Chapter 271 The Poisonous Man
Unexpectedly, one day after graduation, when he happily went back to find Xia Yumo, he would see a gun aimed at Xia Yumo.

If it was a little later... He didn't even dare to think about that result.

He shook his head, and didn't tell Xia Yumo what he said, but said, "I thought that I could protect you when I returned to Jiang's house, but I didn't expect that things were far from as simple as I thought. In those years, Ouyang Hanting has been secretly putting pressure on Jiang's family, he didn't act on the surface, but secretly devoured it, I can bear it, but I didn't expect...he would take action against you."

After finishing speaking, his always indifferent eyes revealed the smell of anti-inflammation and anger, but soon that emotion seemed to sink into the bottom of the sea, and he couldn't see it at all.

Looking up at Xia Yumo, seeing her calm face, I immediately understood, but I couldn't help but ask for confirmation, "Since you suddenly remembered this today, then... did someone tell you something? Those things know everything, right?"

Xia Yumo looked at Jiang Yihan in front of her, then nodded, her voice was flat, "I know"

Qin Liya told her all about it.

"I thought I could find the lost Yihan here, but I was wrong."

Jiang Yihan was startled, and a look of disbelief appeared in his eyes.


"I've thought about it for a long time, and I feel that what grandma said is right, a person's life is not only lived by love."

Xia Yumo spoke slowly, with a smile on her face, but Jiang Yihan felt that smile made people feel distressed.

"When I loved you, I was desperate for you. At that time, I didn't ask for anything for the rest of my life, and I never thought about asking you in return. If I really wanted to ask you for something, it would be your wholehearted love. But the result ..."

Jiang Yihan suddenly took Xia Yumo's hand, "You know, it's all for fun!"

Xia Yumo pulled her cold hand out of Jiang Yihan's palm bit by bit, "From the time you started acting in front of me, there is no difference between you and Ouyang Hanting in essence. .”

Jiang Yihan was about to grab her hand, but when he heard her words, his hand suddenly froze in mid-air.

"Now, I don't love you anymore. I love Ouyang Hanting, but I don't have that kind of determination. Loving someone is too tiring. He changes so much that people can't guess what he's thinking. Being with that kind of person, Even if he is sold, he will happily count the money for him." Thinking of Ouyang Hanting's rascal appearance, his cold appearance, his silent appearance... no matter which one, it is full of fatal temptation.

This kind of man is like a drug. It feels good when you inhale it, but it will hurt after a long time!It will be beyond redemption!
Such a man is sorry!

Before, she dared to get close to him and fall in love with him.

But when she learned that she had been calculated by Ouyang Hanting from the very beginning, she suddenly became timid.

She didn't want to be sold one day and count the money for him.

And I don't want to keep guessing Ouyang Hanting's thoughts.

"Momo..." Jiang Yihan frowned in pain.

When he heard Xia Yumo say in such a calm and candid tone that she loved Ouyang Hanting, he felt that his already indifferent heart felt as uncomfortable as if he was about to die suddenly.

"Are we really out of chance?"

Xia Yumo shook her head, without the slightest hesitation, and cut off Jiang Yihan's last trace of desire.

(End of this chapter)

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