Chapter 187

"Did you catch the signal?"

Ouyang Hanting stared at the computer in front of Chu Han, and asked with cold eyes.

Chu Han shook his head, and habitually pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "The signal disappeared at the entrance of Mingxiu Road next to the square, and it never appeared again."

Ouyang Hanting clenched his fists, "The phone can't get through, and the signal has disappeared." His face suddenly became very serious, "Something happened to her!"

Chu Han also had a faint premonition in his heart, and he was shocked when he heard Ouyang Hanting say it, "But who will stare at her?"

After finishing speaking, his expression became serious again, there were too many people who could keep their eyes on Xia Yumo.

Except for those who care about Xia Yumo themselves, any enemy of Ouyang Hanting may attack Xia Yumo!

Ouyang Hanting had a cold face, but the words he said seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, "This worry-free woman!"

He was very annoyed, annoyed that Xia Yumo always made him nervous, and also annoyed that his calmness value dropped sharply when encountering Xia Yumo!

If Xia Yumo hadn't been left behind in a moment of excessive anger, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened!
She always has a way to make the self-control and rationality he is proud of come to naught!

Chu Han looked at Ouyang Hanting's gloomy face, feeling a little surprised.

He and Ouyang Hanting have known each other since they were ten years old. Apart from business affairs, he and Ouyang Hanting are brothers who share life and death together.

This is also the reason why he has considerable weight in front of Ouyang Hanting.

After getting along for so many years, he naturally knows Ouyang Hanting very well.

Ouyang Hanting has an unusual feeling for Xia Yumo, he already knew, otherwise Ouyang would not have been shot because of Xia Yumo.

However, Ouyang Hanting's recent reaction still made him worry.

For Xia Yumo's sake, it's fine for Ouyang Hanting and Ouyang Yinuo to fight. If you mess up your mind and reason, it's too easy to make mistakes.

People like them are the least able to act emotionally, and the least able to make mistakes.

A slight difference could result in death.

Therefore, he had to worry about Ouyang Hanting, and felt that Xia Yumo was worthy of the words "a beautiful woman and a disaster".

"Chu Han"

Ouyang Hanting's voice suddenly became low.

Chu Han immediately returned to his senses, "boss"

Ouyang looked unhappy, "You're distracted."

"I was just thinking, Boss, you have made too many changes for Madam." After a pause, he gritted his teeth and continued, "And this kind of change is not good for you."

Ouyang Hanting's gaze became colder and colder, "You don't need to remind me of these."

Chu Han looked at Ouyang Hanting, "It's true that I don't need to remind you. You have always been the person who knows what you are doing and what you want best. But sometimes, even a sober person will occasionally get confused."

"You mean, I'm confused right now?"

Ouyang Hanting squinted his eyes and stared at Chu Han, the man who had been by his side for almost 20 years.


Chu Han was outspoken, without any hesitation or hiding.

Ouyang Hanting stared at Chu Han quietly, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he scraped his face back and forth several times, then suddenly smiled, "You dare to say such a thing in front of me, but it is indeed the truth."

With a restrained smile, Ouyang Hanting leaned on the desk, folded his hands on his chest, "But even so, I still don't think there is anything wrong with such a change. I have been sober and shrewd for so long, and only when I get confused occasionally do I realize that life is so rewarding Delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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