Chapter 143 Chopped the two of them

Seeing her eager posture, Ouyang Hanting's eyes sank, he turned and continued walking.

She was very curious, why Han Zirui didn't chase after her, she could guess, Han Zirui brought her to this small auction this time, it was definitely not as simple as asking her to bid, the main target was obviously Ouyang Hanting.

Now that Ouyang Hanting came out to stop her and Jiang Yihan, and Han Zirui did nothing about it, wasn't he afraid that Ouyang Hanting would take her away?
Soon, Xia Yumo knew the reason.

Ouyang Hanting did not pick up the car, but took her back to the private room where the auction was located.

After entering the door, she hesitated for a moment, it was impossible to go back to Han Zirui's side, but Ouyang Hanting's stinky face could kill anyone at any time, if she followed him, she would probably be looking for abuse.

Therefore, she was not sure whether she should follow, so she stood at the door hesitantly.

Han Zirui turned around when he heard the commotion, and when he saw her, he immediately showed a polite smile, "Momo, you're back? Come on, a new round of auction is about to start, hurry up, or your salary will be deducted."

Xia Yumo felt the corners of her eyes twitch uncontrollably.

Ouyang Hanting also looked back at Xia Yumo, "Do you dare to try? Don't forget whose name is registered on your marriage certificate!"

This time, Xia Yumo felt the corner of her mouth twitch again.

Can wages threaten her?Of course not!
The name registered on the marriage certificate... Ouyang Hanting's posture at this time is not like a husband talking to his wife, but more like a master saying to a pet, "Don't forget who your master is".

If she could, she really wanted to chop up these two men!

His eyes swept over Han Zirui and Ouyang Hanting, Xia Yumo suddenly sat on the ground, and no one paid attention.

After Han Zirui was surprised by this, he burst out laughing, this time it was a real smile, different from the formatted smile that hung on his face in the past.

Ouyang Hanting's whole face turned cold, she was provoking him!

The place where Xia Yumo was sitting happened to be at the door. The people who participated in the auction in the private room, except Jiang Yihan who was cleaned up by Ouyang, were all there. After hearing Ouyang Hanting's words, everyone was stunned. After the act of sitting on the ground, I was even more surprised!
Who would believe that Ouyang Hanting's wife is like this, she doesn't pay attention to behavior and appearance at all, but she still doesn't know Han Zirui? !
Those who can come to this private room to participate in the auction are naturally high-ranking and well-known. Of course, they know more or less about the overt and secret festivities between Ouyang Hanting and Han Zirui.

The appearance of Xia Yumo now made them take it for granted that they had found a reason that they thought was sufficient for their various conflicts.

Xia Yumo was also very honored to be given the title of "Beautiful Beauty and Disaster".

Xia Yumo turned a blind eye to the various gazes from the people present, and the old god leaned against the door panel, not feeling uncomfortable at all.

When the third auction started, Xia Yumo felt a little unbelievable.

Because the item in this auction was not displayed before the auction, but after it was displayed now, it turned out to be a diamond necklace!
According to the auctioneer, the chain of this necklace is made of 52 broken diamonds inlaid on the buckle, and the main pendant of the necklace is the world's largest native blue diamond that has not been cut.

(End of this chapter)

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