Chapter 117 Treat Me Well

Looking at Ouyang's behavior and his wild words... These people must have come for Ouyang Hanting.

She bears the name of Ouyang Hanting's wife... so she suffers.

Thinking of this, she was depressed, angry and afraid at the same time.

At the same time, there is still a little resentment. If Ouyang Hanting had agreed to divorce her earlier...she would not have faced so many dangers.

The landing place is an unknown island.

Xia Yumo looked up at the man standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the man was facing away from her.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, there is an endless sea.

Maybe the sound insulation effect of the windows is so good that the sound of the waves outside did not come in at all.

The man didn't move, and neither did Xia Yumo.

She didn't move because she didn't know what to do. This ghostly place surrounded by the sea looked like a private domain at first glance, and the possibility of escaping or calling for help was reduced to zero.

The man stood facing the sea for a long time, but he didn't hear any movement behind him. He was slightly surprised in his heart, but his face was calm.

Turning around leisurely, Xia Yumo was leaning against the wall, staring at him without blinking. Although she looked calm on the surface, he still found a nervous look in her eyes.

Slightly raising the corners of his mouth, the man walked over with his long legs, and sat down on the rattan chair not far from Xia Yumo. His legs were crossed, and the beige slacks matched his legs perfectly. Every unintentional movement carried an air of elegance and dignity.

This kind of breath is completely different from the feeling that Ouyang Hanting brings to people. It is also elegant and noble. Ouyang Hanting makes people feel majestic and imposing.

And this person... in his peaceful smile, people can understand what it means to have a thorn in his back.

She couldn't ignore the danger hidden in him because of his gentle and harmless smile at this time.

It's a gut instinct.

"Miss Xia, I feel very honored to have you as our guest." During the speech, the man's eyes bent.

It's no use even crying out of fright now, Xia Yumo thought, it really should be at peace when it comes.

Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile on her stiff face, "Sir, do we know each other?"

The man smiled more clearly, "We didn't know each other before, but we can get to know each other from now on."

Xia Yumo took another deep breath and felt that her nerves were not so stiff, so she walked to the wicker chair in front of the man and sat down.

"But I'm really sorry, I don't want to know you that much."

The man still smiled kindly, and the smile in the peach blossom eyes became more prosperous, and the burning smile seemed to drown him.

Xia Yumo looked at it and felt chills all over her body, with goosebumps screaming.

"However, this does not prevent me from wanting to get to know Ms. Xia at all." The man raised his eyebrows with a strategizing gesture on his face, "I am Han Zirui."

Xia Yumo clenched her hands and then loosened them. When the enemy was strong and we were weak, she decided to be more sensible.

"Mr. Han." With a stiff smirk, "Now that we know each other, can you let me go?"

Seeing her stiff smile, Han Zirui felt bad for her.

Shaking his head, "I'm afraid it won't work. I've spent so much effort to invite you here, so I should stay for a while longer and treat you well."

Hearing that Han Zirui said that he wanted to "entertain" her, all the dirty movies she had seen before flashed through her mind, and the hairs on her whole body stood on end.

(End of this chapter)

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