Chapter 233
Seeing her reaction like this, Ouyang Hanting felt uncomfortable, but he still stared at Xia Yumo coldly, "What does this expression mean? Am I wrong?"

Xia Yumo stared at Ouyang Hanting quietly. At this time, Ouyang was indifferent and angry, and he could see that he was forbearing.

It's really hard for him to just criticize without any extreme actions!

Xia Yumo suddenly stood up, turned around and left.

"where did you go?""

Seeing that Xia Yumo was about to leave, Ouyang Hanting suddenly stood up from his seat.

"Didn't you say that I found a backing, and now I will find my backing, and I can't let you down, don't you think?"

Ouyang Hanting gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you!"

"You dare to say that. Is there anything I dare not do? Anyway, no matter how I explain, you won't believe it, so just sit on it. You are right, Jiang Yihan is not giving up. If I lose my way now Knowing the return, it is too late to throw him in his arms."

The veins on Ouyang Hanting's forehead twitched wildly, seeing Xia Yumo really turned around and left, with a firm and stubborn back, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Three steps in parallel, stopped Xia Yumo, "Don't go anywhere!"

"Why don't you go? You said that I found a backing. Now I'm going to find my backing. What's wrong!"

Xia Yumo confronted her tit for tat, her eyes were full of anger, but the anger was mixed with grievances, which made her eyes red.

Seeing Xia Yumo like this, what Ouyang Hanting wanted to say was suddenly blocked in his throat, and he couldn't spit it out.

The two stared at each other, neither of them spoke for a while, and the atmosphere was still intensely silent.

After a long time, Xia Yumo suddenly turned around and continued to walk outside.

Ouyang Hanting's eyes moved, without saying a word, he picked up Xia Yumo and walked to the bedroom.

Xia Yumo was not a fool, so she naturally knew that this was not a good omen, so she immediately beat Ouyang Hanting mercilessly.

Ouyang Hanting didn't even hum, his arms were as hard as iron, imprisoning her, and she had no strength left to break free.

Xia Yumo kicked and kicked, but she couldn't help Ouyang Hanting at all. Instead, the wound that had only just healed was aching.

This made her suddenly angry, and shouted, "Ouyang Hanting, if you dare to touch me, I will divorce you! Divorce!"

Originally, Ouyang Hanting was still trying his best to suppress his annoyance, but this sentence was like a pack of dynamite, instantly blowing up the embankment he had so hard to build up with reason to pieces.

His rationality collapsed, and he endured the suppressed anger and resentment, just like a flood breaking a bank, the billowing waves instantly submerged Ouyang Hanting.

"Divorce? Xia Yumo, you really want to divorce, and you really have broken ties with Jiang Yihan! He used you so much, hurt you and abandoned you, yet you still have your heart set on her! Where do you put me like this?!"

Xia Yumo heard his growling voice, like an angry beast, her heart trembled, but when she thought of the MMS and what Dai Lisi said to her, she couldn't help but sneered, "Where are you? Ouyang Han Ting, you think highly of yourself, don't you? I am devoted to Jiang Yihan, that is my business with him, and you don't need to take care of it! In the past, you kept me in captivity and under house arrest, and you used all kinds of means. Do you think that I will really fall in love with you? You are dreaming!"

(End of this chapter)

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