Chapter 216
When the man heard this, his body stiffened and he didn't make a sound.

Ouyang Hanting was neither in a hurry nor annoyed, and said slowly, "This is the last chance I've given you. You should know that even if you don't tell me, I still have ways to get evidence from other channels."

The man still didn't speak, but his breathing became much heavier.

At this time, a person came in from outside, leaned over and whispered something in Ouyang's ear, Ouyang immediately smiled, "Bring him in, let her appreciate it."

After a while, a person was pushed in from the outside, probably because of too much strength, and when he was pushed in, the whole person fell to the ground and rolled several times.

Ouyang Hanting did not move in his seat, his eyes were fixed, and he stared at her for a while without blinking.

"Miss Qin, we meet again."

The person who was pushed in was Qin Liya.

Hearing Ouyang Hanting's voice, Qin Liya suddenly raised her head to look at Ouyang Hanting, terrified in her eyes, regardless of her nearly crippled hands and feet!
"why you?!"

Ouyang Hanting bent his lips coldly, "Why can't it be me, when you decide to attack Xia Yumo, you should think about now, shouldn't you?"

Qin Liya's body froze, and she immediately understood that Ouyang Hanting was standing up for Xia Yumo!

"What do you want? If you get hurt, the Qin family will not let you go, my brother... my brother will never forgive you!"

Hearing Qin Liya's threat, Ouyang Hanting suddenly laughed twice, "It turns out that you dare to do it because of this... Originally, I thought you were quite courageous and dared to break ground on my head. Said, I decided to let you see with your own eyes how the Qin family is gone, and I want to see with your own eyes why your elder brother is unforgiving. "

Listening to Ouyang Hanting's words, Qin Liya suddenly felt trembling. Although what Ouyang Hanting said hadn't become a reality, she suddenly felt cold in her bones, and she didn't doubt that Ouyang Hanting could do what he said. .

At this moment, she suddenly realized that she had provoked the last person she should not have provoked.

He just looked up at Ouyang's stern face, and didn't see the ferocious expression, but felt that he was three points more terrifying than the devil!
If I wanted to speak, it just got stuck in my throat, and I couldn't make a sound at all.

A muffled cough suddenly came to her ears, waking up the terrified Qin Liya, her gaze turned to the opposite side.

It was also at this time that she saw a person nailed to the opposite wall.

It is said to be nailed, without any moisture.

The man was covered in wounds, chained to the wall and kept standing.

The wound was not so deep, but there was a lot of blood on the clothes, some dried and some fresh.

"You seem frightened?"

Ouyang Hanting stood up, and said slowly, "I've never been very willing to attack women, but if this one doesn't know the times and keeps bumping into the muzzle of the gun, I don't mind torturing her. Miss Qin see Go up, very interested in making an exception for me."

Qin Liya was so scared that her face turned pale. Seeing Ouyang Hanting approaching her, she took two steps back trembling, "I... I know I was wrong, Master Ouyang, please let me go! I was wrong!"

"Let you go?" Ouyang Hanting stood firm in front of Qin Liya, "Did you consider letting her go on the day of Mr. Qin's birthday and when you sent someone to tie Xia Yumo?"

(End of this chapter)

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