Chapter 259 You have something on your mind
"Momo, you are here! Come and clean up quickly, I have been cleaning up for a long time."

Hearing what his grandmother said, Jiang Yihan smiled, "Grandma, this is what I should do, you still see me."

Grandma nodded with a smile, said no more, looked at Xia Yumo with a serious face, "You girl, have you forgotten my old lady?"

Xia Yumo opened her mouth, wanting to explain, but what happened in the past two days made her unable to explain, so she could only shut her mouth again, walked over sullenly, and honestly packed her things.

Grandma naturally noticed that something was wrong with Xia Yumo's condition, but she didn't point it out, she just took the clothes by herself and went to the dressing room to change into the hospital gown.

Only Jiang Yihan and Xia Yumo were left outside.

Xia Yumo didn't speak, Jiang Yihan glanced at the locker room, looked away, and said to Xia Yumo in a low voice, "Momo, you look bad, what happened?"

Xia Yumo shook her head, "It's okay, I just look at the snowy sky and feel gloomy."

Jiang Yihan originally wanted to say something, but in the end he just opened his mouth and didn't say anything.

Xia Yumo stopped looking at him, lowered her head to tidy up everything, and waited for grandma to come out.

In the ward, it became very quiet.

Jiang Yihan looked at Xia Yumo, and opened his mouth first, "I know, you don't want to have anything to do with me. But... Momo, even if we don't want to be lovers, can it be true that we can't even be friends?"

Jiang Yihan stared at Xia Yumo, his eyes were complicated and painful, as if he wanted to say a lot to her, but when those words reached his lips, he swallowed them down.

Finally chose silence.

It's not that Xia Yumo didn't see his expression, and she also knew what he might want to express, but since she decided to break up with Jiang Yihan, she had to do it thoroughly. Listen again.

Whether it's heartless or heartless, she doesn't want to be entangled.


One word seemed to push Jiang Yihan into the abyss again. After his face turned pale, there was only a desolate smile left.

He nodded and stopped talking.

At this time, grandma changed her clothes and came out of the dressing room.

Xia Yumo immediately went over to help her.

The three of them left the hospital, "Wait here, I'll bring the car over."

Jiang Yihan finished speaking and left.

Xia Yumo and grandma stood at the door.

The snow is still falling, and the chilly wind blows snowflakes on the face, which is icy cold.

Xia Yumo adjusted the scarf for grandma, for fear that grandma would catch a cold.

"I'm not cold, but you wear so little, be careful of catching a cold." Grandma looked at her caring granddaughter, her eyes became a little melancholy and worried.

"I'm fine, I'm strong and I'm not afraid."

Xia Yumo smiled and said.

"You have something on your mind." Grandma looked at Xia Yumo and said firmly, "Is it related to Ouyang Hanting?"

Xia Yumo's fingers froze for a moment, but her expression didn't change, "Why, what's on my mind."

Grandma wanted to say something more, but suddenly stopped, looking behind Xia Yumo.

A black car drove towards them silently. Although she couldn't see the people inside, grandma knew who was inside.

After all, it is rare to see such a low-key car without concealing its dominance.

Xia Yumo didn't realize that there was a car coming from behind, she just focused on helping grandma tidy her clothes, and stopped after making sure that there was no air leakage.

(End of this chapter)

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