Chapter 189 Bloodletting You
Xia Yumo turned to look at the boy, "What's the matter?"

The voice was soft and indifferent, without the slightest hint of nervousness or fear.

"You woman is so strange, you are held hostage by us, why don't you struggle and make trouble, aren't you afraid?"

Xia Yumo suddenly felt like laughing, but finally held back, leaned back, and leaned on the seat very relaxedly, her whole body limp, as if her bones had been pulled out.

"Is it because I am afraid that you will let me go?"

The young man raised his eyebrows and said loudly, "Of course not."

Xia Yumo shrugged, "That's it. Since being afraid won't help, and making a fuss won't make you show mercy, then I might as well save my energy. Tell me, besides, I was frozen outside for a long time and left For a long time, I was cold and tired, and I didn't know what to do. You showed up. For me, it was half a savior. Why should I be afraid and angry? Speaking of which, I should thank you very much, and solve my urgent need Ah, you know, I don't have half a dime on me."

Hearing this, the young man felt depressed, but he seemed to be more interested in Xia Yumo. He looked at Xia Yumo with piercing eyes, and commented, "You really are a very different woman!"

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes, as if she knew her before!
She was able to act so calm, thanks to Ouyang Hanting's side, there were too many life-and-death dangers.

She's almost used to it.

It is difficult to be frightened or calm.

"I'm the same as everyone else, let me tell you, I'm very scared now, afraid of death and being hurt."

She said so frankly, but the driver who had been silent all this time couldn't help but glance at Xia Yumo from the rearview mirror.

The man sitting in the co-pilot even turned his head and stared at Xia Yumo carefully.

Xia Yumo finally saw his appearance, and thought to herself, pretty men really like to get together.

The vulgar-talking person in front is actually not bad looking, and he is only in his twenties.

Thinking of coming out to do such a desperate thing at such a young age, Xia Yumo sincerely felt sorry for them.

When the car finally stopped, Xia Yumo couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north.

In the dark night, the speed of the car did not slow down, and it was a miracle that she didn't turn around after walking for so long.

In front of him was a shanty house no matter what it looked like.

He couldn't see the condition of the roof, but from the dilapidated doors and windows that he could see, Xia Yumo knew that the inside was almost comparable to a haunted house.

Sure enough, they quickly brought Xia Yumo into the room.

Compared with the outside, the inside is much better. There are all kinds of sofas and home appliances. Unfortunately, it is too messy. At first glance, it looks like a pig's nest.

As soon as the three of them came in, the earring guy immediately warned her, "If you don't want to be tied up, be self-conscious. Otherwise, I won't be soft because you are different. And, you'd better not think about running away. "Speaking of which, he skillfully juggled the sharp knife in his hand.

The knife was thrown by him, and it spun in circles in the air. Just when Xia Yumo was worried that the knife was blind and might hit her, the man with the earrings caught the knife skillfully and handsomely, "If If you dare to run away, I don’t mind bleeding you at all.”

Xia Yumo flinched, "With the three of you watching, even if I want to run, I have to weigh whether I have the ability, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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