Chapter 257

Ouyang Hanting's complacent look made Xia Yumo feel particularly conspicuous, and suddenly kicked hard, kicking the snow on the ground to Ouyang Hanting's clean shoes.

Seeing her shiny black leather shoes being ruined by the snow made her feel a little better.

Ouyang Hanting was not angry either, he stomped his feet, "Relaxed?"


"Then what do you want?"

"You agree to whatever I want?"

Xia Yumo snorted angrily.

"Of course not." He looked down at the time, "Should we pick up grandma?"

Xia Yumo sniffed and sneezed again.

Along the way, Xia Yumo was so angry that she didn't want to talk to Ouyang, she turned her face away and looked out the window.

"What are you going to do with Qin Liya?"

When approaching the hospital, Xia Yumo suddenly turned her head and asked Ouyang Hanting.

Ouyang Hanting raised half of his eyebrows unexpectedly, "I thought you were not interested in knowing about this at all."

"I didn't have much interest at first, but this matter has something to do with me after all, so of course we should pay attention to it."

Ouyang Hanting was silent for a moment, and instead of answering, asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Xia Yumo frowned, "You don't really want to... kill her, do you?"

All along, she has been a good citizen who abides by the law. Suddenly, she gets involved with this kind of people. She still can't accept human life like an ant.

"Kill her?" Ouyang Hanting shook his head, "It's too easy to die, it's going to be cheap for her, so of course she can't let her die. It's good to be alive, and only when I'm alive will I know how terrible it is to touch my bad head."

When Ouyang Hanting spoke, no matter his expression or tone, there was no trace of eerieness, but Xia Yumo still shrank, feeling that he was a little more terrifying than the devil.

Sensing Xia Yumo's subtle reaction, Ouyang Hanting narrowed his eyes, "Are you afraid of me?"

Xia Yumo murmured, "I've always been more afraid of you, and it wasn't just a couple of days ago, isn't it strange?"

Ouyang Hanting stretched out his hand and grabbed Xia Yumo's, "Everyone should be afraid of me, but you can't."

"Why can't I be afraid of you?"

"If you're also afraid of me, won't I become lonely?"

Xia Yumo endured it, but couldn't hold back, and finally rolled her eyes, "You think the emperor in the feudal dynasty is still alone!"

Ouyang Hanting stared at Xia Yumo seriously, "I think it's much more pitiful than the emperor."

That look made Xia Yumo's heart shrink, a little distressed and a little helpless.

"Okay, okay, don't be afraid, I'm not afraid of the head office, right?" The words were a little perfunctory, and everyone knew that being afraid was not something that one person could control.

Although Xia Yumo had never really seen clearly what kind of person Ouyang Hanting was in essence, she always encountered the tip of the iceberg when getting along in the past.

It's just that such a corner is enough to make people frightened and tortured. If it is all revealed... Xia Yumo feels that she can only accept it as much as possible. As for whether she can really accept everything about him in the end, She herself doesn't know.

To have the will to do your best is already very strong.And after trying her best, she still couldn't, so she couldn't help herself.

"That's more or less the same." Ouyang Hanting's nervous look hidden in his dark eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by a satisfied smile.

(End of this chapter)

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