time, and no one would be willing to cut it off all at once.

Shen Qingqing really stood there in a daze for a long time, she rolled up a bunch of hair and looked and looked.

She still had short hair 8 years ago, but since she met Ji Yun, she started to have long hair.

Because Ji Yan said that he likes long hair.

On the other end, Director Li was getting impatient. Ada rushed over and whispered something in his ear. He frowned and urged, "Hurry up." He turned back and said to the crew, "Have a half-hour rest."

Everyone didn't know what happened, but the director ordered to rest and rest.Ning Moli called Ted over and said, "Go and have a look."

After a while, Ted came back from the dressing room, his expression was a little strange, but also a little excited, Ning Moli hooked him: "What's wrong?"

Ted shook his head, hesitantly said: "Why don't you go and see for yourself?"

Ning Moli got up and walked directly to the door of the dressing room, knocked on the door and said, "It's me, can I come in?"

A deep voice came from inside: "Come in."

"A word of caution, calm down." Ted suddenly pressed Ning Moli's hand to push the door and said with a smile.

Ning Moli said "oh" with interest, but didn't take it seriously.

Ning Moli pushed the door open and entered, just when he raised his eyes, he was suddenly stunned.

Shen Qingqing sat in front of the mirror, closed her eyes and asked the stylist behind her: "Are you ready?"

The stylist closed his hands in satisfaction and said, "Perfect."

Shen Qingqing took a deep breath, slowly opened her eyes, and faced herself in the mirror like falling into a dream for a moment, she turned her head, raised her hand to touch the short hair that only reached the ears, her heart was a little empty, but for some reason, she was a little bit nostalgia.

"Miss Qingqing."

Ada handed her the white robe, Shen Qingqing took it and put it on, and when she stood in front of the mirror again, her aura became fresh and fierce, less glamorous and more heroic, and the female doctor's confidence was revealed in her eyebrows and eyes and capable.

This is the queen in white.

Shen Qingqing walked towards Ning Moli with her broken hair: "Looking for me?"

No answer.

Shen Qingqing raised her head, and found that Ning Moli was standing there staring at her in a daze, her eyes didn't blink, but her eyes were very empty, separated by a heavy veil.

"Hello." Shen Qingqing raised her hand and shook it in front of him.

Ted pushed him from behind, and Ning Moli came back to his senses, and immediately coughed lightly in a concealed manner, and after a while, he couldn't help but look up at her again.

"Why do you look at me like that? Is it ugly?"

Shen Qingqing touched her hair subconsciously, Ning Moli's eyes were a little strange, her heart beat a little fast, and she felt uncomfortable.

"Hehe, it's probably the first time Moli saw your short hair, and I didn't get used to it all at once, right." Ted winked at Ning Moli, and Ning Moli's reaction was a bit unexpected.

Ning Moli closed his eyes, opened them again, and calmed down inside: "This look is more suitable for the character than before."

"I think so too." Shen Qingqing sighed, "It's a pity that I have raised it for so long." After speaking, she turned her head and looked at the long hair on the ground unwillingly.

" may not be a bad thing."


Shen Qingqing was stunned suddenly, Ning Moli's hand touched her short hair at some point, before Shen Qingqing could react, Ning Moli suddenly withdrew his hand, as if he was escaping from something, he suddenly turned around and walked towards the door :"I go first."

Shen Qingqing was puzzled, and looked at the mirror again and again: "Is it strange?"

Ning Moli walked very fast, Ted trotted to catch up with him, but when he caught up with him, he didn't know what to say, for fear of hurting Ning Moli by saying the wrong sentence.

It's hard to imagine that someone as strong as Ning Moli would have a past that he dare not recall.

"Moli, are you okay?"

Ning Moli quickened his pace and hurried out from the side door. After a long time, he replied, "It's okay."

His face doesn't look like he's okay.

"Don't you like her like this..."

"I said it's fine!" Ning Moli suddenly turned around and said loudly, Ted immediately shut up.

Ning Mo touched his forehead and shook his head: "Cancel my afternoon schedule."

"Okay." Ted couldn't help but say, "Call me if you need anything."

Ning Moli got into the car, nodded absently, and then told the driver to drive.


Ted straightened up from the car window and turned around: "Zheng?"

"What are you doing here?" Zheng's eyes lit up, and he walked towards him excitedly, but when he saw the people in the car, he immediately changed his face, "...Ning Moli."

Ning Moli raised his eyelids, glanced at Zheng's face, as if he had seen it somewhere before, and concluded that he didn't remember this face.

Zheng squeezed to Ted's side and said to the people in the car, "It's just right, I have something to tell you."

"You go to work, there are reporters here, don't make trouble."

Ted wanted to dismiss Zheng Shi, what good could this guy do, Ning Moli is in a bad mood now, it's hard to guarantee that he won't lose his temper after just a few words.

Ning Moli ignored him and told the driver: "Drive."

Mrs. Zheng held on to the window and said, "What's the hurry, I haven't finished my sentence yet." He mocked, "I said, the most hateful person in this world is Xiaosan, those women are shameless to pick up this title, didn't listen It is said that men also like to poach people, steal other people's wives, and be mistresses, and shamelessly openly talk about their pursuits, they are already famous, don't ruin other people's reputations."

Ted turned pale, and pinched Zheng's arm in fright: "What nonsense are you talking about, I won't let you in if you talk nonsense!"

Mrs. Zheng groaned in pain, but said unforgivingly: "What I'm saying is the truth, don't be foolish and loyal. He's not a good man, any good man would rob someone's wife!"

"Finished?" Ning Moli said coldly, "Drive."

In desperation, Zheng reached out and grabbed Ning Moli's collar: "Hey, you don't understand what I say, right? I'm still a character, can you stop doing such boring things? I'm looking at Ji Yun It's good with Qingqing, the relationship between the two of them can't tolerate you, and it's too wicked to break up the marriage."

Ning Moli's entire face was as frozen as ice, exuding a cold air, he glanced at Zheng Shi lightly, the sinisterness hidden in the phoenix eyes made people panic, but he suddenly evoked a strange smile: "Little San, break up the marriage? Sir, have you made a mistake?"

Ning Moli pressed Zheng Shi's hand, the knuckles of his slender fingers turned blue.Zheng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Ning Moli's strength was so strong that it could almost break his wrist, Ning Moli slowly took his hand away from his collar.

"I don't know who is shameless."

Ning Moli let go suddenly, and Zheng couldn't help taking two steps back, looking at Ning Moli in shock.

Ning Moli's car drove away, Zheng stayed for a long time before recovering, and then he realized that Ji Yan was not going to face a simple role.

Ning Moli leaned on the back seat, unbuttoned his collar, took out the necklace and held it firmly in his hand.He has rubbed the pattern on the shell of the pendant for countless days and nights, and he can imagine the complicated patterns on it with his eyes closed.

And the photos here, the people in the photos, the bright smiling faces, and the clean short hair.

The image that impressed him most was when they first met, the sun shone through her short fluffy hair, she turned her head slightly to look at him, her eyes were a bit fierce, and that small face seemed to be shining.And the last time they met, she was lying in a pool of blood, her short hair sticking to her pale face, everything was lifeless.

When Shen Qingqing reappeared in front of everyone with short hair, everyone's eyes lit up, and some people almost couldn't recognize her.However, this new image of her has been greatly appreciated by Director Li, and this professionalism is indeed commendable.A group of reporters froze for a while, and then began to slap Shen Qingqing frantically, grabbing the first-hand news.

This day's filming was spent in constant repetition, it was already very late when work was over, Shen Qingqing got into the car, she couldn't go home yet, because Mrs. Zheng sent her a text message before, telling her to meet Ji Yan one side.

Ted hesitated, "Are you really going to see him?"

"I know you don't want me to go. You even stopped Mrs. Zheng from seeing me, right?"

"Then you still want to go?"

Shen Qingqing rubbed her temples, said with a smile: "Why don't you go, how else can he hurt me?"

Ji Yan made an appointment to meet at his house, Shen Qingqing went, told Ted to wait for her, and then went upstairs alone.

Shen Qingqing took out the key, hesitated for a while, put it back into the bag, and pressed the doorbell.

Ji Yan opened the door and was stunned when he saw her: "Did you cut your hair?"

(End of this chapter)

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