Chapter 229 Interested Things

The smile on Dai Lisi's face seemed to have froze for a moment because of Ouyang Hanting's words, but it was only for a moment, and she raised her head as if nothing had happened, and said calmly, "Ting, you are still so arbitrary and domineering, and you are still so cold Ruthless, but that's what I love about you."

Hearing her talk about love, a sarcasm flashed in Ouyang Hanting's eyes, cold and unfeeling, "There are too many women who love me, but I only give my heart to one person, and that not you. Dai Lisi The young lady has always had her eyes above the top, so she shouldn't be wronged to be a mistress and meddle in other people's marriages, right?"

Dai Lisi's smile remained unchanged, and she responded leisurely, "No matter how high my eyes are, I'm just a woman. A woman is no different from a fool when she falls in love. It was only after I left you that I realized that I love you so deeply. , so, even if you wrong yourself, it's not impossible. Besides, you don't have to be wronged. "

Ouyang Hanting's smile became colder and colder when he heard it, "Is that so? I'm so honored, but unfortunately, even if you are willing to wrong yourself, I don't want to take it."

After hearing this, Dai Lisi's smile froze, her fingers holding the coffee cup tightened, and she looked at Ouyang Hanting, "Is it because of Xia Yumo?"

"It's more appropriate to call her Mrs. Ouyang." After correcting it, Ouyang Hanting looked at the time, "Since you have nothing important to do with me, then I won't accompany you. Now I have a lot of things to do."

Dai Lisi's complexion was not good, but she didn't intend to attack at all, she just smiled for a while, looked at Ouyang Hanting who stood up, and said slowly, "I asked you here not to reminisce, but to tell One thing for you, one thing you're definitely interested in."

Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows and didn't intend to stop.

Dai Lisi put down the coffee, looked at Ouyang Hanting's back, and said something in a moderate voice, just enough for Ouyang Hanting to hear.

Ouyang paused, and left without looking back.

Dai Lisi didn't move in her seat, and her upright sitting posture didn't seem to have changed at all, but her whole body was filled with a gloomy and cold aura.

She turned her head quietly, watching Ouyang Hanting drive away through the floor-to-ceiling windows, a ruthless and determined smile slowly appeared on the corner of her lips.

In the hospital, Xia Yumo stood by the window of the ward, watching Jiang Yihan chatting with his grandmother.

Grandma was obviously in a very good mood when she saw Jiang Yihan.

Xia Yumo was actually a little strange. I remembered that when Jiang Yihan went to see his grandmother in the small courtyard last time, his grandmother's attitude was not as enthusiastic as it is now.

"Grandma, I'm going to answer the phone."

Jiang Yihan glanced at his mobile phone and said apologetically.

Grandma smiled and waved her hands, "Go, go, it's important. I'm already very happy that you can visit my old lady."

When Jiang Yihan left the ward, his grandmother's smile gradually faded, and she turned her gaze back to Xia Yumo who was standing by the window and had never joined their conversation.

Behind Xia Yumo was the window. Outside the window, the weather was bad, and snowflakes were still falling.

And Xia Yumo's expression was not much better than this gloomy weather.

He couldn't help sighing, and waved to Xia Yumo, "Momo, come here and talk to grandma."

Grandma patted the position beside the bed and said.

Xia Yumo walked over as promised, sat down, and watched what grandma wanted to say, but her words were blocked in her throat, and she couldn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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