Chapter 182 Feeling Distressed
"Yeah, it's really not too much. Co-author, in your eyes, I never respect your personality, don't give you freedom, don't respect your privacy. Co-author, you love me and treat me as your everything, these You will be violated, but when you sold yourself to me for Jiang Yihan, you didn't lose any dignity, freedom, or privacy, right?" Speaking of this, Ouyang Hanting was sarcastic again. Another self-deprecating smile, "Xia Yumo, in your heart, what am I?"

After saying these words and Xia Yumo who was struck by thunder, Ouyang Hanting left without looking back!

Xia Yumo suddenly felt very powerless, she did not expect Ouyang Hanting to think so after hearing her words.

He will compare himself with Jiang Yihan again!

However, they are not comparable at all.

She is no longer the young girl she was at the beginning, and she is no longer the courage she was at the beginning.

Loving someone and receiving such a blow made her no longer able to give up the whole world for one person desperately like she did back then.

Seeing Ouyang Hanting racing away, Xia Yumo tightly clenched his fingers together.

Finally, she exhaled very lightly and walked slowly along the sidewalk beside the main road.

After walking aimlessly for a long time, she suddenly sat on the curb and looked up at the sky.

Ouyang Hanting's words kept twisting and turning in her ears, hitting her mind, and she couldn't shake it off.

She reached out and rubbed her forehead, and suddenly someone called her, "Momo, why are you here?"

Hearing the sound and turning around, he saw Lin Jie'er walking over pushing a stroller.

"Oh, I'm tired from walking, so I sat down and rested for a while."

While speaking, he got up and smiled at Lin Jie'er.

Lin Jie'er looked at her and frowned, "Momo, did something happen to you, your complexion looks so bad, did you see a doctor?"

Xia Yumo was taken aback, then touched her face, "My complexion is bad?"

"En." Lin Jie'er nodded seriously, "The whole face is as white as if it had been covered with lime."

"Oh, it's okay, maybe it's because I haven't rested recently."

Lin Jie'er looked at her seriously for a moment, and didn't know whether she believed her words, so she just said, "Well, let's go, we haven't seen each other for a while, come to my house to have a light meal and have a good chat."

Xia Yumo thought for a while, then asked hesitantly, "Will it be inconvenient for me to go, Shao Kai should be here?"

Even though her friend and Shao Kai had reconciled, Xia Yumo still couldn't like Shao Kai.

"He...has been on a business trip recently and hasn't come back for a few days. He will probably be busy for a week or two, so don't worry, it won't be inconvenient."

Xia Yumo looked at Lin Jie'er's reddish complexion and happy expression, and some good words were stuck in her chest and she couldn't say them out.

On second thought, maybe Shao Kai really reformed himself.

After all, Xia Yichen was no longer in the country, and Lin Jieer gave birth to him again, so it was the wisest choice for him to turn around and do the same.

Thinking of this, she suppressed those words and did not say them.

Xia Yumo followed Lin Jieer to her house. After entering the door, Lin Jieer coaxed the child to sleep, but she didn't see anyone in the living room when she came out. She was a little puzzled and turned her head to look at the balcony, only to find that Xia Yumo was covering her hands. The coat stood on the balcony blowing cold wind.

The back looked a little bleak and lonely, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for Xia Yumo.

(End of this chapter)

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