Chapter 273 I Hate Him
A little unwilling, and a little helpless, in the end, all the emotions that seemed to be floating up were suppressed by him, leaving only a faint smile.

"You're right, the last Christmas shouldn't have been so depressing."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head, quickly caught up with Xia Yumo, grabbed her, and ran quickly in the snow.

Many middle school students who came to school head on, watched them run hand in hand, and stared at them in unison, as if they were looking at monsters.

The two of them were running out of breath, and when they couldn't run any more, they stopped, holding their knees and gasping for breath.

Xia Yumo simply sat down in the snow, stared at Ouyang Hanting, and said, "Those little boys and girls must think we are going to elope."

After Jiang Yihan heard this, he suddenly raised his eyes, looked at Xia Yumo, his eyes kept changing, and finally raised the corners of his mouth, and suggested, "Momo, why don't we really elope, and go somewhere where no one can find us?" .”

When Xia Yumo saw him say this, her eyes were deep and dignified, and she was stunned for a moment, "Let's elope, where can we go?" After speaking, she suddenly clapped her hands and laughed, pointed at Jiang Yihan, and fell straight down, "One Han, it's a waste of you not to act. The way you looked just now made me think that you would really elope with me, haha..."

Jiang Yihan also laughed. He was panting with his legs propped up, but now he was sitting next to Xia Yumo in the snow, "I also think it's a waste. With my acting skills, I should at least be an Oscar winner, right?"

Even though he said that, there was a bitter feeling in his heart.

Only he himself knew best that when he said that just now, he really wanted to elope with Xia Yumo.

It's fine to go anywhere, even if you hide in a poor mountain.

But he knew that Xia Yumo would not go with him.

She said it was over between them.

But the current self does not have the strength to challenge Ouyang Hanting, even if he cooperates with Han Zirui, he is not sure about it.

After all, Han Zirui is also an unfathomable person, and he seems to be... very interested in Xia Yumo.

Thinking of the way Han Zirui looked at Xia Yumo in Han Zirui's greenhouse last time, Jiang Yihan's mind suddenly moved.

She turned her head and asked Xia Yumo, "What kind of person do you think Han Zirui is?"

Xia Yumo didn't seem to expect that Jiang Yihan would suddenly mention Han Zirui, she blinked, "He..." seemed to be thinking about how to describe it, and after a while, she suddenly let out a breath of gloom, "Smiling fox!"

Smiling fox, the four words made Jiang Yihan laugh, "Momo, your description is really apt." After speaking, he grabbed the snow and rubbed it in his hands, "However, his lethality is much greater than that of a fox."

Xia Yumo pursed her lips, "I don't know if the damage is great or not, but that person...every time I see him, I want to tear his mouth apart."

Xia Yumo said angrily.

Jiang Yihan squeezed the snow in his hands into balls, and because of the heat in his palms, the snow melted into water droplets and fell down.

Hearing Xia Yumo's angry words, she turned her head and gave her a funny look, "His mouth is not easy to tear..." Ouyang Hanting was so powerful that he couldn't tear Han Zirui apart, "You seem to hate him?"

"Not only do I hate it, but I also want to chop him into a meat paste and throw it to the dogs!" As long as I meet Han Zirui, there is never a bad luck!

She frowned in frustration, completely forgetting that it was Han Zirui who rescued her from Qin Liya's clutches last time, even though the purpose was to use her to deal with Ouyang Hanting.

(End of this chapter)

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