Chapter 222 No energy to get angry

At this time, Xia Yumo was staring at the phone with full attention.

Above is a chat page.

Ouyang stared at it for two seconds, narrowed his eyes, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and quickly disappeared, and said softly, "Who are you talking to, so focused, my husband has been back for a long time, and you didn't notice ?”

Xia Yumo trembled, and turned her head abruptly, "You...are you leaving?"

Ouyang Hanting turned to Xia Yumo and put the breakfast on the coffee table, "Can't you come back after you leave? This place is different from the villa, there is no special person to prepare breakfast for you. If I don't come back, your breakfast is Don't you plan to eat it?"

Xia Yumo closed the phone page and did not speak.

"Let's eat." Ouyang Hanting pushed a breakfast across from Xia Yumo.

Looking at that share of milk, Xia Yumo wanted to strangle Ouyang to death.

"I'm not hungry."

"You have to eat even if you're not hungry. For the sake of taking care of your stomach, you have to eat."

Yes, I really take good care of her. I know she hates milk, so I serve her with milk every day.

Xia Yumo complained silently in her heart, but still refused, "I'm really not hungry."

Ouyang Hanting glanced at her without saying a word, and took his breakfast back.

Xia Yumo breathed a sigh of relief when he quickly opened the milk cup, inserted the straw, opened the lunch box, and pushed it in front of her again, "Eat quickly. If you don't cooperate, I don't mind personally Hey you."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and opened his breakfast, halfway through the type, and then suddenly added, "The mouth-to-mouth kind."

Xia Yumo felt nauseous, and resigned herself to filling her stomach with breakfast.

After breakfast, Ouyang Hanting started to light a cigarette. Xia Yumo knew that Ouyang Hanting was not a diligent smoker. When he smoked, he was usually thinking about something or in a bad mood.

She doesn't like the smell of cigarettes very much, so she couldn't help but say, "Stop smoking, it's not good for your health."

Ouyang Hanting raised his eyelids, "Are you concerned about my body?"

"of course."

"Well, that's good." Ouyang Hanting snuffed out the smoke obediently.

But Xia Yumo always felt that there was more to come.

Sure enough, Ouyang said, "Since you care so much about my body, you certainly don't want to see me sad and unhappy, right?"

Xia Yumo stared at Ouyang without saying a word.

"Let's talk openly and honestly."

"Talk about what?"

"Just talk about why you are angry with me, and talk about this mobile phone and handbag by the way."

"I'm not angry, mobile phone and handbag... what's there to talk about?"

"I'm not angry and suddenly treat me lukewarm? Mobile phone bag...Who gave it to you?"

Xia Yumo was taken aback, "Didn't you ask your bodyguard to give me your phone and handbag? As for being angry... who is angry with you. I don't have so much energy to be angry with you!"

After hearing Xia Yumo's answer, Ouyang Hanting's eyes sank, "Which bodyguard gave it to you?"

"The one who is always by your side to protect!"

Ouyang immediately dialed a phone number, and a bodyguard came to him after a while.

"Is it him?"

Xia Yumo glanced at the bodyguard, who was the one who gave her something yesterday, so she nodded, "That's right, it's him."

The bodyguard was startled, immediately frowned, and retorted neither humble nor overbearing, "Ma'am... I didn't give you anything at all yesterday."

Xia Yumo was astonished, "How is it possible, it is clearly you! You said that Ouyang asked you to return the handbag and mobile phone to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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