Chapter 246
Ouyang Hanting didn't raise his head, "I probably didn't tell you, I just like old bones, which have a good taste. Next time we'll have an old hen stewed with mushrooms."

Xia Yumo trembled, pointed at Ouyang Hanting and cursed at the pervert.

Ouyang Hanting signed at the end of the document coolly, looked up at Xia Yumo, "It seems that you are full of energy and not tired at all, I think we should do something? For example, warm up exercise ?”

Xia Yumo pulled the quilt and covered her head, "I'm dead, don't disturb my date with Lord Yan."

Ouyang Hanting looked at Xia Yumo who was stuffing himself in the quilt, and smiled so that his brows and eyes stretched out, and the curve of his lips was so gentle that he could drown someone.

About an hour later, Ouyang Hanting finished processing all the documents stacked around him, then got up and walked to the bed, poked the quilt with his hand, "Old woman, get up."

Xia Yumo didn't move.

Ouyang Hanting didn't stretch out his hands to pull the quilt, but said to himself, "Since they're all asleep, I might as well sleep. Anyway, it's getting dark outside, so enjoy yourself while there's nothing else to do."

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yumo suddenly sat up like a dead body, "I didn't fall asleep!"

After speaking, he fell back with a wrinkled face, bared his teeth and glared at Ouyang Hanting, "It hurts so much! I hate you to death!"

Ouyang Hanting muffled a laugh, "Is it really that serious?"

Xia Yumo whimpered and complained, "Why don't you try?"

"I really want to, otherwise, I'll go down and you go up?"

"Go to hell!"

Xia Yumo spat, no matter who goes up or down, she is the one who gets eaten and tortured.

She is very clear about this.

"What should I do?"

"I won't do it in the future." Xia Yumo made a request.

Ouyang Hanting immediately vetoed with a stern face, "This is not acceptable." Then he eased his expression, "How about I give you a massage?"

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes and refused, "No, you think I'm a fool. Just you, you will definitely spark a spark and eat me again!"

Ouyang Hanting laughed arrogantly, "You know me well."

"See through your essence!"

"My essence? What is it?"


After a pause, he corrected, "It's not as good as a beast!"

Ouyang Hanting wasn't angry at all, "Since I'm not as good as a beast, let's do some more things that are not as good as a beast. No matter what, I have to get my reputation right, otherwise I'll be wronged?!"

Xia Yumo's nerves twitched, and she was very sensible to clear up his "grievances", "You are not a beast, you are not a beast. There is no one who is more gentlemanly and manly than you in the world!"

Ouyang Hanting seemed to be very useful, "It's not bad"

Xia Yumo dared not speak out, but could only silently stare at this arrogant, narcissistic and unruly man.

"It's still snowing outside, and it hasn't snowed this much in years. Let's go out for dinner tonight, and you should wear thicker clothes."

When Xia Yumo heard this, she wrinkled her face in distress, "I don't want to go."


Xia Yumo's face suddenly turned red, and it was so bright, "I can't walk, I don't have the strength."

Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows, "So that's the case. What should we do?"

Seeing Ouyang Hanting pinching his chin, Xia Yumo felt hairy all over, knowing that he definitely didn't have a good idea.

He could only endure the discomfort, quickly got out of bed and tidied up, and found a down jacket to put on.

She packed it up, and Ouyang Hanting was already waiting at the door.

Looking at his slender body, Xia Yumo couldn't help but think, he must be a beast in clothes!

(End of this chapter)

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