Chapter 309 Dog Skin Plaster
But thinking of the current situation, he has amnesia, and there is Dai Lisi beside him, and Ouyang Yinuo has never recognized her, she has never appeared in his life for a year.

Even if he told the truth, he wouldn't believe it.

But she couldn't produce any evidence to prove that they were husband and wife.

Because at the beginning, all the marriage certificates were kept by him.

Now, the marriage certificate has been destroyed by Ouyang Yinuo long ago, and their registration information... With Ouyang Yinuo's wrist, it has been wiped out long ago, right?

"What do you think we might be related to?"

Xia Yumo didn't answer, but instead asked a bit sadly and wistfully.

Hearing this, Ouyang Hanting raised his eyebrows, which was a gesture he often did in the past.

Xia Yumo froze for a moment, then turned her eyes to stare out the window.

"I asked first, you just need to answer."

Ouyang Hanting didn't seem to notice her strange reaction, and there was a bit of command in his tone.

Xia Yumo suddenly turned her head and smiled at Ouyang Hanting, "If you want me to answer, you will believe me?"

Ouyang Hanting frowned, "Of course not."

Even though he has an extraordinary relationship with Xia Yumo intuition, he has never been someone who believes whatever others say.

Whether it was before amnesia or now.

He won't be led by the nose.

"Oh, that's it, isn't it meaningless whether I answer or not? If that's the case, why should I bother?"

Ouyang Hanting's eyes twitched, feeling that this woman was very courageous.

There seems to be no one who dares to speak like that in front of him.

Even his fiancée Dai Lisi is a small bird in front of him, and he has to weigh everything he says and does.

If you want to achieve a certain purpose in front of him, you have to use the means of acting like a baby.Even so, the key still depends on whether he is willing to let her achieve her goal.

Xia Yumo went straight, without any scruples... There was no such woman by his side.

He squinted his eyes, his voice was low, and he looked charming in the quiet car, "Really? But I think...with the time you have to say these words, everything that needs to be explained can be explained clearly."

Xia Yumo choked, he thought she was talking too much nonsense!

His complexion was not very good. He knew that Ouyang Hanting was sometimes impulsive, but he didn't expect to lose his memory.

Simply shut up and say nothing.

She didn't say a word until Ouyang Hanting sent her to the community where she lived.

Ouyang Hanting raised his eyes in surprise, "Are you sure you don't want to say?"

"I have nothing to say to you."

Xia Yumo felt a little upset, she frowned and went to open the door.

Ouyang Hanting didn't stop her, it was a surprise to himself that he was willing to send her back.

She didn't like to say it, and suddenly he didn't want to pursue it too much.

After all, he's been very busy recently, and in a few days, it will be his wedding with Dai Lisi.

The car door was slammed shut, and Xia Yumo didn't turn her head back.

But after only ten steps, Xia Yumo paused and looked at the person walking out of the darkness at the stairs.

This man was travel-stained, with a tired look on his face. When he saw her coming, he immediately grinned and showed a big smile.

"Good sister, please take me in quickly. I just came back and I'm about to sleep on the street."

Xia Yumo raised her eyebrows and stared at Ou Jun, "Are you a stray cat?"

"You can think of me as a stray cat."

Ou Jun didn't notice, and immediately came up and hugged Xia Yumo's arm.

He was obviously taller than Xia Yumo by more than half, but he pretended to be weak in front of her, and the picture seemed to have a weird sense of coordination.

(End of this chapter)

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