Chapter 135

Judging from how she got along with Han Zirui during the days when she was kidnapped, Han Zirui is definitely not someone that ordinary people can invite.

Therefore, the client to meet should be very important. However, he actually brought her to meet with a rustic... This is really...unbelievable.

"The place where you meet the client is far away?"

Xia Yumo looked at the time, her eyebrows were tightly knit together, the car had been going for almost an hour, and it still hadn't arrived.

"It's coming soon."

Han Zirui turned his head with a burning smile, giving Xia Yumo a soothing expression.

However, Xia Yumo became more and more impatient, and it was almost dark.

"You keep saying it's going to be fast, and it's getting dark now. It's my first day at work, so I have to work overtime?"

Han Zirui glanced at her, "Miss Xia, you are my employee now, and the boss hasn't left work yet, so you have no reason to leave work."

Xia Yumo took a deep breath, "I don't seem to have gone through the entry procedures yet."

"Make it up tomorrow."

"I'll go to work tomorrow, and now... I'm going home."

Xia Yumo said in a cold tone, "You won't stage a kidnapping case yourself, will you?"

Han Zirui smiled, "You gave me a good suggestion."

Xia Yumo's face turned dark, and she almost vomited blood due to internal injuries, so she simply closed her mouth.

Han Zirui saw her beautiful face, which was much darker than the ashes of the bottom of the pot, and felt an indescribable sense of comfort in his heart.

Because of her, he lost an island in Ouyang Hanting's hands, and now she sent it to his door, it's not his style not to make good use of it!

Realizing that no matter what she said, it would be impossible to escape Han Zirui's grasp, Xia Yumo regretted that she had no eyesight when submitting her resume, so she voted for his company as soon as she could die.

I even regret why I didn't pay attention before I came to the interview, and looked up the company's information... It's too late to regret now.

Han Zirui on the side watched Xia Yumo's face flashing with remorse, and felt extremely happy.

The time was spent between Xia Yumo's remorse and Han Zirui's joy.

When getting out of the car, Han Zirui's eyes flashed with anticipation. He couldn't wait to know what the "customer" would look like when he saw his new employee today.

The place where Han Zirui meets clients is called "The City That Never Sleeps", so to put it bluntly, it is a nightclub.

Seeing this place, Xia Yumo felt uncomfortable, turned her head to look at Han Zirui, but Han Zirui didn't look at her, but took the lead to walk inside.

Xia Yumo thought about the chances of success if she ran away at this time, but she only thought about it, because she soon discovered that the driver had also got off the car.

The driver turned out to have two identities, driver and bodyguard.

With zero chance of escaping, Xia Yumo stopped thinking about it.

Holding down the phone with her finger, he hesitated whether to call Ouyang Hanting, but her finger was pressed on the phone, and Han Zirui in front of him suddenly looked back at her and landed on her hand again, "It's meaningless when you call for help. Yes, this 'city that never sleeps' has a signal shielding function."

Xia Yumo was startled, took out her phone and looked, and there was a particularly eye-catching red cross at the signal position, which made her dizzy!

"You are ruthless!"

Han Zirui smiled, "There's no way, it's because of the living environment."

If he is not ruthless to others, then others will be ruthless to him. How can that be? !
The last hope was also cut off, Xia Yumo had no choice but to follow behind Han Zirui obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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