Chapter 146 You are the same kind of people
Seeing that Ouyang Hanting's expression had loosened a bit, Xia Yumo finally returned her heart.

" did you come here?"

How could he come... Originally, he didn't intend to come in person, and he didn't just panic.When he received the invitation for this small auction, he originally wanted to send someone over randomly to go through the motions.

Because there is nothing he wants here, so there is no need to come in person, even if there is, he can send someone to take pictures.

The reason why he appeared here in person was because he got the news that Xia Yumo had thrown herself into a trap and went to Han Zirui for an interview!

At that time, he was so angry that he almost had the urge to break Xia Yumo's legs!
In other words, he came here for Xia Yumo.

However, he won't tell her.

"Of course I came here to take pictures."

Xia Yumo curled her lips, "But during the auction, you only bid three or four times, and in the end you didn't get anything."

This is too inconsistent with Ouyang Hanting's style!
"Those three guns look good, but they are not practical, and the final transaction price can buy a bunch of them. Of course, I won't take them. As for those tiny devices... Han Zirui has no intention of selling them at all."

Xia Yumo was stunned for a moment, "Is Han Zirui planning to take action at all? Didn't Han Zirui take away those things in the end?"

Ouyang Hanting glanced at Xia Yumo, turned around and pulled up a chair to sit down, "Those three guns and the contents of the two suitcases are sold by Han Zirui himself, do you understand?"

Xia Yumo was stunned for a moment before she came to her senses.

With Han Zirui, he was acting as a babysitter for himself!
At the first auction, he kept increasing the price, just to raise the price to a level he was satisfied with and sell the guns, that is to say, he didn't intend to buy those guns.

The second auction was because he didn't intend to sell those tiny devices at all, so he kept raising the price. When the price was prohibitively high, the things would naturally be kept.

Anyway, the equipment is his own, and he doesn't have to pay himself.

"Okay, even if the first two were done by Han Zirui, what about the diamond necklace? It's unlikely that he was the one who did it too, right?"

She remembered that when the diamond necklace was auctioned, Han Zirui, Ouyang and the brown-haired man didn't ask for a price.

"Of course it wasn't him doing it." Ouyang Hanting raised the corners of his mouth, stretched out his hand and pulled Xia Yumo to his side, and pressed her to sit on his lap.

"Then why don't you bid?"

"Why, are you interested in Tears of the Ocean?"

Ouyang Hanting held Xia Yumo's hands and interlocked her fingers.

Xia Yumo sat stiffly, "Of course I'm not interested, I'm just curious why you guys don't bid."

Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows defiantly, "Because the real Tears of the Ocean is in my hands, my brain is flooded, and I still want to buy the fake one."

After hearing this, Xia Yumo suddenly realized that they didn't raise the price, which meant that they all knew that the tear of the ocean was fake!
When Han Zirui said he was meeting a client, he really was meeting a client. There was no negotiation or contract, and he easily made a lot of money from those bad guys!

"You are indeed old and cunning!"

Ouyang Hanting narrowed his eyes, "Us?"

Xia Yumo pouted, "You and Han Zirui, I suddenly discovered that you are the same kind of people."

Although the appearance looks different, in essence, they are all vicious people with black hearts and black lungs.

(End of this chapter)

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