Chapter 148 The Only Chance


The bodyguard immediately shut up.

Xia Yumo jumped off the chair irritably, and the bodyguard immediately stepped forward to stop her, "Where is Madam going?"

Xia Yumo pushed him away, frowning, "Ouyang Hanting told me to wait for her in a private room, but didn't tell me to wait for him in this chair, and I'm not allowed to walk around!"

The bodyguard did not speak, but took two steps back.

Xia Yumo was upset, and became angry when she saw the bodyguard.

"You, go out and watch at the door."


The bodyguard wanted to say something more, but Xia Yumo couldn't listen to a word, "Get out!"

The bodyguard had no choice but to leave the private room, and Xia Yumo immediately kicked over the chair in front of her!

She hated being watched, it made her feel like a prisoner.

Ouyang Hanting had good intentions, but understanding is one thing, accepting is another.

If it was two years ago, if it was before he used extreme means to lock her up, she would not be so sensitive to this situation.

But now, whenever there is a situation similar to being imprisoned, she will be uncontrollably irritable.

After walking around the private room twice, there was a bang bang sound outside the door, she frowned, subconsciously went to the door and planned to open it to see what happened.

However, before she could hold the doorknob, the door was knocked open from the outside.

Xia Yumo took two steps back in shock, and when she gathered her concentration, she saw that it was the bodyguard just now. His clothes were cut open twice, and blood continued to flow down from the wound.


Xia Yumo was a little stiff, before she could figure out what was going on, the bodyguard suddenly rushed towards her, grabbed her and ran to the bathroom in the private room.

Xia Yumo stumbled from being dragged by him, and quickly entered the bathroom, "Madam, hurry up and hold me tight, or we're all in danger!"

"it is good!"

Xia Yumo had already realized at this time that someone was coming to arrest her!

Without knowing what the other party's purpose is, naturally it's safer to stay by Ouyang Hanting's side!
"What's going on here? Is it someone sent by Han Zirui?"

Xia Yumo hugged the bodyguard's waist. The bodyguard protected her with one hand and held a self-defense dagger in the other.


The bodyguard simply replied, "I don't know who it is either, but looking at the might be..." At this point, he just stopped talking.

Dragging Xia Yumo up to the bathroom window, Xia Yumo looked down from here and trembled.

People don't have wings, so if you jump from the third floor, you won't die, but you may have to lie in bed for the rest of your life!

"it's OK?"

She doesn't have fists and kicks, she's just an ordinary person, it's no wonder she isn't afraid.

The bodyguard said beside her, "This is the only chance, Madam, don't worry, I will definitely protect you."

Xia Yumo thought to herself, you might break a bone, so what else can you do to protect me?

After all, this is not a movie that can fly over the wall.

She couldn't believe that this bodyguard, who had suffered such serious injuries, could still protect her and land safely.

In just a few seconds of her hesitation, there were noisy footsteps outside the bathroom!

Xia Yumo was startled, at exactly this moment, the bodyguard tightened his arms and jumped down.

Xia Yumo was so frightened that she even choked up her voice. She felt the wind blowing into her nose and mouth. Before she could react, the bodyguard had already fallen to the ground before her, and then rolled over a few times, leading her He stood up scramblingly, dragged her and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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