Chapter 211

But suddenly an alarm bell sounded in his mind, Xia Yumo was a person who would take the soft but not the hard, if he was tough, it would make them run in the opposite direction.

In an instant, the gloom and coldness on his face receded, and he raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Send you away? I won't, then I lost my wife and lost my army? I put all my heart on you, drive away You, you can't take back my heart, how can you do this kind of loss-making business?"

Xia Yumo was so angry that she shook her hands, "Let go!"

"Don't let it go!"

"Don't you think I'm making trouble?"

"Suddenly I feel that there is nothing wrong with you making trouble!"

"Don't you want to talk to me?"

"Did I say I didn't want to talk to you?"

I didn’t say anything, I did it with actions!

Xia Yumo's face darkened, and she didn't want to continue talking to Ouyang Hanting.

Ouyang Hanting coaxed in a good voice, "Hey, let's not be angry anymore, come on, continue eating."

When it came to eating, Xia Yumo burped a lot, her anger couldn't stop, "If I don't eat, I'm full of gas."

"Then come and watch me eat"

Not only did Ouyang Hanting not let go of his hand, but he put his arms around Xia Yumo's waist and dragged him into the restaurant.

Xia Yumo struggled with him, but in terms of physical strength, she was more than one level behind Ouyang Hanting.

Therefore, he was easily dragged to the restaurant by Ouyang Hanting.

Pulling out a chair, he pressed Xia Yumo on the chair, bent down and kissed her on the side of her face, before Xia Yumo could get angry, he immediately pulled away, "Baby, be good, don't be angry, even if you are angry , and wait until night."

"Why should I wait at night? Can the time to be angry be postponed?!"

Xia Yumo turned her head viciously, staring at Ouyang behind her.

Ouyang smiled, "It can't be postponed and the outbreak will happen at night. You can punish me however you want."

Xia Yumo frowned, then raised her eyebrows, always feeling uncomfortable with his smile.


"Of course it's real, more real than real gold."

Of course Xia Yumo didn't believe it.

Ouyang Hanting saw her suspicion, and immediately promised, "I swear, if you still feel angry at night, I will give you my whole body, and you can vent it as you like."

Xia Yumo narrowed her eyes, "Why do you always think you have a conspiracy?"

"What conspiracy can I have?"

No wonder there is no conspiracy!

Xia Yumo snorted in her heart, but she did not reject Ouyang Hanting's proposal, which was regarded as her acquiescence.

The atmosphere between the two finally eased up a bit.

Ouyang took the bowls and chopsticks again, and filled himself with rice. Seeing that Xia Yumo was lying on the dining table, not intending to eat any more, he couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes at him, "I'm not hungry. Besides, I'm very angry now, and I'm afraid I'll accidentally choke to death while eating."

Ouyang Hanting was angry and funny, "Okay then, I will eat if you don't. I'm already hungry."

Xia Yumo snorted coldly, "I don't think you're hungry at all."

If you are hungry, can you bear it until now?
"I'm not only very hungry, but also hungry and thirsty." Ouyang Hanting finished speaking without changing his expression, and gave Xia Yumo a meaningful look. [Internet disconnected today, it will be later]

Xia Yumo trembled from the look in his eyes. Why did she feel that when he looked over, she seemed to have no clothes on at all?

When Ouyang Hanting was halfway through eating, Xia Yumo suddenly asked, "How do you know I'm in Han Zirui's hands?"

Ouyang Hanting's hand holding the vegetables paused for a moment, his eyes glanced at Xia Yumo's earrings, and then he continued to pick up the vegetables as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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