Chapter 153 You Have No Heart
With Ouyang Hanting's ability, it is not difficult to find out that Ouyang Yinuo took her away.

Moreover, even if Ouyang really couldn't find out, Ouyang Yinuo would probably notify him.

Everything here is basically arranged by Ouyang Yinuo in advance.

When she said she was going to divorce Ouyang Hanting just now, Ouyang Yinuo's first reaction was to say to Ouyang Hanting - you lost!

It can be seen that there was a gamble between them before.

As for the content of the game, she could guess it without them telling her.

Xia Yumo's speculation was completely correct, Ouyang Yinuo and Ouyang Hanting had indeed made a bet.

Ouyang Yinuo gave Ouyang Hanting a chance - if, during this conversation, Xia Yumo did not agree to the divorce, then he would no longer interfere in Ouyang Hanting's and Xia Yumo's marriage.

As for the issue of inheriting the family, he can also extend it for another five years, as long as they give him a grandson within five years, everything is easy to talk about.

On the contrary, if Xia Yumo still insisted on divorce, Ouyang Hanting would lose his last chance and must accept the arrangement to divorce Xia Yumo and accept the women he sent over.

No matter who those women finally conceived successfully, they must give birth to the child.

Ouyang Hanting was originally unwilling to gamble on this game. For him, if he wanted something, he had to grab it. As for what the other party thought, it was of course very important, but he would still choose not to treat himself badly.

However, this time, he seemed to be possessed, and he really wanted to know if Xia Yumo would hesitate a bit, if he would choose to stay for him because of getting along these days...

But, what did he see and hear just now?
Every word Xia Yumo said was so firm. It turns out that the idea of ​​divorce has never wavered in her heart, and her eager desire to get rid of him has never been vague!

The fact was cruelly there, no matter how painful or angry he was, he couldn't change it.

In her heart... without him, not at all!

"Xia Yumo..." Ouyang Hanting walked in front of her, and almost squeezed these two words out between his teeth. Compared with his extremely angry tone, his expression was so calm, so calm that it made people chill, " You really have no heart!"

After saying this, he didn't even want to look at her more, turned around and strode out of the study, the door was knocked loudly by him.

Xia Yumo's strength seemed to be drained suddenly, she couldn't even stand still, she took two steps back, but still couldn't stabilize, she sat down on the ground.

Ouyang Yinuo behind the desk, with old eyes like a falcon, watched Ouyang Hanting leave in a rage, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and finally withdrew his gaze to look at Xia Yumo, seemed to be in deep thought, and stood up from behind the desk.

The sound of the cane being poked on the floor finally brought Xia Yumo back to her senses, "You will get what you want, this time, he won't break his promise again."

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Yinuo ignored Xia Yumo and went out with a cane.

Xia Yumo was the only one left in the study for a while, and the surrounding was quiet only the sound of her own breathing.

However, she only felt that her mind was blank.

I was able to get a divorce and be free, but I didn't feel the joy I expected at all. Instead, I felt that my whole heart seemed to be empty.

Gradually, when Ouyang Hanting's last indifferent and determined back came to mind, she suddenly burst into tears uncontrollably!

(End of this chapter)

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