Chapter 219 is on purpose

Just as she was about to take out her wallet from her clothes, Ouyang Hanting's voice suddenly came from the bathroom, and the splashing water stopped.

Xia Yumo was startled, her hands shook, and her clothes suddenly fell to the ground.

He took a deep breath, stabilized himself, picked up his clothes, put them aside, and fled back to the bedroom before daring to breathe loudly.

"Baby" didn't get a response, so Ouyang Hanting raised his voice and called out again.

Only then did Xia Yumo agree, pretending that she had just come out of the bedroom, and her footsteps were deliberately heavy.

The purpose of course is to make Ouyang Hanting think that she just came out of the bedroom, "What's wrong?"

There was a moment of silence in the bathroom, and Ouyang Hanting's voice sounded again, "I forgot to bring a change of underwear, please bring it in for me."

Xia Yumo's face darkened, and she was annoyed, "Did you do it on purpose?"

"That's right, it was intentional," Ouyang Hanting confessed.

"Anyway, you have exhibitionism, and it's not like you haven't been naked before, so it's better to stay naked." Speaking of this, it seemed to be aftertaste, and he said intentionally, "Well, when you are still naked, you are more naked." Take a look."

Suddenly there was no sound inside, Xia Yumo raised her eyebrows, and was about to say something, when she heard the sound of water again.

In fact, Xia Yumo was just playing lip service. Seeing that Ouyang was not talking, she couldn't help curling her lips and went back to search in the closet in the bedroom.

When she opened the closet, she realized that there were a lot of clothes in the closet. The point was that there were not only men's clothes, but also women's clothes.

Her eyes suddenly fixed, and her wrist seemed to be frozen.

Here... Ouyang Hanting should be a regular resident, right?Even if those women's clothes are new, it also shows one thing, that is, there are women patronizing here.

Or...women often patronize?

So... where does she rank?
In front of her eyes, the text message in the mobile phone and the photo attached to the text message appeared uncontrollably. She suddenly slammed the door of the closet, turned around suddenly, and there was someone standing behind her, which made her scream!
When she saw Ouyang Hanting standing behind her, her entire face was terribly dark, with some inexplicable anger in her eyes, she raised her voice and said almost sharply, "Are you a ghost? There is no sound at all. Walking with floats, it scares me to death! Do you know that people scare people and scare people to death!"

Ouyang Hanting didn't expect Xia Yumo's reaction to be so strong, and just now she looked at the frozen clothes in the closet, she was a little puzzled, "What's wrong with you? You're so angry all of a sudden?"

Xia Yumo stared at Ouyang coldly. At this moment, he was only wearing a bath towel around his waist.

There are still drops of water on his body, and his hair is even more wet and dripping with water.

In this kind of cold weather, even if there is heating in the house, it is still chilly to come out of the bathroom like this.

But this man, probably because of his physical strength to a certain extent, didn't even mean to be cold at all.

"It's okay, I was just scared by you." When she glanced at the marks of the gunshot wound on Ouyang Hanting's body, her heart suddenly ached, and her tone softened.

"Really?" Ouyang Hanting came over, sat lazily on the edge of the bed, and squinted at Xia Yumo from the corner of his eyes, "Why don't I think this is the case?"

"Then what do you think is going on?"

Xia Yumo was annoyed, she stretched out her hand and slammed the other door of the wardrobe shut with a bang.

(End of this chapter)

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