Chapter 102 Unwilling Mood

Some people are born to be the focus, like Ouyang Hanting. At the banquet, besides the admiring eyes of women, there are also men who strike up a conversation around him.

Since the banquet started, Xia Yumo basically had no chance to stand beside Ouyang Hanting, because there were always men or women around him.

So, she was pushed aside.

However, for her, it is also happy and quiet.

The Qin family held a grand birthday banquet this time. Although the manor is located on a remote mountainside, all the invited people were present.

This is closely related to the transcendent status of the Qin family, and it also confirms the saying that Fu has distant relatives in the mountains.

The seats at the banquet were quickly filled by the arriving guests, and the buffet table was already filled with a wide variety of food.

Xia Yumo felt that her first task was to fill her stomach.

Glancing at Ouyang Hanting who was surrounded by many people chatting, he didn't need her to accompany him for a while, so he walked towards the buffet table.

"How did she come?"

Qin Liya frowned tightly, and said with an unhappy face.

Qin Kaiyue looked in the direction of her gaze, and was a little surprised to see Xia Yumo at a glance.

His understanding of Xia Yumo still rests on the fact that she is the ex-girlfriend of Jiang Yihan, the future brother-in-law.

That's why it was a surprise.

"It must be the partner of some guest." After speaking, he glanced at Qin Liya, who had a gloomy face, "Today is the old man's birthday, so don't make trouble."

Qin Liya took a deep breath, and after a while, she showed a meaningful smile, "Don't worry, I have my own measure."

Seeing Ouyang Hanting surrounded by everyone, she already guessed that Xia Yumo probably came with Ouyang Hanting.

Although there are some scruples about Ouyang Hanting, but now that Xia Yumo is on her territory, thinking of Jiang Yihan would shout "Xia Yumo" when he was drunk, and thinking of Xia Yumo's arrogance back then The way she rejected her, she finally decided to teach Xia Yumo a lesson!

She didn't believe that Ouyang Hanting would turn against the Qin family because of her.

With such confidence, Qin Liya raised the corners of her mouth almost viciously...

When Qin Liya noticed Xia Yumo, Jiang Yihan also noticed Xia Yumo.

The elegance of that glance made him almost unable to take his eyes off Xia Yumo.

It was the first time I saw Xia Yumo wearing a cheongsam, which was gorgeous and graceful, making her look enchanting and not vulgar.

Her long hair was coiled up high, exposing her slender and graceful neck, making her look like an elegant and noble swan, dazzling and making people want to get closer.

While he was staring at her intently, there were quite a few people who approached Xia Yumo to strike up a conversation, but they didn't know what Xia Yumo said to them with a smile, they all immediately knew as if they had seen a ghost. Difficult to retreat.

Then, he saw Xia Yumo showing an expression like a cunning little fox after those people hurriedly turned away.

He couldn't be more familiar with this kind of her.

The person is still the same person, but she no longer belongs to him.

Maybe it was bewitched by the smile, maybe it was because of the unwillingness in his heart, he unconsciously took a step towards Xia Yumo, but he only took two steps, and a person came out from the slanting stab to block his steps, "Pay attention to your identity, even if you don't care I don't want to see Xia Yumo embarrassed, do I? She came with Ouyang Hanting today. If you walk over now, how will Ouyang Hanting treat Xia Yumo after the banquet is over?"

(End of this chapter)

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