Chapter 131
When Ouyang Yinuo asked Xia Yumo what to say, Ouyang Hanting also turned his face to stare at her, the threat in his eyes was self-evident.

Even if Xia Yumo didn't look at Ouyang Hanting directly, she knew what his expression was at the moment.

In the past two years of marriage, every time Ouyang Hanting talked with Ouyang Yinuo, regardless of the length of the conversation, it always ended up on her, and she always knew this.

After all, she is the cover chosen by Ouyang Hanting, and her duty is to help Ouyang Hanting block old man Ouyang's eyes.

It's clearly laid out in the agreement.

Now, there is only one thing that Xia Yumo finds strange, why this old man who has never shown his face, not even showing his face at the wedding, suddenly attacked Ouyang Hanting's "palace" at this time.

In Xia Yumo's heart, there were too many villas and manors under Ouyang Hanting's name, so many that he couldn't even remember how many there were. So... She felt that this place was at best one of Ouyang's "palaces".

Originally, she thought that Ouyang Jingxian was also Ouyang Hanting's friend, but this time she misunderstood.

She was actually very curious about why Ouyang Jingxian came to find Ouyang Hanting alone yesterday, and, from what she saw yesterday, she and Ouyang Hanting should have a good relationship.

Why is there such a tit-for-tat flavor today.

Ouyang Yinuo didn't give Xia Yumo too much time to think, but continued, "Have you been married to Han Ting for two years?"

When the old man asked about this, Ouyang Hanting subconsciously frowned.

Xia Yumo didn't feel that there was anything wrong, so she nodded and replied, "Well, two years and four months."

The old man also nodded, "Two years and four months, that's not too short a time."

Xia Yumo heard something else this time, so she glanced at Ouyang Yinuo and said nothing.

Ouyang Yinuo continued, "When Ouyang Hanting married you, he should have told you all about the traditions of the Ouyang family, right?"

Xia Yumo was stunned for a moment, the Ouyang family still has traditions?

Ouyang Hanting never mentioned this at all, so he couldn't help but look at Ouyang Hanting suspiciously.

The latter's eyebrows were already twitched, and his face was extremely gloomy. He interrupted the conversation between Ouyang Yinuo and Xia Yumo, "Grandpa, I have my own discretion in my own affairs. Don't use those traditions to frame me."

Ouyang Yinuo glanced at Ouyang Hanting, and did not respond to Ouyang Hanting's words, but directly said to Xia Yumo, "It seems that he didn't say anything to you."

Ouyang Hanting finally no longer had a leisurely demeanor, but sat upright, and called Ouyang Yinuo again in a cold and solemn voice.

Ouyang Yinuo seemed to be furious too, and his eyes fell on Ouyang Hanting like lightning, "Don't think I don't know what you're up to! Just grab any woman and mess with me?" The cane hit the floor hard Poking, poking out a crackling sound, "I have allowed you to mess around for two years, it's time to restrain yourself! I don't care about other things, and you have done a great job, except for the matter of inheriting the family, I will not let you go! Regardless of whether you and her are real or fake, if you haven't had a son and a half for two years, then she is not a qualified daughter-in-law! Since you have been married for half a year, you have never touched other women, and you only love this one, even though this one is now Morality is monogamy, but don't forget the rules of the Ouyang family!"

After hearing these words, Ouyang Hanting's entire face turned dark, and he said through gnashing of teeth, "You put eyeliner beside me?!"

Ouyang Yinuo did not deny it, but said, "Either you divorce her, or you give me a lot of rain and dew, and pass on the family as soon as possible! I have already arranged the candidates! Someone will send them over later!"

Xia Yumo was completely stunned. Ouyang Yinuo's behavior was really arbitrary, and he gave a lot of rain and dew?When this is the feudal era, does the emperor have three thousand beauties in the harem? !

The women around Ouyang Hanting can line up to go around City A three times, but Mr. Ouyang is still arranging for him!
However, what the old man said just now, he asked Ouyang Hanting to divorce him... Isn't that freedom within reach? !
Xia Yumo's heart surged, and a sense of joy emerged from the depths of her heart.

This is something she has been looking forward to for a long time!

Ouyang Hanting glanced over Xia Yumo's face casually, and found that Xia Yumo's eyes were full of surprise and hope. Almost instantly, his heart was entangled and attacked by a strong surge of anger and sadness.

She just couldn't wait to get rid of him!

While this knowledge made Ouyang Hanting frustrated and injured, a more tenacious and almost vicious obsession also rose from his chest, that is, even if he died, he would not let Xia Yumo get what he wanted!

"Okay, I got it." After calming down the roiling anger in his chest, Ouyang Hanting's face was calm, almost expressionless.

When Xia Yumo heard Ouyang Hanting's answer, she couldn't help but look up at Ouyang. What does he mean by "I know?"Did you accept the old man's opinion?

Do you want to divorce her, or accept the women arranged by Ouyang Yinuo?

Her doubts did not get an answer from Ouyang Hanting, and when she had this question, her mood gradually fell from the previous surprise to the bottom.

She was surprised by the change in her mood.

He was clearly overjoyed, but why was his chest surrounded by an obscure emotion after the momentary surprise?
If you get divorced, you will be free. Whether he accepts those women or not has nothing to do with him...why is he in such a mood... unexpectedly?
She was a little confused for a while.

No one gave her time to sort out her emotions, Ouyang Yinuo had already stood up from her seat, "In this case, then, I will give you a week to deal with the things that need to be dealt with."

Ouyang Hanting's eyes flickered slightly, and he also got up, "Okay."

Ouyang Yinuo took the bodyguards and went out first, Ouyang Jingxian immediately got up to follow, when passing by Ouyang Hanting, she suddenly winked at him very quickly and mischievously.

Ouyang Yinuo didn't have eyes behind his back, so he naturally didn't know, and Xia Yumo was immersed in his chaotic thoughts, so of course he didn't see it.

Ouyang Hanting nodded invisibly and watched them leave. [The content of the previous chapter has been added, if you feel that it is not smooth, please go back and read it]

Everyone left, the living room became empty, only Ouyang Hanting and Xia Yumo were left.

Ouyang Hanting sat back again, seeing that Xia Yumo was still out of his mind, he couldn't help but let out a cold snort, "You've lost your mind so excitedly so soon, it seems that you really miss the divorce every day, Night is also a dream."

(End of this chapter)

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