Chapter 291 The Sad Truth

Xia Yumo only felt a bang in her head, and her head went blank, and then her eyes went black, and she fell into a coma again.

The doctors and nurses were terrified, so they checked her quickly and found that she was just overstimulated and nothing serious, so they were relieved.

Help her take care of her again, and then leave the ward together.

In the dean's office, the dean stood respectfully aside.

An old man sat in front of the dean, holding a cane in his hand, and two bodyguards stood upright behind him.

Even if they didn't say anything, the chilling breath seemed to be able to easily grind people into meat paste.

In the office, no one spoke, the old man was sitting there, and the dean was standing aside, his back felt cold, and cold sweat secretly seeped out.

It wasn't until the door of the office was knocked that the dean took a cautious breath.

"Come in!"

The person who came in was the doctor who was going to Xia Yumo's ward.

"Old Mr. Ouyang, Dean, I have already said what you asked."

Ouyang Yinuo got the reply and stood up, "Very well, remember what to say and what not to say."

Turning around, he said to the dean, "If one day, someone comes to check the truth, just reply according to my instructions, remember?"

"Mr. Ouyang, don't worry, I will do it!"

Only then did Ouyang Yinuo leave satisfied.

As soon as the plague god left, both the dean and the doctor let out a sigh of relief.

Xia Yumo woke up again, three weeks had passed since the Dynasty incident, and the newspapers were overwhelmingly talking about it.

However, the cause of the incident changed from a deliberate bombing to a tragedy caused by a gas leak.

Xia Yumo looked at the newspaper expressionlessly. She didn't believe that Ouyang Hanting was dead, but grandma said that Ouyang was indeed dead. Even the business agent under the Ouyang family has now become Ouyang Jin.

After she was able to move around freely, she ran to the villa to find Ouyang, but the villa changed hands.

I went to the house in the high-end residential area, but the door was locked, and I didn't see anyone for a week.

Ouyang Hanting was withdrawn from her world so suddenly, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find him no matter how hard she searched.

But she still didn't believe that Ouyang Hanting would die like this.

That person has been licking blood for so many years, what kind of battle has he not seen?Since the dynasty is his territory, how could he not notice that someone has made such a big move?

However, she could never find Ouyang Hanting, and without any news from Ouyang, she was not at ease or reconciled!

However, after so many days of searching, she discovered a particularly sad fact.

That is, she and Ouyang Hanting have been married for two years, yet she is not familiar with anyone around him.

Not even a number of the people around him!
I always feel that Ouyang Hanting is domineering and hateful, how about myself?Did you never really pay attention to him?
Realizing this, she suddenly felt that she had failed.

He no longer had the courage to wait at the door, and went downstairs distraught, walking around the neighborhood in a daze.

"Isn't this Miss Xia? What a fate!"

A voice came from behind, Xia Yumo continued walking as if she didn't hear it.

"Momo..." Seeing Xia Yumo ignoring him, Han Zirui changed his address and followed Xia Yumo in reverse.

But Xia Yumo still completely ignored Han Zirui, as if he was just air.

Han Zirui narrowed his eyes, looked at Xia Yumo's dazed look, and was sure that if he just drove over and knocked her into the air, she wouldn't know what happened.

Is Ouyang Hanting that good?Is it worth this elf-like woman to become such a virtue?
(End of this chapter)

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