Chapter 133
Early the next morning, Ouyang Hanting was in a good mood, feeling extremely refreshed.

Compared with him, Xia Yumo looked a bit "miserable", lying under the quilt so tired that she couldn't even move her fingers.

What she thinks of Ouyang Hanting now is—better than a beast.

After tidying up, Ouyang returned to the bed and smiled lightly at Xia Yumo who didn't even bother to open her eyelids, "Sleep more when you're tired, our kitchen will leave you food."

Xia Yumo closed her eyes and pretended not to hear, Ouyang Hanting didn't care, leaned over and kissed her good morning.

Xia Yumo fell asleep again in a daze, and this time she didn't wake up until noon. Her stomach was growling, but her energy was much better.

After eating, I logged into my mailbox and looked through it. There were five unread emails. When I opened it, I found that three were interview notices and two were spam emails.

Thinking that I missed the interview opportunity last time, I can’t miss it again this time. I looked at the time, and there happened to be an arrangement for this afternoon. She immediately went back to the bedroom and took out the jeans and sneakers that she hadn’t worn for a long time and put them on again. I tied a simple ponytail and looked around, feeling lost for a moment.

This kind of self reminded her of her appearance when she was in school, and she looked like this every day.

Two years have passed, and she looks like she hasn't changed at all in such a dress.

She took her satchel and resume and went out in a hurry.

When she arrived at the interview site, Xia Yumo realized that the company she randomly voted for looked magnificent.

When she submitted her resume, she didn't actually have high expectations. After all, she just graduated and married Ouyang Hanting before she had time to work.

In other words, she is the kind of person who has no work experience at all.

In this case, after another two years of messing around, how could she still be qualified to pick a job? She could only wait for the job to pick her.

There are many people standing in the interview hall, everyone is holding a resume in their hands, and some people are holding a small notebook in their hands, reviewing the points that should be kept in mind during the interview.

Some people even hold the words in their mouths, listening carefully is actually reviewing spoken English.

This kind of battle reminded Xia Yumo of the scene when she was looking for a job when she just graduated, nervous, eager, looking forward, and then disappointed.

Time and time again, I submitted my resume with expectations, but again and again, nothing came to light...

Now, maybe after two years of mixing, my mentality has become lazy and casual, or maybe because of too much experience, my mentality has become very good.

I can't find the feeling I had when I was waiting for the interview...

After waiting outside for about an hour, the upright assistant secretary in only a suit called her name.

She stood up, smiled back at the assistant's professional smile, and followed behind the assistant, but the assistant did not lead her into the interview hall, but directly into the special elevator on the other side of the floor.

Xia Yumo was a little dumbfounded, and couldn't help reminding, "Sorry, shouldn't we go to the interview hall?"

The assistant turned around and replied with a smile, "Miss Xia, there is another person interviewing you."

After receiving such an answer, Xia Yumo couldn't say anything more, but felt a little strange.

Is she any different from other interviewees, and another interviewer is arranged...

But she also knew that she was guessing randomly, and she couldn't figure out why, so she simply saved her head, anyway, the answer will be revealed in a while.

The elevator turned out to be a special elevator. There are only two buttons from the inside, one is the first floor, and the other is the 36th floor.

That is the top layer.

The elevator finally stopped, and the assistant lady politely made a "please" gesture to Xia Yumo, letting Xia Yumo go out first.

Xia Yumo was not polite, because it was not necessary, even if she had never worked, she knew that this was the basic etiquette in the company system.

There was actually only one room on the 36th floor, and Xia Yumo froze for a moment as soon as she got out of the elevator.

The large top floor is like a hall, directly opposite is a desk, and there are several rows of bookshelves next to it, which are full of books.

There are a lot of documents on the desk, and there is a person sitting behind the desk, working hard, looking at the figure from a distance, it looks like deja vu.

Next to the office area is the leisure area, rattan chairs, tea sets and soft beds are all available, and next to it is the fitness area, with treadmills, billiards, and bowling balls...

This is a person who knows how to combine work and rest...

Xia Yumo thought to herself, the assistant had already led her towards the desk.

"Chief, the people have already been brought."

"Well, you go and do your work first."

The chief didn't even lift his head, still staring at the document in his hand, browsing quickly, turning a page from time to time.

When Xia Yumo heard this voice, she was extremely shocked - how could there be people with such similar voices in the world? !
After thinking about it, there are so many people in this world, it is not uncommon to meet one or two people who sound alike by chance.

At this time, the chief said, "Miss Xia, don't be restrained, please sit down."

Still not looking up, Xia Yumo suspected that he had eyes on the top of his head.

After about ten minutes, the chief finally closed the file and raised his head.

This time Xia Yumo saw his face clearly, so she was terrified and stood up from her seat suddenly, "Why is it you?!"

No wonder the body looks familiar, no wonder the voice sounds familiar, this person is, it's Han Zirui!

With the unpleasant experience before, Xia Yumo turned around and walked out quickly without even thinking about it.

Han Zirui was still sitting behind the desk, quietly watching her back.

On the top is a women's t-shirt that can be bought anywhere on the street. The lower body is jeans, sneakers on the feet, and a ponytail.

It was a completely different person from the last time we met.

It is estimated that this outfit is not worth even a single stitch on the cheongsam.

It has always been easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. Xia Yumo seems to be... a little different.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth slowly curled into a shallow arc, and his playful and profound eyes were still glued to Xia Yumo's back.

When he reached the elevator, Xia Yumo reached out to press the button, but the elevator didn't respond at all.

The more Xia Yumo pressed, the more irritable she became. Finally, she punched hard twice, and turned her head to stare at the old man who was watching the joke.

"The elevator won't open?!"

Han Zirui explained with a smile, "This elevator is equipped with fingerprint recognition. Unless the system has a record of collecting fingerprints, otherwise, the elevator cannot be used."

Xia Yu mopped up the black thread, took a deep breath, and folded it back again.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

Han Zirui had an innocent face, but his eyes sparkled with a smile, "Miss Xia, you seem to have forgotten that you submitted your resume yourself, and you came here for the interview voluntarily. This time, I did not use any dishonorable means."

(End of this chapter)

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