Chapter 227
Even if his life experience was revealed, even if she married Ouyang Hanting...they were not defeated.

However... when did it start... the solid relationship between them also fell apart?
"Yihan, you gave up first."

"I didn't!" Jiang Yihan frowned and growled with deep anger.

Xia Yumo's eyes were warm and cool, with a keenness that penetrates everything, "Really? Maybe you will say that everything you do is forced, and everything is for me. You will tell me, if it is not Mr. Jiang forced you to threaten you, you will not do those things to confuse him and hide it from his eyes"

Jiang Yihan listened quietly, his eyes fixed on Xia Yumo's body without any intention of turning away.

Xia Yumo was watched by him calmly, but the words in his mouth were extremely smooth, without any pause.

"However, Yihan, have you forgotten that we know each other best. You are the kind of person who can't force you to compromise if you don't like it... It's like the marriage between Miss Qin and you. If I remember correctly, you were able to get married a year ago, right? But because you didn't want to, you can postpone the wedding until now. And Qin Liya has nothing against you. To you, your father In fact, there is no deterrent effect. Even if there is, it is very small. As long as you want, you can make him unable to threaten you. But you didn't do that in the end..." Many things, when she When I'm in it, I don't want to think too much, I would rather stay in that dream all the time than burst that colorful bubble.

Now, she had to wake up from the dream, even if the bubble didn't burst, it would have already shattered, so she could only wake up and see everything clearly.

Jiang Yihan didn't speak, just listened to her silently.

"You are also someone who understands me, so you should also be very clear that no matter what you say or do, I will never look back. Now that I have woken up from the dream, I will definitely not plunge into it again. Jiang Yihan, we are over, from the moment you choose to hate and give up our relationship, it is completely over!"

Jiang Yihan was shocked, and an incredible light flashed in his eyes.

It seemed that she didn't understand why Xia Yumo knew what was on his mind.

Xia Yumo caught his expression in his eyes, and suddenly felt very bleak.

As expected, she is the person who understands him best...but he never seems to know that she understands him so well.

"You don't have to wonder how I know the hatred in your heart. As I said, we are the people who know each other best. We have known each other for so many years. How can I not feel the hidden resentment in your heart?"

When others are loved by their parents, when others are reunited with their families, they are the ones who are forgotten by the world.

One is an illegitimate child whose father does not love his mother, and the other is a mother whose mother died early and whose father... is better off without...

Jiang Yihan's fingers tightened, almost crushing the steering wheel.

"But, Momo, you can't deny my love for you just because of this."

Xia Yumo raised the corners of her mouth, but didn't smile, "Yes, you love me, but so what?"

Jiang Yihan was stunned.

Xia Yumo ignored his battered look and continued, "I don't love you anymore. I don't love you in this life, and in the next life and the next life, I will never love you."

"Yihan, let's stop here."

(End of this chapter)

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