Chapter 66 Chapter 66
Shen Qingqing didn't know how she came to the hospital, everything happened so fast, before she could react, she had already arrived at the hospital in the blink of an eye.She just kept holding Ning Moli's cold hand, looking nervously at his pale face, closed eyes, and blood coming out of nowhere, as if it couldn't be stopped.

Yunyun seemed to keep saying in her ear, Qingqing, calm down, it's okay, I will arrive at the hospital soon, the hospital is ready, and I will rescue her immediately.Then, she started to cry, and a singer known for her free and easy style instantly blushed.

Shen Qingqing seemed to have heard her words, but also didn't seem to hear, her face was expressionless all the time, as if she had fallen into a magic barrier.After the ambulance arrived at the hospital, the dean stood at the door, followed by a group of doctors in white coats, who quickly carried Ning Moli to the hospital bed.Shen Qingqing stumbled and followed, holding his hand tightly when the crowd was crowded.At night, the hospital was facing a formidable enemy, the dean cleared the way and rushed all the way to the operating room without hindrance.

Yunyun held her back and couldn't bear to say: "Qingqing, let go, the operating room is here."

Shen Qingqing didn't move, she held Ning Moli's hand tightly, her fingertips kept sticking to the meridian of his wrist, feeling the weak pulse under the skin, the pulse seemed to be connected to her heartbeat, as if the pulse was gone, she His heart also died.

"It's not too late, Miss Shen let us operate." The dean said anxiously.

"To save him."

"We try our best."

"To save him."

"We will do our best."

"I don't want you to try your best, I want you to save him!"

She suddenly yelled, and only her voice echoed in the air in the entire corridor. The white light tube above her head suddenly flickered, and there was silence.

She let go of her hand and watched Ning Moli being pushed into the operating room.He was lying on the hospital bed, his face was so cold and lifeless, as if one second he was frowning because of her anger, but the next second he disappeared at the door of the operating room.

For a long time, no one dared to come forward to call Shen Qingqing, Yunyun stood beside her and wanted to say something, but then closed her mouth again, Qiao Han patted her shoulder with a deep face. Ada and the captain were already frightened. Ted rushed over after hearing the news, his glasses were crooked in panic, his face was pale, and he ran unsteadily to the door of the operating room, his voice changed in anxiety: "How is the situation... "

Before he finished speaking, he saw Shen Qingqing's motionless figure, and he shut up suddenly.

Shen Qingqing seemed to have turned into a dry stone, standing blankly at the door of the operating room, staring at the door, wondering what she was thinking.Suddenly, she staggered to one knee and vomited upside down, as if she was about to vomit out her entire stomach, with bloodshot eyes, and the next moment, she fell to the ground unconscious.

The warm air in the room was blowing, the temperature was frighteningly high, Shen Qingqing was curled up in the soft quilt, her head was covered with sweat.She could vaguely hear the low voice of someone talking next to her ear, intermittently, and she tried to hear what they were saying, but couldn't make out a word.She struggled, her eyelids opened a crack, the dazzling light made her burst into tears, and it took a while to slowly open her eyes.

"woke up."

Somebody said something, and all of a sudden, five or six faces appeared in front of her.

"Qingqing, how do you feel? Are you dizzy or sick?" Yunyun's face was full of anxiety and worry, and her big eyes were red.

Shen Qingqing shook her head slowly.

"The doctor has already checked, you are overly frightened, don't worry, the child is fine." Ted said to her with blue eyes, still forced a smile.

Shen Qingqing nodded slowly.

She was a little hesitant, her heart was pounding, telling her what happened, but her brain was as chaotic as a pot of boiled porridge, without a clue.

what is it then?

"Qing chiming?"

Shen Qingqing raised her eyes to look at Yunyun, her face looked haggard under the heavy makeup, trying to hold back something, she glanced at Ted, who nodded heavily, she lowered her head again to face Shen Qingqing's dazed Eyes, restrained his emotions, and said: "Qingqing, you must calm down for a while, and listen to me."

Shen Qingqing frowned, his eyes were foggy.

"Don't be afraid, we will be here with you." Facing Shen Qingqing's gaze, Yunyun's throat choked up, and he almost couldn't continue, "Qingqing...the operation has been completed, you have to be mentally prepared... The person snatched it back, but fell into a deep coma."

Shen Qingqing's eyes changed suddenly, and the thick fog turned into a stormy sea in an instant.She didn't know where the strength came from, she suddenly turned over from the bed and sat up, almost fell off the bed, but before she could stand still, she rushed to the door.

Yunyun was shocked: "Qing chime!"

Someone has already blocked the door and hugged her tightly to prevent her from moving.

"let me go!"

"Calm down." Ji Yan clasped her shoulders to keep her from messing around.

Shen Qingqing's eyes were red, and she punched and kicked Ji Yan as if she was crazy, Ji Yan let her go crazy with a cold face, she suddenly bent down and bit his wrist hard, Ji Yan let out a muffled snort, Faint streaks of blood overflowed from between Shen Qingqing's teeth.

The others finally came to their senses, and hurried up to help pull Shen Qingqing away and push him onto the bed.

Ada burst into tears, holding Shen Qingqing out of breath: "Sister Qingqing, calm down, calm down."

Yunyun hurriedly said: "Qingqing, the doctor said that your fetal position is unstable, you can't move around, it will hurt the baby."

Shen Qingqing was dumbfounded, then suddenly fell silent.

Ji Yan stood at the door, covered the wound with one hand, looked at Shen Qingqing expressionlessly, but there was a sudden pain in his eyes.

After a moment of silence, Ted sat on the edge of the bed, facing Shen Qingqing, raised his hand to stroke her messy short hair, and said: "It's a mess outside now, the reporters are here, you can't go out like this, you can't be beaten , you are Shen Qingqing, Mo Li...I definitely don't want to see you like this."

Shen Qingqing's eyes moved, and she silently looked at Ted. Her eyes were frightening, as if a dying person could never see the dawn again, it was gray.

"He said he wanted to talk to me and I said I didn't want to see him."

Ted froze for a moment, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and fell silent.

All were silent.

"I warned him not to come near me, not to come over."

Shen Qingqing covered her face, and suddenly breathed heavily, like a fish that was about to die of dehydration, with a low choking sound in her throat.

Ted hugged her tightly, patted her on the back lightly, tears stopped in his eyes and circled: "Qingqing, if people are alive, there is hope."

When Shen Qingqing walked out of the ward, except for bloodshot eyes, she had no expression on her face. She was as cold as ice, and her expression was extremely calm, so it was difficult to notice that her figure would sway every step she took without looking carefully. Just like that, he followed Ji Yun to the intensive care unit.

When he was about to reach the intensive care unit, Ji Yan turned his head and reminded: "He hasn't passed the critical period yet, you can only watch him outside."

Shen Qingqing looked at the door and nodded slightly.

Two people stood outside the door, Ji Yan's hand was already on the doorknob, Shen Qingqing stood still, he waited for a while, until she took a deep breath and nodded before he opened the door.

Inside was a busy scene. Several doctors were gathering around to discuss something, their expressions were all serious, and the nurses were fiddling with the ambulance equipment lightly.

Through the glass, Shen Qingqing finally saw Ning Moli.At this moment, my heart and lungs were throbbing, and I grabbed the collar subconsciously, lowered my eyes and waited for a long time before I dared to look again.Is the person lying on the hospital bed really Ning Moli? Why can't she see his handsome face?How painful is it to have so many instruments inserted into his body?
"There are multiple fractures in the whole body, the ribs are the most serious, but luckily the lungs were not punctured, the blood loss was excessive, and the head was seriously injured. Further examination is needed to know the extent of the damage..." Ji Yan tried to describe the injury as simply as possible. Qing's mood also remained a little.

Shen Qingqing just nodded dully, she didn't say a word after she walked out of the ward, other than nodding or nodding, Ji Yun didn't know whether she had listened or just acted unconsciously.He stared at her pale side face with complicated eyes, she seemed to have lost a lot of weight overnight, and he had never seen her in such a panic just now, even on the night her mother passed away, she was not so sad.He lowered his head, his long eyelashes concealed the look in his eyes, his deep sincerity, he would not give it again after he put it away, and he gave it wholeheartedly, his thin lips evoked a cold smile.

"I'm thinking……"

Shen Qingqing suddenly made a sound, and Ji Yan raised his head when he heard the sound, and saw that she was almost stuck to the glass. Although he tried his best to control it, his voice was still trembling: "I probably also suffered from a car accident back then. I was hit by a car like a whole body The bones are broken, I am enough, why should he do this?"

Ji Yan was taken aback, his Adam's apple rolled quickly, something seemed to be blurted out in a moment, but was swallowed back abruptly, he hesitated to speak, he turned his head and still didn't say it.

"He'll wake up, won't he?"

She's not talking to him, she just needs affirmation, no matter who it is.

He answered in a low voice: "Yes." After a while, he said again, "He will wake up."

After a night of tossing, everyone was exhausted. The doctors didn't dare to be negligent. They kept observing Ning Moli's situation. They didn't dare to tell Shen Qingqing too much, for fear that she wouldn't be able to accept it. It was pretty much the same, I just told her not to worry too much, and this was also very forced, but it was better to say it than not to say it.

The sky in the distance was slightly pale, and the desperate night was finally over. Everyone advised Shen Qingqing to take a rest, she would not be able to hold on like this, and it would not be beneficial to the doctor's diagnosis and treatment. She still had to face so many media reporters , within two days, Ning Feng will definitely arrive, and no one knows what kind of turbulent waves and bloody storms it will be.

"Sister Qingqing, let's eat something."

Shen Qingqing shook her head.

"You don't think for yourself, you have to think for your sake. Now Mr. Ning is like this..." Ada bit her lip, "Only you will take care of it. And the child in your belly, if you are not hungry, the child will too Hungry."

These words were taught to her by Ted. He knew very well that if Ning Moli collapsed, Shen Qingqing would follow suit, so he had to tie her down with a child to prevent her from collapsing.

Shen Qingqing's eyes that were frozen like frost and snow finally moved. After struggling for a while, she turned around silently: "Let's go."

Yes, she can ignore herself, but she can't ignore her children. Two children, one doesn't know that her father is in danger, and the other will be frightened and troubled by her mother before she is born.

In fact, she didn't have much appetite, so she barely drank a few sips of the porridge Ada bought while sitting in the corridor outside.Before taking three sips, she felt nauseated in her stomach, and Shen Qingqing hurried to the bathroom to vomit.After vomiting, she desperately splashed cold water on her face to clear her mind. She looked at herself in the mirror for a while, her eyes were red and swollen, and she felt sad.

People always think that there is a lot of willfulness that can be squandered, but they never know that if they are too willful, they will be punished.If you knew that losing would hurt your heart, why bother to be aggressive in the first place.If a man can die for you, then there is no reason not to believe that he loves you. Since he loves you, how can he not love your child?There must be a reason for him to say that he doesn't want a child. If she was willing to sit down and listen to him, wouldn't it be like this now?

Shen Qingqing picked up another handful of water and splashed it on his face.

When she left the bathroom, she passed the men's room, and suddenly heard two familiar voices inside, and carefully identified it as Ted and Ji Yun.

How could these two people get together.

At this time, no one passed by here. Standing outside the door, Shen Qingqing could clearly hear the conversation inside.

"What do you want to ask me?"

It's Ted's voice.

Then Ji Yan's cold voice sounded: "I heard that you have been with Ning Moli for more than ten years, and you have been staying with Qingqing for the past two years."

"Yes, how?" Ted has never liked Ji Yun very much, and his tone is not very good at this time.

"In my heart, there has always been a secret or a doubt. But recently, after thinking about it carefully, I seem to have seen some truth."

Ted didn't make a sound, and Ji Yan continued: "When I met Shen Qingqing, she was 19 years old. People told her that she had a car accident that year. She didn't have much memory of that period, but her mother said so. Say, the doctor said so, she seemed to really think that there was such a memory, that the pain was hit by a car."

After a blank period, Ted's voice rose slightly: "What do you know?"

"I didn't know anything about her when I first met her. In the second year of our official relationship, I went back to visit the chief doctor who took me during my internship, and inadvertently mentioned to him that the girl he saved back then became my girlfriend. He didn't pay attention for a while, and said he missed it." Ji Yan paused, his cold voice lowered a few degrees, "He said that the girl was sent in by a car accident, she was injured by falling from a building, not only that, she seemed to have something Signs of a fresh miscarriage."

(End of this chapter)

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