Chapter 127 I Just Love You

Ouyang glanced at her sideways, "You know what I mean."

It was only then that Xia Yumo realized that he was referring to the painting, "The person in the painting is exactly like you, what can we find?"

Ouyang Hanting didn't say anything about Xia Yumo's nonsense with his eyes open, so the way back became dull.

Unexpectedly, after returning to the villa, Xia Yumo saw the yellow minicar parked next to the villa again.

When Ouyang Hanting saw the car again, his eyebrows twitched slightly. He didn't lose his mind as he did when he saw it in the garage of the shopping mall. Instead, he parked the car at the gate of the villa and said to Xia Yumo in the co-pilot, " You go back first, I have something to go out again."

Xia Yumo froze for a moment, nodded, and moved down the painting that his grandmother had given him.

Ouyang Hanting's car reversed quickly, and the woman in the yellow mini car seemed to glance at her, and soon followed Ouyang's car.

When Xia Yumo received a call from Lin Jieer, the depression in her heart suddenly drifted away.

After the two took the baby to the playground, they walked in the Central Park. Xia Yumo teased the baby while asking Lin Jieer about her next plan.

After hearing this, Lin Jie'er showed a hesitant expression several times.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly, what's the relationship between us, you still need to stammer."

Lin Jie'er licked her lips, looked aside, and whispered, "Momo... Shao Kai... wants to make up with me..."

After speaking, he couldn't help taking a sneak peek at Xia Yumo carefully.

Xia Yumo frowned after hearing this, and when she looked at Lin Jieer, she happened to meet her anxious expression.

Xia Yumo was suddenly swept away by a sense of powerlessness. She really didn't agree with Lin Jieer's choice, and even felt a little bit resentful.

However, that was Lin Jieer's own choice after all, she...has no right to intervene, at best, she is just standing in the position of a good friend and urging her to think twice.

However, Lin Jieer's reaction clearly told her that she and Shao Kai were together again.

Things are settled, so what can she do as a friend?
"Jie'er, since you have made your own decision, I can only bless you. I hope you will be happy, and I also hope that he can really learn from his mistakes and reform himself." Speaking of this, his eyebrows frowned. What's more, Xia Yumo knows best what a dog can't change eating shit.

Lin Jie'er forgave Shao Kai so easily, there is no guarantee that Shao Kai will not have a next time.

She was really worried for Lin Jie'er, "It's just, Jie'er, I hope you don't regret your choice at any time."

Lin Jie'er knew very well that Xia Yumo was thinking of her in everything, and her eyes turned red, "Momo, I know you are doing it for my own good, but... Momo, I still love him, even if he does You have done such a resentful thing. Feel free to despise me...Besides, he is the baby's father after all, and I don't want the baby to have no father's love, let alone find him a stepfather. "

In Lin Jieer's consciousness, no matter how good a man she can find, she will never love her baby as much as Shao Kai, her biological father.

Xia Yumo took a deep breath, "Jie'er, how could I despise you, idiot, I just feel sorry for you. How can a man who is always in a hurry be so lucky to meet such a stupid and persistent girl like you."

"Momo..." Lin Jieer held Xia Yumo's hand, "Thank you"

"Don't be polite to me. Besides, I can't do anything for you. Since you have decided to forgive him, then you must look after him and never give him any chance to cheat. "

"Ok, I know."

Lin Jieer nodded vigorously, "I will no longer regard him as the center of my life as before. Although I still love him, that doesn't make him spoil me and let me down. This is what I gave him. our only and last chance.”

Seeing Lin Jieer being so resolute and resolute, Xia Yumo suddenly felt relieved. She believed that even if Shao Kai persisted and made another mistake, he would not easily knock Lin Jieer down.


When the two of them walked out of the park, Lin Jieer suddenly stared at the front and called out a little nervously.

Xia Yumo looked at Lin Jie'er suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Lin Jieer shook her head, pushed the baby carriage, and gave Xia Yumo a hand, "It's okay, let's go quickly."

Xia Yumo felt that Lin Jieer's expression was not quite right, so she couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

Lin Jie'er just shook her head, and pulled her to walk quickly to the right.

Xia Yumo held Lin Jie'er inexplicably, and looked at her strangely, "Jie'er, our direction is reversed."

They should turn left. Lin Jieer's reaction was really weird.

Lin Jieer said ah, and hurriedly said, "I want to go over there."

Xia Yumo squinted her eyes, Lin Jie'er looked like that, she was obviously nervous, as if she was afraid of something she would find out.

Turning his head and looking to the right, there is a big road on the right, and on the other side of the road is the most upscale Xindao Cafe in City A, where many local tyrants like it.

It is said that there is very emotional, it is said that there is a paradise for all lovers, it is said...

It was said that there was something else behind, Xia Yumo's mind suddenly froze because she saw a pair of figures.

The man's figure is tall and straight, and the quality of the pure handmade suit is so good that even half of the folds that shouldn't be there are invisible.

The woman was wearing a black dress with a deep V-neck and strapless back. Her snow-white skin seemed to reflect light in the sun, coupled with her curly brown hair and her slender and enchanting body, just looking at it made one's bones tingle.

Xia Yumo didn't see their faces, but with just one glance, she could tell that the man was Ouyang Hanting and the woman was the woman in the mini sports car she had seen before.

At this moment, she suddenly felt as if her chest had been hit hard by a hammer, and her brain stopped responding for a moment, only the apex of her heart was trembling with pain.

The man who just confessed to himself turned around and went out with another woman!
"Momo, are you... okay?" [Two-in-one begging ticket]

Lin Jieer looked at Xia Yumo carefully, and asked in a low voice.

Xia Yumo's appearance made her feel worried, such a pale face and dull expression, no matter how she looked at it, it didn't look good.

Just as he was thinking about what to say to comfort Xia Yumo, Xia Yumo suddenly smiled, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me, and you don't have to deliberately walk to the other side just because you're afraid I might see you."

Xia Yumo's reaction made Lin Jie'er even more worried, "Momo, don't hold on..."

After all, it was Momo's husband, and she felt that Xia Yumo must be very uncomfortable.

She herself has survived such a scene, and she can't understand how it feels.

(End of this chapter)

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