Chapter 277
Xia Yumo didn't seem to hear Jiang Yihan's words, she looked at the temple and wondered what she was thinking.

After a while, he said, "Since everyone is here, let's go to the temple for a while."

Jiang Yihan didn't object to walking behind her unhurriedly, probably because of the snow and the fact that the Buddhist temple was built on the mountainside, today's temples are cleaner than before.

In the main hall, except for a few old monks who chanted scriptures, there was no one who came to visit and play.

Xia Yumo turned to look at Jiang Yihan who was standing beside him. He put his hands in his trouser pockets. Because he was wearing casual clothes, he was casual. At first glance, he had the illusion that he had returned to his school days.

"Two Donors"

An old monk stood in front of them holding a stick, with a kind and deep smile on his face, "Marriage is destined, and what is important is just the word 'fate'. Today, the road is blocked by heavy snow and the road is difficult. The two of you are still together." The determination comes, it can be seen that there is an obsession in the heart, do you want to draw a marriage lottery to solve the marriage problem?"

Xia Yumo was stunned for a while, staring at the old monk and uttered, "Master, did you come here through the back?"


Jiang Yihan, who had been wandering all the time, couldn't help laughing, and the old monk's face twitched uncontrollably a few times.

Xia Yumo thought that he was about to explode, but the next moment, the old monk regained his image as a profound master of Buddhism.

"Miss was joking." Shaking the stick in his hand, "Miss, have you made up your mind?"

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes in her heart, thinking that she couldn't come here in vain, so she nodded, "Okay, I finally met an eminent monk, so I have to give it a try!"

Turning to look at Jiang Yihan, "Are you right?"

Jiang Yihan also nodded.

Regardless of whether it is effective or not, it takes a long time to climb up, and you have to bring something back.

Xia Yumo took the stick from the monk, shook it, and dropped a stick.

The first half of a poem is written on it: Guanshan has a long dream and soul, but the fish and geese have less sound and dust.The temples are poor young, just for lovesickness.

Xia Yumo stared at the words and sentences on the sign, and was taken aback for a moment, then pouted, and returned the sign to the old monk, "What does this sign mean?"

"The girl's marriage is so miserable and separated, I'm afraid..." The old monk shook his head, sighed, put the stick back into the stick, and handed it to Jiang Yihan.

Xia Yumo rolled her eyes, this old monk deliberately kept his mouth shut, and stopped talking halfway through, it's really a lie.

She knew that the words on the signature came from Yan Jidao's "Sheng Chazi" and she understood the general meaning, but it was just placed on the sign, so she naturally hoped that the old monk who pretended to be sophisticated would talk about it.

As a result, he made such a move, and he wanted to whet his appetite, but she was not fooled, and instead of asking, she watched Jiang Yihan beside him shake the stick.

Jiang Yihan shook it for a long time before a stick jumped out of the stick, picked up the stick, Jiang Yihan took a look at himself, his eyes changed several times, and finally turned into the usual indifferent expression, and handed the stick to the old monk untick.

Xia Yumo asked curiously, "What did you write on your sign?"

Jiang Yihan shrugged, "It's nothing, it's just a poem."

Xia Yumo raised her eyebrows, "I already guessed that it was a word. All the words on his signature here are copied, and mine is no exception. I am curious about the content of the words on your signature."

Jiang Yihan smiled, "What's there to be curious about, over and over again, that's not what it means."

Speaking of this, of course I don't want to talk about it.

Xia Yumo was also not interested in asking further questions.

(End of this chapter)

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