Chapter 204
Xia Yumo also ignored what Han Zirui said, with a look of desolation on her face, a little self-deprecating, "You are right, maybe they are dangerous, Han Zirui arrested me just to blackmail Ouyang Hanting, and Ouyang Hanting... I He and he are people in two worlds. The world they live in is just close to me. It is a thrilling and fatal crisis. However, are you not in danger? I will give everything for you. In the end, in exchange for What is it?"

Jiang Yihan's face turned pale in Xia Yumo's words, but there were countless expressions in his eyes, as if a torrent of water was about to burst out of the embankment. However, he just pursed his lips and silently The expression in his eyes, the words surging in his throat, forced him back little by little.

In the end, there was only one sentence left, "Momo, one day, you will understand."

Xia Yumo looked at Jiang Yihan heavily, closed her eyes for a long time, and when she opened them again, her eyes were already cold, and she even restrained her previous bleak self-mockery, "Let's go, in the future, let's stop asking about each other's affairs." matter."

Jiang Yihan froze for a moment, turned around and left without saying anything more.

His steps faltered slightly.

Han Zirui looked at Xia Yumo and then at Jiang Yihan who was striding away. A deep meaning flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly said to Jiang Yihan, "Young Master Jiang, what did we say before?"

Jiang Yihan's footsteps paused, and his tone was indifferent, "Of course."

Han Zirui smiled, even his voice was saturated with laughter, "That's good."

Looking back, Xia Yumo was still lying on the rattan chair, but with her eyes closed, she looked a bit asleep.

But Han Zirui knew that it was impossible for her to fall asleep.

Sitting down opposite Xia Yumo, she sighed, "It's scary when a woman is heartless."

Xia Yumo didn't open her eyelids, and said flatly, "A man is more terrifying than a woman when he is heartless."

"Really?" Han Zirui said "I never knew about this".

Xia Yumo ignored him.

Han Zirui also leaned back in the chair, but his eyes never left Xia Yumo's face, "I found that although you are not the best looking, the more I look at you, the more I can't look away."

Xia Yumo raised one eye and squinted at Han Zirui, "Are you telling me that you are already fascinated by my looks?"

Han Zirui's smile didn't change, "You can say that. Do you want to divorce Ouyang Hanting and marry me?"

He made the proposal without losing the opportunity, with a look of earnestness.

Xia Yumo suddenly had some doubts, why did she have the illusion of being gentle and refined towards Han Zirui, a gentleman like jade.

In this world, in this era, where does a gentleman come from?Moreover, Han Zirui is a serious schemer!

"Didn't you just say that it's scary when a woman is unfeeling, and you're not afraid that I will be unfeeling to you then?" Xia Yumo raised her chin, her eyes full of provocation.

Han Zirui didn't mind at all, "A man like me is unique in the world. When you get along with me for a long time, you will fall in love with me involuntarily, and you won't want to be unfeeling to me."

It turned out that he was still a narcissist.

Xia Yumo silently added a comment to Han Zirui.

"Well, it is indeed unique, good at disguising, deep in the city, narcissistic and conceited, a wolf in sheep's clothing. It's a pity, no matter how awesome you are, you are not my kind of food, so just talk about everything."

What Xia Yumo said was not polite at all.

(End of this chapter)

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