Chapter 108 The Smile Like a Blade
Although they were curious about why she didn't resist suddenly, they were more interested in confirming whether she had fainted from fright.

As a result, they saw Xia Yumo staring at her big eyes, which were clear and calm.

This made them feel the alarm bells ringing in their hearts, and they became uncertain, and their movements became more agile.

Xia Yumo was dragged and hugged by them, and dragged into an inconspicuous room in the northwest corner of the manor.

That room is a storage room, and there are some miscellaneous things piled up in it, and usually few people visit it.

So, keep her there and no one will notice.

They figured that if they locked her in there, they would be done.

"This matter is not negotiable, I will never agree, unless I die!"

A familiar and intense voice came over.

A glimmer of hope suddenly ignited in Xia Yumo's heart, but when she heard the voice, the two "waiters" also heard it.

They stopped immediately and clamped Xia Yumo even tighter.

Xia Yumo's throat was stuck, and she couldn't make a sound at all, and her hands were cut behind her back, so she couldn't use any force at all.

She was slightly anxious, and a layer of sweat broke out on her forehead.

Soon she noticed that her only free feet were wearing high heels.

If only movement could be made...

Her eyes moved to the direction where the voice came from. There, Jiang Yihan seemed to be talking on some important phone call, so he deliberately found this quiet place. Because he was very emotional, his voice just now was raised very high.

At this time, the mood returned to normal, and the voice also stabilized.

Now, he was like a life-saving straw suddenly thrown in front of Xia Yumo - if he grasped this straw, perhaps, he would be able to get rid of this unpredictable danger.

With such a thought, she made a decisive decision, immediately raised her foot and swung it, the high heels were thrown out, and fell on the stone road with a click...

Ouyang Hanting stood in the monitoring room of the Qin Family Manor, staring at dozens of screens in the monitoring room with gloomy eyes.

Inside, there was no video of Xia Yumo entering the bathroom!

As a result, the corners of Ouyang Hanting's lips curved into a cold and frightening arc, which seemed to be smiling, but the sharp corners of his mouth were like the sharp tip of a knife capable of killing people, as if it would pierce someone's heart at any time .

Qin Kaiyue and Mr. Qin were both there, and Qin Liya also rushed over.

Ouyang Hanting's wife was lost in Qin's manor, which naturally caused quite a stir at the birthday banquet.

Everyone present knew it.

Although old master Qin is an elder, he also showed a little apology on his serious face at this moment.

Qin Kaiyue frowned, the Qin family was heavily guarded, and there was almost no blind spot for surveillance.Who can completely avoid surveillance and commit crimes?

Ouyang Hanting glanced at Qin Liya casually, but Qin Liya's pores all stood up quietly. The feeling of being swept by his gaze was like being shot by thousands of knives.

Those sharp eyes seemed to have understood everything.

A fierce murderous aura drove into the bone marrow, making Qin Liya tremble imperceptibly.

Qin Kaiyue suddenly thought of something, froze for a moment, and looked at Qin Liya.

When he saw Qin Liya's slightly pale but forced calm demeanor, he understood everything.

And... Looking at Ouyang Hanting on the other hand, his face was calm, and there seemed to be a cold smile floating in his eyes.

That's... murderous.

Qin Kaiyue knew that what he could think of, Ouyang Hanting must have thought of it too, and now it seems that Ouyang already knew it.

(End of this chapter)

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