Chapter 172
Speaking of the rotten peach blossom, Ouyang Hanting seemed extremely depressed, and his face became more and more gloomy.

Xia Yumo wrinkled her nose and sighed, "Oh, Han Ting, did you smell anything?"

Suddenly asked by Xia Yumo, Ouyang Hanting sniffed, then frowned, "What's the smell, I didn't smell it."

Xia Yumo held Ouyang Hanting's wrist, "If you smell it again, you will definitely be able to smell it, sour, especially the kind that punctures the nose!"

It wasn't until Xia Yumo said this that Ouyang Hanting realized that she was talking about herself. He couldn't help squinting, and approached Xia Yumo dangerously, "Baby, I think you are itchy? Are you eager for me to give you Scratch?"

Xia Yumo shuddered, and leaned back, "No, absolutely not! It's not that you are too sensitive! I just thought of some stupid things I did when I was in school. You just want to be jealous!"

After hearing this, Ouyang Hanting said domineeringly, "Don't think about the past in the future, only think about me!"

"Okay, I miss you!"

I really convinced him, this can work!
She felt that sometimes he was calm and prudent, but sometimes he was domineering like a willful child!
It's just incredible!How can one person have so many faces!
"I'm sorry, it seems that we came at a bad time?" Dai Lisi's voice came from the door of the restaurant.

Ouyang and Xia Yumo tilted their heads to look over at the same time, only to see Dai Lisi smiling all over her face, still maintaining an elegant and decent manner, walking with a noble aura.

Behind Dai Lisi is Ouyang Jingxian, receiving Ouyang Hanting's gaze, she sticks out her tongue with an innocent and helpless face, those smart eyes seem to be able to speak, silently accusing, as if It was said that Dai Lisi had to come, and it had nothing to do with her.

Ouyang Hanting looked away from Ouyang Jingxian calmly, without looking at Dai Lisi, got up and sat next to Xia Yumo from opposite to Xia Yumo, "Since we are here, let's eat together."

Dai Lisi sat across from them naturally, and Ouyang Jingxian also sat over.

"Aren't you going to introduce?" Dai Lisi asked seeing that Ouyang Hanting didn't intend to speak.

Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, leaned back in the chair, spread his hands on the back of the wide double chair, "You already know, why bother?"

For Ouyang Hanting's lack of face, Dai Lisi was not angry, but smiled tepidly, "I mean, I don't want you to introduce her to me, but I think you should treat Xia Miss introduce me? I guess, she must be very curious about me."

Seeing that Dai Lisi turned the topic to herself, Xia Yumo smiled, then turned to look at Ouyang, "Yes, why don't you introduce yourself?"

She has noticed that both Ouyang Yinuo and the woman in front of her call her Miss Xia.

In other words, none of them recognized her as Ouyang Hanting's wife.

Ouyang Yinuo disagreed, she could understand, after all, she did not give the Ouyang family a lineage reception, as the defender of the Ouyang family tradition, old man Ouyang naturally would not agree.

Regardless of whether this disapproval is reasonable or not, at least old man Ouyang has that position.

So what about this one in front of you?
(End of this chapter)

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