Chapter 225 You are welcome
However, Dai Lisi was obviously taller than anyone Xia Yumo had met before, she didn't have any seizures at all, and the gloom only lasted for a moment.

"Miss Xia seems to know me and Ting's past very well?"

"It's up to me whether I understand or not. If you came to me this time just to talk about this, it's over now, and there's no need to continue the meal."

After speaking, Xia Yumo got up and left.

Dai Lisi raised the corners of her eyes, maintained a smile, and quietly watched Xia Yumo leave.

I originally wanted to make a peaceful deal with you, but now it seems impossible, so don't blame me for being cruel...

When we came out of the restaurant, it was overcast and windy outside.

Compared with the warmth inside the restaurant, it is so cold outside that people can't help but miss the warm bed.

Xia Yumo wrapped her coat tightly, but she couldn't help shivering, and then she sneezed loudly.

After sneezing, she murmured to herself, "Someone must have scolded me behind my back again!"

After walking a few steps, Dai Lisi also came out, wearing a gorgeous mink fur coat, which made Dai Lisi look even more extraordinary.

"Miss Xia might as well think about it for a couple of days. After thinking about it, you can call me anytime at that number."

After speaking, he smiled at Xia Yumo, the corners of his mouth curved perfectly.

Then got into the sports car.

Xia Yumo curled her lips subconsciously, and then white snowflakes floated in the gloomy sky.

Under the gloomy sky, snowflakes are wanton.

Even in the city, there are not too many people on the road.

There are many high-rise buildings around, and too many people are locked up, either because of work or other reasons.

In short, apart from passing vehicles, there are very few people like her walking around on foot.

It's not a good weather for shopping.

Xia Yumo pulled the clothes on her body and wrapped herself tightly, but the chilly wind still penetrated her neckline.

Pieces of snowflakes fell on the neck trickily, and the coolness kept invading the bottom of my heart.

After walking alone for a long time, she felt a little tired, so she raised her head and looked around, wanting to find a place to rest for a while.

At this time, a car slowly leaned against the side of the road and stopped in front of her.

Xia Yumo didn't pay attention at first, but when the car window came down, she squinted her eyes, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

“What a coincidence”

She smiled first.

"It's a coincidence." Jiang Yihan got out of the car and opened the door, "Come on, I'll see you off."

Xia Yumo looked at Jiang Yihan's high-end car, then at her snow-stained feet, then raised her eyebrows, "Aren't you afraid that I will dirty your precious car?"

Jiang Yihan froze for a moment, Xia Yumo like this reminded her of the past.

When she didn't marry Ouyang Hanting for him, the way they got along was actually very strange.

In other words, he was very tolerant towards Xia Yumo, and Xia Yumo would never hide her domineering and willful nature.

The current Xia Yumo... seems to have returned to her previous appearance, but there is indeed something different.

And this kind of difference, he can feel it but can't express it.

"Of course I'm not afraid. Even if you ruin it completely, I won't feel bad. It's an honor to be ruined by you."

Xia Yumo smiled, "Then I won't be polite."

She is really tired, and there are some things that really need to be asked.

Whether it was a real coincidence this time or Jiang Yihan did it on purpose, it doesn't matter.

(End of this chapter)

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