Chapter 167 Fatal Strike

The two walked hand in hand on the farm with wounds all over their bodies. After walking for more than 20 minutes, they saw several red-tiled huts at the end of the lavender ribbon. The pure log color painted in a large area of ​​flowers has a special artistic conception.It looks harmonious and pleasing to the eye.

Xia Yumo had never dreamed of such a dreamlike beauty, and couldn't help but turned to Ouyang Hanting, "The designer of this manor must be a smart person."

Without a heart that loves life, it is absolutely impossible to design such a beautiful manor and create such a fantasy-like pattern.

"Thank you for the compliment, I feel very honored. If I remember correctly, baby, this is the first time you have given me such a high evaluation." Ouyang Hanting raised his chin resentfully, looking very proud.

Xia Yumo was speechless again, "You said you designed this manor by yourself?"

Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows, "Otherwise what do you think?"

Xia Yumo couldn't believe it. In her eyes, Ouyang Hanting was indeed extremely smart. Otherwise, he would not be able to achieve his current position, let alone control so many people.

However, from the beginning to the end, in her impression, Ouyang Hanting was mysterious and cold-blooded, giving people the feeling of being calm and cold.

He was like a demon king sitting in a magic palace, with a dark aura surrounding him, making him evil and hideous.

Even if he always appears with an elegant and noble face, it can't change his iron-blooded nature.

It is impossible for such a person to design such an idyllic picture scroll as beautiful as a fairyland.

How can a person who licks blood at the edge of a knife know what is quiet and peaceful, and what is an ordinary life? !

"I thought... Of course I thought you were lying to me."

Xia Yumo played with the lavender in her hand, "You are suitable for standing on the highest point of the city overlooking, or crawling in the dark night, always ready to deal a fatal blow to the enemy. So..."

"So, you think that apart from the darkness and blood in my heart, there will be no such beautiful scenery like a paradise." [Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you all a family reunion]

When Ouyang said this, people couldn't feel his emotions.

Xia Yumo raised her eyelids and stared at him, although her intuition told her that she should say something nice even if it was a lie.

But she still chose to express her truest thoughts, so she clicked.

Ouyang Hanting laughed ironically, and said after a while, "Actually, your intuition is correct. In my heart... I really don't have such a peaceful and distant picture, because I don't understand life, and I don't know how to live." Know what love is. In my eyes, in my world, there is a conspiracy, a blood trap, and a conspiracy of interests. But... that was before I met you."

Xia Yumo was taken aback, and repeated dumbly, "Before you met me?"

"Yes, before I met you."

As if he didn't want to talk about this issue any more, Ouyang took her hand, "Let's go, our injuries are still there after all, don't stand for too long, it's time to go back and rest. Aren't you tired in the car?"

Xia Yumo nodded, and she was obediently not dwelling on this topic.

The hut is not fancy, but it is spotlessly clean inside. Apart from simple electrical appliances, the furniture is also very simple and practical.

Outside the small house is a wooden corridor, which connects several small houses not far apart.

(End of this chapter)

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