Chapter 164
Seeing that Ouyang Hanting didn't say a word, Xia Yumo was obviously distracted.

"You want to know?"


Xia Yumo nodded.

"Here" Ouyang Hanting pointed to his side face.

Xia Yumo took a sip, "Forget it! Don't take advantage of this opportunity!"

Turning around, he picked up the chicken soup and took a big sip, but soon it was so hot that he stuck out his tongue.

Ouyang frowned, "Why are you so careless!"

After speaking, he took over the bowl and kept stirring the chicken soup with a spoon to let the chicken soup cool down quickly.

"I will do it myself."

Xia Yumo reached out to grab it.

Ouyang Hanting let go of her outstretched hand, "Don't move around, you just woke up, and your injuries haven't healed yet!"

Xia Yumo stared at Ouyang and said seriously, "I'm full of energy now, and the injury is on my left shoulder, not my right hand. It's fine to eat by myself. You also have many injuries on your body, I advise you to go to rest quickly."

Ouyang Hanting didn't think so, "I'm a man, so I should take care of you. This little injury is nothing."

Serious injuries, he has suffered a lot, and after dealing with them, he jumped up to deal with things almost immediately.

His perseverance and endurance were beyond Xia Yumo's imagination.

Xia Yumo saw that he persisted, and knew that he was sure about the matter, and it was impossible to change it, such as divorce.

So, without further ado, "Then let's eat together."

Ouyang Hanting smiled with satisfaction, "It's not too bad."

While drinking the soup, Xia Yumo suddenly asked, "What are the origins of those people who ambushed you? Isn't the racecourse your Ouyang family's territory?"

Logically speaking, it should be very safe. How could someone sneak in and be detrimental to Ouyang Hanting?
Ouyang Hanting's hands that scooped up the soup paused for a moment, and continued to feed Xia Yumo, "Their interesting, if you tell me, you won't know."

Xia Yumo was a little frustrated, of course she wouldn't know about his affairs.

Asking now is just because she decided to enter his world.

But getting such an answer from Ouyang Hanting made her somewhat frustrated and resentful.

Seeing Xia Yumo's face full of disappointment, Ouyang Hanting put down the bowl, "Honey, I don't want you to know too much about these things, you just need to live according to your original mentality."

Xia Yumo pursed her lips, stared at Ouyang Hanting for a while, and finally said nothing, just nodded slightly.

But I smiled bitterly in my heart, do you know, if you want to stay by your side, how can you live with the original mentality?
Just like these few incidents, she didn't want to encounter any of them, but because her husband is him, and because she is known by more and more people as his wife, it is impossible to avoid it. up.

Ouyang Hanting saw her nodding, his eyes darkened, and he didn't say anything more.

After the meal, the servants came in to clean up the mess, and Xia Yumo started chasing people away.

"You haven't healed yet, you'd better go back and rest first."

Ouyang Hanting turned his head and asked someone to bring a bed to Xia Yumo's ward, and lay down on Xia Yumo's dumbfounded expression, "I've decided to share a room with you to recuperate."

Xia Yumo blinked, "Is this bad?

Although it is an advanced ward, it is only suitable for one bed after all.

"I say yes." Turning his eyes, Ouyang Hanting suddenly realized, "Do you mean that it is not good for us to use two beds? Then I will immediately ask someone to change to a double bed."

(End of this chapter)

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