Chapter 193 Pushing Her Into Hell
The fear in Xia Yumo's heart had already been dispelled by her calm and composed attitude. Hearing the kidnapper's response to Qin Liya, she looked at the leader of the kidnappers in surprise. This was the first time she had looked at him carefully.

Taking a closer look, although the leader of the kidnapper did not have the good looks of Long Zai and Ah Wei, nor was he as young as them, he seemed to have a calm and steady aura.

I didn't expect the kidnappers to be so virtuous these days, but Xia Yumo couldn't help but feel emotional when he heard the word "woman" from the kidnappers.

In the blink of an eye, I have already fallen into the ranks of "women", and time really flies.

She and Ouyang Hanting have been married for two years!

"I've done the kidnapping, why are you pretending to be aloof!"

Qin Liya was so angry that she suddenly threatened the kidnappers, "If you don't do it, you will be tortured to death by Ouyang Hanting, let alone a dime! Ouyang don't know Who is it? Let me tell you now, this..." Qin Liya pointed at Xia Yumo, "It's Ouyang Hanting's wife, you kidnapped his wife, do you think they can forgive you?!"

The leader of the kidnappers glanced for a moment, just for a moment, and said calmly, "If we do Ouyang Hanting, we will be spared? Ms. Qin, I advise you to stop talking nonsense and pay the money. , otherwise, we don't mind tying you up to plead guilty to Ouyang Hanting!"

Qin Liya shuddered when she heard that, she didn't expect that things would turn out like this, that the kidnappers would turn around and threaten her.

After all, she has never been involved in real kidnapping, she is completely inexperienced, thinking that hiring people outside is as easy as buying people in her own manor.

This time it was a lesson learned, so I could only endure it, took out a bank card from my bag and threw it to the leader of the kidnappers, saying bitterly, "The password is written on the back."

The leader of the kidnappers turned around and stuffed it into Long Zai's hand, "Go to the nearby cash machine for verification, and then contact me."

Long Zai immediately took the bank card and left.

Looking at this dramatic scene, Xia Yumo didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Thinking that she couldn't stay here for long, Qin Liya immediately sent a text message, and then threw the phone back into her handbag.

About 10 minutes later, the leader of the kidnappers answered the phone. After hanging up, he glanced at Xia Yumo, then at Qin Liya, and said to Qin Liya, "Miss Qin is very trustworthy, and the money in it is a lot. Then we bid farewell and hope to have another chance to cooperate.”

The leader of the kidnappers finished speaking and left.

About 10 minutes later, someone came in again, but they were obviously sent by Qin Liya.

"Bring her to me in the car right away, and we'll leave immediately!"

Although Qin Liya is inexperienced, she is not a fool. She thinks it is safest to change places immediately.

After all, this time she broke ground on Ouyang Hanting's head again, even if she was going to be punished by Ouyang Hanting again, then, before that, she must push Xia Yumo to hell first!
With such a decisive attitude, Qin Liya's mind became surprisingly firm and vicious.

After the leader of the kidnappers came out, he did not leave immediately, but sent out a photo of Xia Yumo that he had secretly taken.

In the photo, Xia Yumo was crouching on the sofa, apparently he took it secretly after entering the room.

(End of this chapter)

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