Chapter 208
After saying that, she suddenly felt that Ouyang Hanting's aura turned cold, and then she heard Ouyang say, "I don't know where to go, or you don't want to go? If you don't want to go, then you can stay here."

The voice is cold and indifferent, which can freeze a person to death.

Xia Yumo pursed her lips, and immediately trotted over, following Ouyang Hanting closely.

Seeing her eagerness, Ouyang Hanting's face was originally cold, but now he couldn't help but feel warmer, and the corners of his mouth curved upwards slightly.

After getting into the car, Ouyang Hanting immediately rushed out of the villa.

When they reached the gate, the people in the guard room did not open the door, but Ouyang Hanting's speed did not decrease, but increased sharply.

Xia Yumo was startled, "Hey, stop quickly! The gate hasn't been opened yet!"

Ouyang Hanting didn't even look at Xia Yumo, his eyes were fixed on the front, but he said lightly, "Do you think that after parking the car, the people in the guard room will open the door when they see you in the car? Shut up now and lie down." Down!"

Xia Yumo knew Ouyang Hanting's plan no matter how dull she was, and she wasn't really dull.

His heart was raised in his throat for a moment, and seeing Ouyang Hanting's resolute brows and calm breath, he obviously had a plan in mind, and he suddenly let go of his raised heart.

I don't know why, but I feel very relieved.

The speed of the car reached the extreme in an instant, Xia Yumo quickly bent down, lay on the back seat, and clasped the seat firmly with both hands.

In the blink of an eye, there was only a huge "clang" sound, and at the same time, the car body vibrated violently, as if it was thrown out and landed with a bang, accompanied by harsh creaking sounds, and many other sounds mixed together.

Xia Yumo was startled and couldn't tell the difference, she just felt that the sky and the earth were spinning, and between the ups and downs, the bones were almost broken.

Strangely, after such a violent impact, the car ran fast again without any abnormality.

When she finally got up, she saw a crack in the glass of the front of the car, but nothing else was wrong.

Of course, this is only from the inside of the car, she doesn't know what it looks like.

Looking back, I saw several cars chasing after him, but Ouyang Hanting's driving skills were exceptionally good. He drove the car like a racing car, and quickly threw off the chasing people.

"It was you who used tricks to distract Han Zirui?"

The fire in the underground warehouse must have something to do with Ouyang Hanting. Moreover, seeing Han Zirui's anxious look when he left and the huge movement after the fire, there must be something very important in the underground warehouse!
Ouyang Hanting glanced at Xia Yumo through the rearview mirror, but did not speak.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the car became a little cold.

Xia Yumo felt that the air was getting colder, and suddenly remembered that Ouyang Hanting was afraid that he still hadn't calmed down by now.

They broke up before!
Ouyang Hanting didn't speak, Xia Yumo also shut up embarrassingly, and didn't speak anymore.

All the way down, no one had the intention to speak again.

"get off"

When the car stopped, Xia Yumo was stunned for a moment. They didn't go back to the villa, but stopped in the parking lot of a high-end residential area.

Xia Yumo looked at Ouyang Hanting suspiciously. Ouyang Hanting's expression was cold, just like when he was at Han Zirui's house.

I knew when to ask, but I couldn't get an answer, so I stopped asking.

He asked to get out of the car, then get out of the car.

The elevator stopped on the fifth floor, but Ouyang Hanting remained silent. As soon as the elevator door opened, he walked ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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