Chapter 195 Surprised and Surprised
The people in the car in front ran to ask for help, and it can be said that they were hitting her muzzle.

"Help? Don't you see that we are in a hurry?! No time!"

She can hold back not to swear, that's already pretty good.

She has long ears, so she can hear that Qin Liya is very angry now.

But the one who asked for help was an earless person, "Miss, you must help me. The road is so wide. If you don't help, can you fly out along the curb? This is halfway up the mountain."

"You want us to help?" Qin Liya laughed angrily, "Okay!"

"Go down and help him!"

He winked at the person on the co-pilot, and that person immediately understood.

Several people immediately got out of the car to help push the cart, and Qin Liya also got out of the car, standing aside and watching.

The car in the middle of the road was indeed pushed away, but the car was pushed down the mountainside!

Qin Liya's mood suddenly improved a lot, and she turned her head to relieve her anger and said something to the man who asked for help.

But he found that his car suddenly started and rushed over like a gust of wind.

She couldn't stop it even if she wanted to, and besides, the few people in her hand cherished their lives, and they didn't want to lose their lives to stop a car.

Qin Liya screamed that people must stop the car, and she chased after the car for a long distance, but the car still quickly disappeared into the night.

Only Qin Liya was left with disheveled hair, throwing a tantrum at the group of people she called!
In the car, Xia Yumo leaned on the back seat, even though she knew that the car was driven away by a stranger, she couldn't do anything.

The strange thing is that the driver in front didn't seem to notice that there was a kidnapped woman in the car from the beginning to the end.

Speeding all the way, whistling all the way, the sound of the whistle was so clear that it almost overwhelmed the sound of this excellent off-road vehicle in the dark!
Xia Yumo's mood at this time is naturally very complicated, horror, surprise, fear, curiosity, doubt... All kinds of emotions are mixed together, so she can't tell which emotion is stronger in her .

The car drove like this for about an hour, and finally stopped.

The man driving in front got out of the car, quickly closed the door, and then walked away alone. It took more than ten minutes for someone to appear, opened the back door and dragged Xia Yumo out, and then threw Xia Yumo on the back like a sack. Another car continues driving.

Xia Yumo was already shocked to the extreme, but she felt something. After tossing and tossing for so long, she fell asleep in a daze.

When she woke up again, she was woken up by the sound of the car door closing.

When the car door in front of her was opened and she saw the person standing outside the car, Xia Yumo couldn't help squinting her eyes, with deep doubts flashing in her eyes.

"Are you surprised to see me, surprised?"

Han Zirui bent down and hugged Xia Yumo, that kind of princess hugging gesture, indescribably intimacy.

It seemed that Xia Yumo was his favorite. Of course, if Xia Yumo hadn't been tied up, it would look more harmonious and realistic.

Xia Yumo blinked at Han Zirui, then nodded.

Han Zirui seemed very happy to get Xia Yumo's response, and stared at Xia Yumo with affectionate eyes that almost dripped water.

Even though Xia Yumo's hands and feet were already numb from being bound, she could still feel a thick layer of goosebumps forming on her skin.

(End of this chapter)

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