Chapter 61 Chapter 61
According to Ning Moli's intention, the finale banquet had to be glamorous, Shen Qingqing refused to agree.Some time ago, she was entangled in too many affairs, which also brought unnecessary troubles to the colleagues of the film crew. Shen Qingqing gave a toast to everyone at the finale banquet.There are a lot of people who are popular, everyone can understand, anyway, what is right and wrong in the entertainment industry, I can't make rash comments now, besides, Shen Qingqing has taken care of everyone during the few months on the crew, no matter how deep or deep, the friendship is always there That, so the atmosphere at the wrap-up banquet has always been very good, drinking and drinking, lively and lively.When the reporter started to take pictures and ask questions, someone naturally came out to talk about Shen Qingqing, and stood in front of her to tell the reporter that they did not answer other questions except for the film.

No matter how handsome Fang Shun is, Shen Qingqing, the gossip queen, is still the focus of today.She greeted people with a smiling face, standing in the middle of a group of creative staff, she looked beautiful and generous, she seemed to not care about the topics and controversies that fell on her, and she answered the reporters' questions firmly and meticulously.However, if you don't play around the edges, you won't be called a reporter.

A reporter from a TV station smeared honey on his mouth after grabbing the microphone: "Miss Shen, congratulations on your career and love success."

Shen Qingqing smiled: "Thank you."

Immediately afterwards, the topic changed subtly: "I heard that the character you play in the play will not only be a famous female doctor, but also become a mother. How do you handle this role change? When do you plan to give birth to yourself?" What about a child?"

There was a little commotion at the scene, and a look of anticipation flashed in the eyes of a large group of reporters at the same time.

This question is really hard to say, it is indeed a question about the film, but it turned a corner to test Shen Qingqing's relationship status.

Director Li Zhiyun was thinking that it was time for him to help Shen Qingqing out of the siege, but Shen Qingqing took the microphone first: "Mother's love is a woman's nature. I also like children very much. It is not difficult to grasp. As for giving birth, I think..." Shen Qingqing paused, "I am happy to be a mother, but let's let nature take its course."

She didn't say no, she didn't say no, isn't a good thing coming soon?The reporters sat and took notes quickly.

"Mr. Ning's daughter has a very good relationship with you. Did you learn from the feeling of getting along with her in life when filming?"

Director Li couldn't sit still anymore, and if he continued to ask, he would probably ask: Do you think you will be a good stepmother...

"I'll answer this question for Qingqing, because I directed her part of the scene on the set, and I specially let her spend some time with my son..."

Director Li Zhiyun took over the right to speak, and Shen Qingqing only echoed twice, and brought this issue to the past.

To be on the safe side, the next question was arranged in advance, and the gun was not aimed at Shen Qingqing.After the final group photo, Shen Qingqing hurriedly left surrounded by everyone, but there were still a large number of reporters who refused to give up.

"Does Miss Shen plan to meet the parents?"

"When is the wedding date?"

Shen Qingqing pretended not to hear these questions, she bowed her head and walked forward quickly, but suddenly there was a question like a precise missile, which instantly passed through Shen Qingqing's eardrums and entered her brain: "Mr. Ning Moli invested The heroine of the next play is An Qian, will you cooperate with Ning Moli after you leave Huanyi?"

Shen Qingqing paused, and quickly turned to look at the reporter. The reporter seemed to have not expected that his question would elicit a response from Shen Qingqing, so he couldn't help being stunned.

The people present suddenly fell silent.

Shen Qingqing was wearing big sunglasses, and there was only a slight smile on her lips. For some reason, she was a little cold.But soon she lowered her head again, without saying a word, quickened her pace and got into the car.

As soon as Ted got in the car, he quickly explained: "Qingqing, this matter was just settled two days ago, and Mo Li nodded at the decision-making meeting. It’s not easy to refute his face, don’t you think so?”

Shen Qingqing lowered her head to play with her mobile phone, said calmly: "Well. I am no longer a member of Huanyi, so there is no need to explain the company's decision to me." Then she remained silent.

Ted thought about it, and felt that she didn't seem angry, but she was not happy, so it would be safer to send a text message to Ning Moli secretly.

Originally, Shen Qingqing was going to fly to other places to shoot commercials immediately after that day, so she should not see Ning Moli.Sitting in the VIP waiting room of the airport, she leaned on the chair from the moment she entered the door, with a magazine on her lap, as if she was reading it casually. Turned over several times.

Someone came in, Shen Qingqing didn't notice at all, someone went out, she didn't even move her eyebrows.

Then, someone stood in front of her and took her magazine away with one hand.

Finally, she had a little reaction, who dared to snatch her heavy things, she raised her head a little angrily: "What are you doing..." Before she finished speaking, she couldn't help being surprised when she saw the person in front of her, "Why do you At this?"

Ning Moli flipped through her magazines calmly, and didn't seem to find any fun: "You've read this magazine ten times?"

"Check it out." Shen Qingqing took down the magazine and flipped through it again.

She really looked down again, regardless of him standing in front of her.Ning Moli didn't need to think too much about this attitude, he could see it just by looking at it.Shen Qingqing is seldom jealous and willful in front of him, even if she feels uncomfortable, she prefers to tease him a few words, it's really strange to be so indifferent now.

Ning Moli Shi Shiran sat down at the side seat: "You won't be angry with me about An Qian, are you?"

Shen Qingqing didn't answer but instead asked: "Why are you running here in such a hurry?"

He did rush over as soon as he received the news that he didn't have time to put on his coat, and he even pushed back the whole day's itinerary.However, he did not expect Shen Qingqing's reaction to be so big, she is not a petty person, she is more willing to sneer and sarcasm to directly embarrass others.

Ning Moli thought about it for a while, then tapped his fingers lightly on the table, Shen Qingqing still didn't lift his head.

The TV in the VIP room was always on, and the airline's advertisement was playing inside, and the gentle and friendly voice of the flight attendant surrounded the whole room.After being silent for a while, Ning Moli looked forward, his handsome face glowed softly under the indoor light, just like his voice at this moment: "You should know me, I don't like to do too much Explain. You really don't need to think too much about An Qian, I have nothing to do with her before, let alone now, and there will be nothing in the future."

Shen Qingqing stopped flipping through the magazine, and said coldly: "I don't like her."

He clearly knew that she didn't like An Qian, but he still wanted to help An Qian. She didn't quite understand. According to Ning Moli's personality, he was not a warm-hearted person. It was useless to ask him to take care of others. It had to be his own pleasure, and he liked it. , he would.She also knew that Ning Moli didn't say anything, but he would silently do many things for her. Maybe he knew better than she what she liked or didn't like.If she could understand before, he liked to fight her back then, but it's different now, she couldn't figure out why he did it.

Is it really for money, for the company?Ning Moli is selfish, capricious and selfless, he loves to do things according to his own temperament, she knows it very well.

Ning Moli smiled, and turned his head to look at Shen Qingqing's expressionless side face: "It's just a general care. Isn't this even allowed?"

Shen Qingqing snorted coldly, took off her sunglasses at once, met his gaze from the sideways, and said lightly: "What if I say yes? Last time you asked her to join my crew, I didn't say anything. This time you If you want me to turn a blind eye, I can't do it. You told me to stay away from her, so what's the point of you getting close? Just because of you, she always mistakenly thinks that you are interested in her. "

Her expression was clear and cold, not very angry, but quite gloomy.Ning Moli looked at her calmly for a moment, not angry at all, he got up, walked to her and squatted down, he held his heavy hand in his palm, and just about to speak, she heard her stubbornly say: "Don't coax me, I don't like this."

"If I wanted to hide it from you, I would definitely make it so that people don't leak it, but I don't want to do that."

"So, you're trying to make me unhappy on purpose."

Ning Moli lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes covered the light in his eyes, and he fell into a beautiful silhouette. He was quiet for a moment, then raised his head and said, "If I say that I did this for you, can you believe me once?"

The color of his pupils is very pure, beautifully black, like ink in his eyes, with an indelible depth. He raised his head halfway, his eyes were gentle and gentle, and he looked at her patiently.Shen Qingqing's heart tightened at first, but under his close and focused gaze, she slowly relaxed again.At this time, there was a light knock on the door, and Ted said awkwardly outside the door: "Qingqing, it's almost time to board the plane."

She stood up and took a breath: "I'm leaving."

"Be careful on the road." Ning Moli raised his hand and pinned the broken hair behind her ear, stepped forward to kiss her cheek, "I'll wait for you to come back."

Shen Qingqing sighed silently, he really had a grasp of her personality, if you come hard, she promises to fight you to the end, but if you come soft, she will surrender after a while.

He took her by the hand and walked to the door, the two stood facing each other in silence, seeing that she was not moving, Mo Li refused to open the door.After a while, Shen Qingqing stared at the second button of his shirt, and said calmly: "I don't mind people saying that I'm a stepmother, and I don't care if people say I'm planning to marry into a wealthy family, and of course I don't care what your family plans to do." Squeeze me out. But the premise of these is because of you. Of course I believe in you. If there is no mutual trust, this road will not go long. You want to protect me, and you prefer to deal with the problem by yourself. I understand. But, I'm not someone who can't help anything, and you tell me maybe we can solve problems better together. Do you understand what I mean?"

She faintly had a subtle feeling that she couldn't explain, that Ning Moli was not completely honest with her, he had his secret.It is true that they are connected both physically and mentally, but she is unimpeded to him. On the contrary, when she touches his heart, she always seems to feel that there is something vague that cannot be grasped.

After Ning Moli heard her finish, the smile on his lips remained unchanged, but the look in his eyes was inadvertently dazzled, but he quickly returned to normal: "I understand. As long as you trust me, anything I do will be fine." It's for you."

He kissed her lips affectionately, and gently stroked her face with his fingers.Of course he understood what she meant, nothing better than that, but he couldn't say anything, really nothing.

Shen Qingqing and Ada walked in front, Ted watched her back from behind, and said to Ning Moli worriedly: "Did she notice something?"

Ning Moli stared at her back as if fascinated: "... probably not yet."

"Mo Li, is it better to tell her?"

Ning Moli's expression darkened, and he said coldly, "No."

Ted was taken aback by his sudden yelling.

After a while, Ning Moli eased his expression: "She is fine now, I just want her to be safe by my side."

"But have you ever thought that your dad may take advantage of her ignorance to create a gap between you and her. If you tell her now, although she may find it difficult to accept it for a while, it is also possible that she will be able to accept it more I understand your intentions."

"It's hard to accept for a while? Ted, you probably haven't forgotten how painful she was at that time." Ning Moli's cold face showed no expression, only his eyes were stained with a little fiery red, and the red light seemed to be shining. Trembling, "I can't forget it all the time, that scene is engraved in my mind like a branding iron. Her body was covered in blood, she dragged her steps and almost crawled in front of me, as if dyed the world red, you let me How to tell her, I can't help being afraid when I think about it. If possible, simply forget it for the rest of my life, that would be the best."

(End of this chapter)

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