Chapter 129 Don't Let Me Let You Go

Xia Yumo coughed twice due to the smell of smoke, and pursed her lips uncomfortably.

Ouyang Hanting had no expression all the time. At this moment, his eyes moved slightly, as if a little irritable, but he still put out the half of the cigarette left in his hand.

"Tell me, why did you suddenly come back without saying hello or saying anything?"

Xia Yumo had a lot of suffocation in her chest that made her feel inexplicable, but she didn't want to burst out, so Ouyang asked, but she couldn't bear to ignore it.

To Ouyang, such an attitude is a kind of ruthless provocation.

His eyes instantly turned cold several degrees.

"Why don't you speak?"

Ouyang suddenly approached Xia Yumo, approaching her with full force, his hands on her sides, and his whole body suppressed her in a domineering posture.

Xia Yumo instinctively shrank back, "I have nothing to say."

The indifferent tone made Ouyang Hanting's chest tight, and his anger rose a few degrees uncontrollably, "I'm really too used to you, Xia Yumo, don't touch your nose!"

Xia Yumo endured as much as she could, and at this moment she couldn't bear it any longer, "Ouyang Hanting, who kicked the nose? It was you who kept pestering each other! We have long been useless to each other! Divorce is so important to us. Said, it's all relief, why do you have to be deadlocked?"

After hearing these words, Ouyang Hanting's expression became vicious and ferocious for a moment, but soon he laughed, it was a smile of extreme anger, "I just keep pestering you? Good! That's really good!"

At this moment, he really wanted to take out Xia Yumo's heart to see if it was warm, or, she was just an onion with no heart at all!
Because of Ouyang Hanting's expression, Xia Yumo felt as if someone had cut her heart severely with a blunt knife. The unspeakable pain made her bite her lower lip tightly, unable to speak a word.

"Xia Yumo, listen carefully, I won't let you off." I reached out and grabbed her chin, "Even if we die, we must die together. In this lifetime, you don't even think about getting a divorce!"

Every time he uttered a word, his fingers tightened a little, and Xia Yumo's aching brows were twisted into a ball, and he felt as if his jaw was about to be pinched to pieces.

Panting for a few short breaths, she suddenly grabbed Ouyang's wrist and slammed his hand away, "You are sick! Ouyang Hanting, you are surrounded by fat, swallows and thin, so many women are waiting for you, looking forward to you, you I also enjoy it, why can't you let me go?!"

"Let you go? Don't even think about it!"

Ouyang seemed to be irritated by Xia Yumo's attitude, suddenly overwhelmed her, reached out and grabbed her collar and tore it open...

Early the next morning, grandma had already prepared breakfast, but Xia Yumo and Ouyang Hanting hadn't woken up yet. Looking at the time, it was already seven o'clock in the morning.

Thinking that young people nowadays like to sleep late, grandma just shook her head with a smile and went out for a walk.

In the room, Ouyang Hanting propped his head and quietly stared at the woman who was still asleep, his eyes were as deep as a pool.

Stretching out his hand to brush away Xia Yumo's hair, his eyes fell on the purple marks on her neck, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then his pupils shrank suddenly.

Last night... he lost control...

When Xia Yumo woke up, she probably hated him to death.

But... She was really challenging his bottom line, like a deliberate provocation, which pot is not opened and which pot is to be lifted!
When he calmed down at this moment, he felt that his behavior was indeed a little unreasonable.

"What do you want me to do?"

Ouyang frowned helplessly and murmured in a low voice.

A mouth, tongue and lips, there is a clear pain.

Only then did he realize that he was bitten by Xia Yumo last night!
She refused his request, but she couldn't resist him physically, so she refused his kiss, and was forced by him, so she bit him savagely!
Thinking about it now, I am a little angry, but I feel a little funny!
Even though being with Xia Yumo wasn't bad under any circumstances, the pain at this moment reminded him of the first time between them... At that time, he was also bitten hard by her up.

I remember that when I went out to catch up, I was teased a few times by my friends.

Xia Yumo finally woke up, her eyelids struggled for a while before she opened her eyes, unpleasant memories flooded into her brain immediately, making her stiff instinctively, turning her head, Ouyang Hanting was indeed still by her side, and with a leisurely expression Posture staring at himself.

The fingers hidden in the quilt couldn't help but clenched and loosened, and clenched again.

Seeing Xia Yumo's changing expression, Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows, seeming to be in a good mood, "Good morning, wife!"

It seemed that the unhappiness last night was just a hallucination of hers!
Xia Yumo didn't respond.

Ouyang Hanting didn't care, sat up, took the clothes and put them on slowly, and said while putting on the clothes, "Grandma is going out, you should pack up quickly, I think you won't be ashamed to be seen by grandma"

As he spoke, he glanced at Xia Yumo's exposed skin with deep meaning.

Xia Yumo followed his gaze, and suddenly the corner of her mouth twitched violently a few times!

"You are shameless!"

These were the first words Xia Yumo said when she woke up in the morning.

Ouyang Hanting was not angry at all, and responded leisurely, "It's not the first time I've been shameless anyway. If you mess with me again in the future, I'll be even more shameless."


Xia Yumo was furious, but she was tongue-tied and unable to say anything!

"Honey, the plan of the day lies in the morning, so stop bickering, so as not to affect the good mood of the whole day"

The good mood of the whole day has been completely shattered the moment I opened my eyes and saw you!

Xia Yumo took a deep breath before holding back from running away.

She sat up and wanted to get dressed, but she froze again, and glanced at Ouyang Hanting. At this time, he was fully dressed, standing beside the bed like a dog.

Seeing her looking over, he raised his eyebrows, as if asking her again what she wanted to do.

Xia Yumo's mood was extremely bad, "You go out first."

After hearing this, Ouyang Hanting not only didn't go out, but put his hands on his chest and stared at her with piercing eyes.

Xia Yumo's face turned reddish, full of embarrassment, "I'll let you go out first, I want to get dressed!"

Ouyang Hanting snorted, "Honey, what about it? We've been close so many times, what's on your body that I haven't seen?!"

Is there anyone in the world with a thicker skin than this one? !
Xia Yumo almost ran away, "I don't care, you go out first!"

She asked again, her voice raised a few degrees.

Ouyang Hanting squinted his eyes, seeing that she was about to explode, he thought it better not to explode, he didn't want to make their relationship worse.

So he nodded, "Okay, I'll wait for you outside."

After speaking, I really left.

(End of this chapter)

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